Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 440 - Four Hundred And Fourty: Do Not Hesistate To End Her

Chapter 440 - Four Hundred And Fourty: Do Not Hesistate To End Her

The third point of view:

No, no, no, it can't happen, Reina shook her head stubbornly. There was no way on earth she was going to call Niklaus for him.

Reina knew what Miguel, that devil, was going to do - it was a famous torture technique - he was going to mentally torment Niklaus, such that even when they - Reina and her kids - end up dead, he would never live a normal life or forgive himself for whatever happened to them.

Niklaus had a lot of demons waging war inside of him; he was still haunted by so thought Maya's death; the guilt of being an accomplice to Adam's death was still there - even though the man deserved it; he still blamed himself for the change in Jennifer; he was afraid to lose them - his family. She had hurt him the first time with her abrupt disappearance years ago, she wouldn't hurt him a second time.

"I'm giving you shit!" Reina spat at him and the next she received was a slap to the face. Her face whipped around while she felt the metallic taste of blood in her mouth.

"Mother!" Her children screamed, attempting to come to her rescue but Miguel's men wouldn't let them.

"Stay where you are!" She yelled at them as they tried struggling with those hitmen, worried that they might get hurt in the process.

"Where's your cell phone?" Miguel ordered once more, circling Reina the way a predator does when finding the right spot to attack a prey.

"I told you.." She spoke through gritted teeth, "You can get it in hell," if her death would satisfy him and save her children, so be it.

Some gangs operated like that and Reina was sure as hell Miguel would do the same. Although killing the kids sounds good, traumatizing them by killing their mother right in front of them was much more dark and thrilling. This time, not only would Niklaus be devastated by the news, but the children as well. This way, Miguel not only left a mark in the life of Niklaus but the entire family, and they would never forgive or forget him as long as they lived.

This time, Miguel kicked her on the stomach and Reina fell to the ground. Yes, she was groaning in pain, but her eyes were clear and determined; she would not call Niklaus.

"Where is your cellphone?!" Miguel was slowly running out of patience.

"Just call god damned Niklaus!" Isabella wanted her to give in and avoid the suffering, but her stubborn mother didn't respond to her.

Reina laughed at Miguel through bloodied tears, "You must feel frustrated right now, don't you?"

Miguel shut his eyes, reeling his anger in. He knew this woman was trying to ruffle his feathers, but then, it was working.

"I'm done being nice," He growled and raised his hand to strike her once again when Isabella stepped out to say,

"I'll call him!"

Miguel turned to her, intrigued, "You say?"

"I'll call Niklaus, my father," Isabella announced just as she glared at Neon who began to cry at the level of violence being inflicted on Reina.

Miguel gestured at the man who let go of Isabella. Once free, she stretched her arm and then pulled out her phone from the back of her pants.

"I meant your mother's phone, not yours," Miguel stopped her before she could place the call.

"My phone? Her phone? What's the difference? All you want is to hear Niklaus', isn't it?"

Miguel's lips curved to the side as he began to walk towards Isabella with calculated steps. However, Isabella stood her ground, unmoving, nor did she break her eye contact with that bastard - she would not fear but bravely stare death straight in the eyes.

Upon getting to her, Miguel stared at her for a few minutes, more like stared her down, but Isabella remained unwavering. The first rule of being courageous was to not fear "fear".

She stood with her head held high, not even panicking when he tipped up her chin saying, "You want to know why her phone's so important?"

Miguel was entertained by the expressionless look on her face - it excited yet irked him. He'd see how long she'd last under that mask when he gets rid of her stepmother.

"I'm sure, your father has already heard of my invasion and is out there panicking since he cannot connect to the house - my hand work also," He was so smug, "So you can imagine the look on his face when his phone rings and he finds out it's his lovely wife, only to have his hope dashed into pieces," Miguel laughed hard as if was funny, "The look on his face would be priceless,"

"Psycho," Isabella hissed at him.

Miguel grinned at her, "You're the child he had as a teenager, aren't you? I heard a lot about you," He caressed his thumb across her soft skin. It felt good.

Isabella slapped his palm away.

He snorted, "Are the women in the family always this rebellious,"

Isabella ignored his remark and said to him, "You're lucky to God you have me at a disadvantage else what I'll do to you asshole, you'd never. ever. forget It in a hurry," she emphasized on her threat and never anticipated that Miguel would spin her around suddenly and embrace her from behind.

"Funny thing is that," Miguel whispered into her ears seductively, "I like my women strong, so I can break their spirit," He licked her ear while Isabella struggled to be free, "It gives me so much satisfaction on the bed,"

"Let her go!" Fumed Reina. The kind of death stare she gave Miguel would have had him dead if her eyes were bullets.

Miguel turned to her saying, "I have no business with you but her," He added, "at the moment,"

But Reina persisted, "Let her go, she's just a kid,"

"My preference comes in all types and ages. Perhaps, when I'm done with you, I'd lift the burden off Niklaus shoulder by helping him out with his daughter,"

"Don't worry, I can help myself!" Isabella yelled and headbutted him causing him to stumble back, grabbing his jaw in pain.

"You daughter of a bitch!" Miguel saw red. First, it was her brother - Neon - who hit him, now her?

But as soon as he raised his hand to strike Isabella, Reina pushed him from behind and he tripped.

"Isabella, run!"

But then, run where?

Miguel was up on his feet and this time he was furious. Nevertheless, before he could lay a hand on Reina, one of his men from earlier blocked him.

"What's the meaning of this?" his eyes narrowed at him. Was he defying his orders?

"The more time we waste, the faster Niklaus' reinforcements arrive and it makes it harder to leave here safely. Since you want the phone, the girl should go ahead and get it," the man claimed.

However, Miguel had a niggling feeling in his guts that he purposely defended her. But then, what the man said was true, so he didn't put much thought into it.

"Fine, get her cellphone,"

"On it," Isabella said through gritted teeth, already turning to head to Reina's room where the phone was being kept.

"Not so fast," Miguel halted her and then turned to one of the hitmen - the one who had indirectly protected Reina earlier - saying, "Follow her, if she does anything suspicious, do not hesitate to end her,"

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