Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 527 - Five Hundred And Twenty-Seven: Friend Or Foe

Chapter 527 - Five Hundred And Twenty-Seven: Friend Or Foe

The third point of view:

"What does she want from you?" Emerald questioned her as soon as the call ended. The man was beside her when the call came in, hence it was natural he heard everything.

"She just wants us to meet," Cecil told him, packing up everything. This was the end of their photoshoot and she couldn't wait to be outside. She needed a change of fresh air.

He grabbed her waist and turned her to him, "You sincerely don't know?" his probing gaze searched her.

"This is the first time we're meeting, how would I know?"

"Fine, I'm coming along with you," He decided.

"What?!" She was astounded, "Why would you tag along? It's just a conversation between two women," she added abruptly, "And don't tell me you're tagging along to keep the baby safe,"

"I don't trust your family nor anyone connected to Fernandez. Moreover, Lucinda has not been happy with you since you started the petition for Maggie. So yeah, I'm keeping you and our baby safe," He told her sternly.

Knowing when it comes down to business, there was no changing Emerald's mind, Cecil gave in. Besides, what he said made sense, there was no doubt that Fernandez's mother might try to get rid of her. It would be killing two birds with one stone; Maggie dies while the woman gets Pedro, her grandson, as well.

Cecil was one hundred percent sure that her father wouldn't hesitate to hand Pedro over to that evil woman if something happens to her. But then, their plan would foil if she marries Emerald - he becomes Pedro's legal father unless her son wants otherwise.

"Fine, but you're staying in the car. You're not crashing our meeting unless you sense danger or foul play," Cecil gave him a condition.

"Sure. Cross my heart," Emerald promised her.

"Then, go get ready," She gave him a brief kiss before leaving to change as well.

Both couples dressed up and left with Emerald driving as usual. Even before leaving, Cecil watched him access their environment in case someone was lurking at the corner and monitoring their movements.

Seeing him this conscious of their safety saddened Cecil. Emerald was always looking out for her and the baby while she did nothing. She had nothing to offer him - she couldn't even protect herself, not to talk of him.

"Teach me how to handle a gun,"

Emerald was startled out of his mind when he heard that.


"I want to know how to use a gun," She was resolute. No matter how much she kept dodging violence, they kept finding her. The best she could do now was to protect her family and the ones precious to her.

"Why do you need a gun? You don't like guns," He pointed out looking quite surprised.

"Well I don't like it but I have to now, especially if I want to protect my family,"

"You don't have to worry about that, I'll protect you,"

"You can't keep protecting me," Cecil told him, "What if you're not around, who would protect me? Who would protect Pedro and me if you're not close by?"

Moreover, with Emerald about to become the head of the Sakuzi Clan, whether she liked it or not, her enemies were about to increase. She was not a fool to think that everyone was cool with Valentino's decision. Emerald was not a Sakuzi by birth, he wasn't even adopted legally yet Sakuzi accepted him and was making him the head? That would surely spark a revolution.

"Fine, I'll teach you," Emerald agreed to her request. It also warmed his heart to know Cecil was slowly accepting everything about him - the dark ones included.

They reached the meeting place in no time and even before they stepped out, Emerald scanned the environment with his keen eyes checking for possible hiding spots for snipers. When he came up with nothing, he said to her,

"It's safe. You can go now,"

However, before Cecil could step out of the car, he turned her around and kissed her on the lips, "Be quick," He told her.

"Sure," She pecked him on the cheeks and left.

Putting on her aviator glasses, Cecil stepped into the restaurant and it wasn't hard to locate Fernandez's house. She still looked the same, except she looked thinner - Fernandez's burial ceremony must have been stressful on her.

"You're here," The woman stood up as soon as she saw her, "Hi, I'm Rita, it's nice to finally meet you," She stretched her hand for a handshake.

"I'm Cecil, thanks for having me," She accepted the woman's handshake.

"Have a seat," she gestured to Cecil.

They both sat down.

"Can I get you anything?" The woman offered.

"Never have anything with someone you don't trust. But if you must, take water. Water is a colorless liquid, if otherwise, you don't need to be told twice," Cecil could hear Emerald's warning ringing aloud in her ears. Her husband was truly cautious and thorough.

"Fine, I'll take water then," Cecil faked a smile to her. She didn't know whether this woman was a friend or foe, hence she couldn't risk exposing her true feeling.

A waiter came to take their orders and left.

"Now I know why I Emerald chose me," Rita said, scrutinizing Cecil.

Although Cecil was uncomfortable with that stare, she concealed her emotion and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Rita laughed, sad mirth in her gaze, "I'm simply your replacement. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall with a sexy curve, an heiress? He was recreating you, can't you see that?"

Speaking about it, Cecil noticed the similarities between them the first time they had met at Lucinda's place. However, as similar as they looked, both of them couldn't flawlessly pull off as sisters because they shared zero facial resemblance.

She went on, "Speaking of which, I think you are the only one Fernandez might have truly loved. He was just too arrogant to admit -"

Cecil cut her off, "I'm sure you didn't call me here to narrate how much your husband loved me because the sound of Fernandez's name alone makes me uncomfortable. I'll rather you don't?bring him up at all,"

"Alright, if you say so," Rita said.

"So tell me, why am I here?" Cecil asked her.

"It's about Fernandez's wealth,"

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