Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 698 - Six Hundred And Ninety-eight: The Enemy He Has To Get Rid Of

Chapter 698 - Six Hundred And Ninety-eight: The Enemy He Has To Get Rid Of

The third point of view:

"Also, stay away from that girl!"

"W-what?!" It seemed like Akim didn't hear right.

"The girl you were with, today should mark the end of your relationship with her," Judy declared his final judgment, finally letting go of him.

Akim stood dumbfounded, it was as if his father just placed a death sentence on him. How could he stay away from Anika? She was the only person who understood him. She was the only one who understood what it was like to be suffocated here. Why should he stay away from her?

"I'm sorry but I can't do that," Akim said, raising his head to look straight into his father's eyes who looked stunned by his disobedience, "You can punish me for any other thing but Anika? Don't tell me to give up on her because I won't,"

"Akim!" Judy yelled at him, the anger returning. Why was he so stubborn? Everything they were doing was for his safety!

"It's suffocating here!" Akim yelled, beating his chest while his eyes filled with tears, "Do you even know what it's like to watch kids your own age enjoy freedom while you don't?" He laughed immediately, "Of course, you won't understand since you enjoyed an abundance of freedom growing outside the palace and of Lincolnshire," There was a hint of scorn in his tone.

Judy laughed instead, however, there was sarcasm in his tone, "Other kids enjoy freedom? Well, sorry to burst your bubbles but they're other kids and you are the prince of this Lincolnshire and have many responsibilities on your shoulders. So that's the little price you have to pay for bring a prince,"

He went on, "I was raised outside the kingdom? Fine, I admit that. However, do you know the kind of life that exists outside there? A life where only the strongest survive! This life you detest so much, do you even know how many kids your age will kill to be in your position?! So stop being such a baby and behave more like the prince you are!"

Father and son stared into each other's eyes that were cold and hardened, none of them was ready to back down.

"I'm not giving up on Anika," Akim decided there and then.

"Akim!" his mother Emily pleaded with him to reconsider his decision. However, the boy was determined.

He faced his parents, "You told me that I could be with anybody I like and you won't interfere," He reminded them.

"Yes, we said that and still stand by that decision, however, it would not be that girl!" Judy was firm in her decision as well.

"Why?!" Akim couldn't understand his parents anymore. They were becoming something he couldn't understand, "What's so wrong with Anika?!"

"Because her father was one of the rebels!" Judy finally revealed and that shook Akim so much that he unconsciously took a step back.


"Anika was adopted into the Valerie family after her mother committed suicide after her husband was executed for being a participant of the rebellion!"

Akim scratched the back of his head, trying to comprehend what he just heard, "So you're trying to say Anika approached me with ulterior motives?" He couldn't believe it.

"She could be a part of Fiona's revolution, Akim and her motive must have been to get close to you. Fiona has been trying for years to infiltrate the palace and failed, she must have come up with this idea,"

Akim's mouth hung open and then suddenly, he began to laugh hysterically, "So just because she lost both parents to the devastation of the rebellion, you think she's after me? That's she part of the rebellion?"

He glared at them, "You don't know Anika as much as I know her!"

"I see that that girl has finally bewitched you!" Judy clenched his fist at both sides.

"No," Akim said, "She didn't bewitch me, rather she opened my eyes to the things I couldn't see before. And right now, you both are so wrapped up in your fear that you are suffocating us in this safety bubble you made for Jasmine and me!" He yelled at them.

"Take him," Judy commanded the guards who grabbed Akim on both sides without hesitation, "He's grounded and should be locked up in his room for a week till he returns to his senses. The only option to leave his room should be for his princely duties!"

Emily stepped forward, "Don't you think your decision is too -"

"My decision is final!" Judy said and strode away, leaving her speechless and helpless.

On her son's part, he began to struggle with the guards who didn't hesitate to begin to drag him away, "Let me go! Do not touch me! How dare you!"

However, they didn't listen to him until Emily stepped in.

"Let him go,"

The guards turned to her, dumbfounded, "But your majesty, his majesty the king ordered us to -"

"My son is not a criminal that should be manhandled this way but a prince of this kingdom. Get your hands off him, I'll take him to his room myself," she commanded them.

Although the king's order was resolute and wasn't to be disobeyed, so was the queen's order as well. They were hesitant to do so but seeing the queen was not exactly going contrary to the king's order, they let go of Akim who shoved them away.

"Let's go," Emily commanded him and they began to walk down the hallways with the guards following closely behind for their safety and to ensure they carried out the king's order.

"You should not take your father's actions to heart. He, no, we are just looking out for your safety. We can't lose you too and you of all people know what it was like to lose your grandmother, the queen dowager. Akim, Fiona would not stop until her vengeance on our family is fulfilled, "

Emily said and to his chagrin, began to narrate the story of Fiona and how their ill relationship started to Akim who has heard it over a hundred times.

"The revolution is being used by Fiona who preys on their loss and ignorance and until they know that, I'm sorry Akim but you would have to make do with the little freedom we offer you," Emily said, hoping that he understood her.

But when Akim didn't say anything, Emily turned and cupped his face with her palm," I promise you that this is temporary and Jasmine won't have to suffer the same fate as you. Your father and I are working hard to make that happen,"

He managed to smile at her, "Thanks mother,"

"Fine, go in," She said, having arrived at the entrance of his room.

"You don't have to worry, your sister and I would make sure you don't have one boring moment," Emily promised him.

"Fine, goodnight," Akim kissed her on the cheek and went in.

However, the moment the door closed, he leaned on the door and the tears he had been holding back for so long began to flow down.

Although he has defended Anika before his parents, he knew within his heart their words were true. He has been suspicious of Anika from the very beginning and now, his parents finally confirmed.

Why did she do this to him? She was the first girl he ever liked.. Now, she has become the enemy he has to get rid of.

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