Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 472 - Four Hundred And Seventy-two: She Cant Die

Chapter 472 - Four Hundred And Seventy-two: She Can't Die

The third point of view:

Isabella was proud of herself for the fact that she could control her emotions. Control, balance, what was life without it?

But then, the instant she saw Anabelle throw up blood, that control chattered the way a chandelier would upon touching the ground.

Her mouth opened wide and her lips trembled as she called that name, "Annabelle!"

It was almost as if everything happened in slow motion, one moment her cousin was standing, the next she was falling.

Isabella quickly caught her in mid-fall, "Annabelle!" She shook her but the girl was unresponsive, vomiting black blood instead.

"Shit, fuck it!" Isabella cursed, with no clue what to do. She was highly intelligent, but it seemed that moment that everything she ever knew flew out of her head.

Isabella realized she had to do something, but what could she do? She needed help. So she laid Anabelle down and went to the gate, pushing and banging on it hard, shouting, "Help! somebody help me!"

However, she didn't have to knock for long since a car was driving out.


George sat in his office, fuming in anger. How dare he? His grandson he had trusted so much, made a big fool of him. He had trusted him and gave him the best gift by choosing the woman suitable to be his queen and this is how he pays him back?

Immediately, his door was flung open as one of his men entered without even a knock, how rude!

"How dare you -! " the man was just about to scold him when the man announced.

"Sir, we have a problem!"

"What is it?"

"It's the young master, sir, he -"

George didn't need to wait for the man to finish his narration because he was already on his feet, heading out of the door.

The guard followed closely as they arrived at the holding room where he had ordered Julie to be kept. The holding room was simply a room with no windows - so Julie would not escape - and an iron door - he could not pick easily. The room was always used for grounding; silence was a form of mental torture.

And on the bed laid the pale looking Julie with black blood staining his shirt.

"I think he's been poisoned," the head of security announced to the old man.

"Then what are you still waiting for? Take him to the hospital!" George's body trembled with fury, "If anything happens to him, you should know you won't return here alive!" he threatened them.

The old man was scared - he lost the boy's parents, he couldn't lose their child as well.

"And you!" he turned to the nearest man beside him, "How did this happen? Is this how relaxed you guys are about the security around here?!" He bellowed

"Of course not, sir! We have been quite stringent about security. This has to be inside work!"

"You're saying one of my people poisoned my grandson?"

"Yes sir, I just heard from one of the maids that the young master was served food. It couldn't be a coincidence that this occurs shortly?after that,"

"Did he have his meal tasted?" George asked, a lot of conspiracy theories going on in his head.

As someone who lost both son and daughter-in-law, George doesn't joke with Julie's life - which was why Isabella had to pay for endangering him. Everything he took into his body in the household was first tasted by the food testers before he ate in fear of being poisoned. Julie was the remaining heir to their clan, if anything happened to him, his generation was over.

"No, sir. He was with that girl from earlier and didn't allow anyone into his room, hence the tasting didn't hold,"

George's fist clenched at the side till his knuckles turned white, he knew that girl was bad luck. How could his smart son become an idiot because of her?

He reached out and began to rub his temple, it was throbbing painfully. He asked," What about the maid who served him. Where is she?"

"Nowhere to be seen, sir. It's as if she disappeared into thin air and that makes us conclude that she's responsible for this,"

Almost immediately, George's phone rang, "What is it?" he growled at the head guard who had left with his grandson, hoping to God it wasn't bad news.

"We have another problem, sir,"

"What now?" He was tired of bad news.

"It's the girl from earlier. It seems she's poisoned as well and is sprawled out unconscious at our entrance, what should I do sir?"

That question weighed heavily on George. Left for him alone, he would have ignored her - the girl put his son in danger- but then the girl was no ordinary person, she's Spencer.

Although Eden wasn't as powerful as Niklaus, the man was ominous. He was like a green snake in a green grass; cunny and one might not know his intention until he strikes - where it hurts the most. Moreover, the girl was Niklaus' niece, he would surely find justice for her.

"Take her with you and make sure nothing happens to her as well," else they would have a war on their hands.

The girl came to their place and was poisoned, her father Eden would never believe they were innocent - if she dies. In one word, she can't die, just as his grandson couldn't as well.

"Alright sir," the call ended

With a deep breath, George shut his eyes and prayed nothing happened.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Where did you say Anabelle went again?" Eden asked her nanny, scratch that, caretaker, for the nth time.

"She told me she was spending the night over at Julie's place - although I did warn her against that. But then, you know Anabelle, once her mind's settled, it's going to stay that way,"

Eden pinched the space between his nose. He knew Julie, actually knew his grandfather - the person to hold responsible if anything happens to his daughter. If only he wasn't swallowed by work recently, he would have stopped her from sleeping over at that boy's place.

What was she when thinking? Boys are hormonal creatures who only want to get into a girl's pants. He didn't even dare to think about what they might have done. But God bless the soul of that boy if he dares get his daughter pregnant. His precious Anabelle.

"It's not like Anabelle to stay this late. Perhaps we should call the boy's residence?" Camille suggested and added, "And your phone is ringing," she reminded her absent-minded husband.

"Sorry," He glanced down, "It's Isabella?"

"Pick up," Camille mouthed, "She might know something,"

And Eden did as she asked, just that he didn't expect to hear, "Uncle, you need to come to the hospital,"

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