Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 528 - Five Hundred And Twenty-Eight: Arent We All Evil

Chapter 528 - Five Hundred And Twenty-Eight: Aren't We All Evil

The third point of view:

"It's about Fernandez's wealth,"

"What about Fernandez's wealth?" Cecil asked.

"Don't you know?" Rita stared at her like she has grown two heads, "Fernandez left everything he has for your son, Pedro,"

Cecil was sincerely taken aback by her revelation. Although when he was alive, Fernandez had claimed he wanted her son so he could inherit his "great empire", but she never thought he was serious. Cecil had assumed he was trying to entice her with his riches into giving Pedro to him. So the asshole still had a heart.

"Well, I'm thankful for the fact that he had his son in mind but I'm sorry, my son Pedro doesn't need anything from that monster," Cecil concluded.

No, that money sponsored his evil lifestyle when he was alive. There was no way Pedro was touching those resources else the same spirit from her father possessed him. Cecil was spiritual and knew some attributes were inherent. Moreover, wealth when not controlled and at a young age has a way of messing with people's minds.

"I'm sorry," Rita smiled at her, "But it doesn't work that way,"

"What do you mean by that?" Cecil didn't like where this was going, she had a bad premonition about it.

"Unless Pedro accepts his responsibility as his son, Fernandez's family members will be unable to receive their share of their inheritance. If Pedro goes ahead to reject the offer, then his wealth will be distributed to the society," Rita voice's became serious, "You of all people should know Lucinda wouldn't stand for this,"

And yes, Fernandez's crazy-ass mother wouldn't accept this.

Cecil pressed her temple, her head was throbbing. Even in death, the man still wouldn't let go. She could already imagine Fernandez laughing his lungs out from hell at her helplessness.

"This is not as easy as I thought," Cecil murmured more to herself.

"Of course, I lived with that crazy man for years. He would surely give you a thrill for his money,"

That moment the waiter arrived with her water and Cecil accepted it,?looking into the water, no faint bubbles or particles were floating, it was clean, and downed everything in one gulp. She felt better.

"But you don't have to worry, I have a way of exploiting the will," Rita's eyes gleamed.

"You have?" Cecil's gaze narrowed suspiciously.

"Unlike you who want nothing from Fernandez, I want everything from him as compensation for the horror I?went through in his hands," Rita said to her.

Cecil reminded her, "No one forced you into marrying him, it was your choice,"

"I was deceived just like you," the woman claimed, but Cecil had a different opinion on that.

"No, I was the one who was deceived, not you. I was his first victim and you probably went ahead to marry him even after hearing my story and probably other women's stories before he married you. But then, you were blinded by his riches and dived head deep into the marriage nonetheless. However, when you saw he wasn't what you expected nor did he change, your eyes became open and sought for a way out which was impossible,"

Embarrassment burned her cheeks, Cecil completely saw through her.

"Let's hear your opinion anyway," Cecil waved aside.

"I'm pregnant," Rita confessed, rubbing her hand over the slight bump.

"Oh," Was all Cecil said.

"And it's Fernandez's this time," she added. Everyone knew she cheated on Fernandez with her first son hence the man's crazy search for a male child.

"You would have a hard time convincing Lucinda that is his, nor would she even have time for you if it turns out to be a girl," Cecil pointed out.

"It's a boy. I've gone for a scan, the doctors are hundred percent sure of the gender," she assured her.

Cecil was dumbfounded by the revelation. At last, Fernandez got the son he wanted, but he wasn't alive to see it. Life was really fucked up.

"So? What's the plan?"

"Fernandez says his heritage is for his son, if I give birth to a boy, doesn't he count as his son as well?" The woman reasoned.

Cecil inhaled deeply, her expression taut in concentration, "So you intend to contend for the inheritance with Pedro?"

"Yes, no," Rita quickly changed her mind, "Since you don't like the inheritance and Pedro probably doesn't want it as well, he can willingly hand over everything to my son when the time comes,"

"Alright, let me get something straight here," Cecil scratch the side of her head, "So while your son is young and growing, Predo works his ass off growing Fernandez's empire and at the end of the day, he hands everything over to your son on a platter of gold, is that it? Really?"

Shame washed over her and Rita pressed her lips together realizing how dumb she sounded, "I didn't mean it that way," She said in a low voice.

"Listen," Cecil told her, "I don't know you and you don't know me either. So until I receive an official summons for the reading of his will, I advise you don't call me out again," She stood up to her feet saying, " And I don't know how you got to hear about the will or the validity of what you just vomited but I'll advise you not to start a war you can't win," her gaze bored into the eyes of a desperate woman.

Either the woman had chanced upon the will while Fernandez was still alive or Fernandez's lawyer was questionable. Cecil would go with the second option; Fernandez was not careless enough to let his will lying about

Cecil went on, "Fernandez fucked your life? Yes, but it's only because you let him do so. You're without blames either, if you had the time to give another man a son, you should have given him one and maybe, he wouldn't have had the time to come after Pedro and I," She advised her, "You better pick up the pieces and move on with your lives before you lose yourself and become a bigger monster than your husband, Fernandez. After all, character rubs off on another with time," she finished and Rita didn't move, stunned by her words

Done, Cecil put back on her glasses, ready to struct out of the place when Rita announced,

"Fernandez is gone, do you think Lucinda would give up on her grandson Pedro? Especially now you blatantly went ahead to support that murderer Maggie?" She snorted, "You're nothing but an evil woman to her now,"

However, Cecil turned and replied with a smirk, "Aren't we all evil?" and sashayed out of the restaurant.


Bless this shameless author with your golden ticket ????

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