Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 473 - Four Hundred And Seventy-three: I Failed

Chapter 473 - Four Hundred And Seventy-three: I Failed

The third point of view:

Ailee was roused from her sleep when her brother Allen hopped onto her bed, causing it to dip from his weight.

"Come on Ailee, stop being a sleepyhead, let's play," the boy began to pull her up. Why was his sister such a lazy ass?

"Get off me, you nuisance!" Aille hollered, annoyed at being woken up. Everyone in the household knew how much she treasured her sleep like her mother Reina and unless it was for school, nobody dared to wake her in fear of being on the receiving end of her wrath.

Fortunately for her, the school was over for the term and it happened to be the summer holidays, which means it was a long vacation - she could sleep all she wanted. Well, that was the plan until Allen interfered.

"Oof!" Allen was smacked off the bed with her pillow. As if nothing happened, the girl went back to sleep or tried to. She couldn't connect to the spirit realm easily thanks to her brother's disruption.

"I can't seem to go back to sleep!" She screamed at Allen specifically, gripping her hair.

"That's a good thing," Allen smiled, "Now, we can play,"

"Ugh!!!!" Ailee felt like tearing her brother limb to limb. He was frustrating her life. Of all people she had to have as a twin, why was it him? Why couldn't it be Neon?

Like a telepathic pull, Neon came over to her side as if he sensed she needed him. He simply picked the pillow from the floor - the one she had smacked Allen with - and said, "Don't worry, I'll lull you back to sleep,"

"How?!" Ailee didn't mean to bark at him, but she was vexed at the moment.

"You'll see," Neon said, climbing into bed with her.

"Hey, Neon, what are you doing -" Allen was silenced by his sister's murderous glare - her illusionary red eye was so frightening.

Infuriated, the boy stomped his feet and went over to the other bed opposite hers. How could Neon be so unfaithful? Doesn't he know about their bro code? Brothers support brothers before sisters. So irritating.

Fine, It was not like he could send Ailee back to sleep anyway. He would watch and at last, victory would be his.

"How would you send me back to sleep?" Ailee asked him. Both laid sideways on the bed, staring right into each other's eyes.

"I'm going to tell you a story," Neon said, tucking her hair away from her face. Her eyes were beautiful. He could stare into it all day.

"How is a story going to make me sleep?" She was amused by his tactics.

"I'm a bad storyteller, you'd get bored to sleep,"

"I doubt so," She smiled at him, "But let's hear it, storyteller," Ailee adjusted herself, bringing the sheet up to their chin so it covered both of them properly.

"In a land of magic and anything possible," Neon began, "There lived a princess - actually, the most beautiful princess in the kingdom. She had brown hair and pretty black Obsidian eyes -"

"Why do I feel you're describing me?" Ailee interrupted him

"Because I'm using you as my character," was his response.

"Fine, go on, it's fine since I'm the beautiful princess," she was pleased.

"Then," He went on, "The princess had a handsome adviser -"

"I'm guessing that's you,"

Neon blushed, "Yes," and he went on when she became silent, " As a princess, she had to marry a prince. As a beautiful princess, Princes from afar came for her hand in marriage, but her father the king put all of them to a test, and out of which, a prince emerged victoriously. He was named Prince Edward,"

"Don't tell me Prince Edward is Allen?"?She asked immediately.

"He is,"


Allen frowned at her sister. Although he couldn't fully comprehend the story - Neon's voice was low- the dirty look from her sister was enough to narrate everything.

Neon contemplated ending the story "Maybe, I should change -"

"No, don't. Just satisfy my anger by telling me my brother is the villain,"

"Well, sort of, he didn't get to be your true love," Neon explained to her.

"Better, continue,"

"Prince Edward was to marry the princess, but unknown to everyone, the princess was in love with her adviser. Unfortunately, the royal advisor wasn't of royal descent, hence was qualified to?ask for the princess's hand in marriage.

"Then one day, tragedy struck. A dragon attacked the kingdom and the princess was captured by it. The king was depressed and wanted his daughter back home,?a responsibility which rested on the shoulder of her beloved, Prince Edward. But Prince Edward, realizing how perilous the journey was and the fact he could lose his life, turned his back on the king. He fled the kingdom... "

Ailee burst into laughter while Allen was disturbed mentally. He knew they were talking about him, but his pride wouldn't allow him to go over there or eavesdrop on their conversation. Like come on, he was Allen, nothing moved him.

"At that moment, the royal advisor, realizing his strong feelings for the princess, stepped forward and took on the responsibility of rescuing the princess. He organized half of the king's troop and off they went, over the hills and the valleys, through the evil forest, and finally reached the forbidden tower where the dragon resided.

"It was a tough battle, fire against metals but the royal advisor prevailed. With the help of the king's men, he defeated the dragon, sending it to hell where it belonged. Done, he climbed up the tower and there he found the princess and they both embraced each other, sharing a true love kiss.

"However, the tower contained immeasurably riches and treasures captured by the dragon over the years from various kingdoms, which meant the advisor -"

"Was rich. They returned to the kingdom and for his service, the king gave him his daughter's hand in marriage. And the both of them lived happily ever after," Ailee completed for him.

"Wow," Neon was stunned, "I told you my story would bore you,"

"No, it did the opposite. It made me wide awake,"

"I'm sorry, it should have made you sleep," Neon apologized.

"You don't need to apologize since I'm up and ready," she added, "Right after I brush and take my bath," Ailee got off the bed.

As soon as she left for the bathroom, Neon walked over to Allen saying, "I failed in putting her back to sleep,"

"Yeah, you did," Allen concurred, an evil plan already forming in his head. He sure hoped it worked.

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