Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 439 - Four Hundred And Thirty-nine: That Could Have Been Them

Chapter 439 - Four Hundred And Thirty-nine: That Could Have Been Them

Cecil was grinning on their way home and Emerald didn't bother to stop her.

"Does it make you that happy?" he couldn't help but ask, seeing her smile was infectious - he was happy that she was happy.

She didn't reply, rather nodded her head with a crinkle at the corner of her eyes.

"Why? Because you bullied them?"

"Bullied?" she snorted, "That hardly counts as bullying. If I really wanted to bully them, I'll start by showing my father what a hypocrite he was - I'll reveal him layer by layer until he has no skin to hide into. I'm just glad my mother finally found her freedom,"

"Well, your siblings think otherwise,"

"Why wouldn't they? They've lived with their mother half of their life to the point that they're used to it compared to me who had to…." Cecil trailed off when she realized she was divulging into the past she wanted buried.

Seeing her disturbed state, Emerald simply reached out and squeezed her hand tenderly, reminding her of the fact that she wasn't alone any longer.

"By the way, we have a wedding to plan," Cecil announced and Emerald almost hit the next gun from shock.

"What?" he said breathlessly. The man thought she had made that comment earlier to intentionally piss off her jealous ex-fiancée. Who knew she was serious?

"You thought I was kidding?" Cecil laughed at him, "If I'm going to defeat Fernandez and his petty tricks, I'm going to need a strong opponent like you in my team,"

"Is that a proposal?" Emerald was astonished, and this time, he had no choice but to pull over at the side. The thoughts in his head were swirling in front of his eyes - he might have an accident in this flustered state.

"Why? You don't like it? Do I need to get a ring and get down on my knees as well - thankfully, my belly is not a hindrance yet,"

"Of course, no… I'm trying to say that I'm the one supposed to do the proposal,"

Cecil rolled her eyes, "Come on, we're no longer in the medieval ages. You propose, I propose, what's the differences,"

"Even without that, weren't you against marrying me? We haven't even dated yet?" he still didn't trust her judgment. She had made that decision in the heat of the moment to protect her son, Pedro from being taken from her.

"We don't need to date, the sex's great already," she smiled at him.

"Oh great," Pedro moaned from the back seat. Was there no inhibition between his parents at all?

Looking for a source of escape, the boy turned around at that moment and caught suspicious movement from behind.

"Urm… am I the only person who thinks we're being tailed?" Pedro suspected and at that moment, Emerald stiffened.

"What do you mean we're being tailed," Cecil looked out through the window and caught a man looking away at that moment and her brows furrowed.

"Put on your seat belt," Emerald hardly said to her when he roared the engine to life and drove off at an unholy speed.

"Emerald!" Cecil's scream filled the car as her mad fiancé raced along the road.

Although worried about her screams, Emerald was more concerned for her safety. His premonition was right, they were under attack. And he would be damned if anything happened to Cecil right under his nose.

Their attack didn't relent in their pursuit. They went after their car at high speed and when they had gotten close enough, bumped into them.

Cecil screamed from the jostle, no one told her she was going to die this way. No, she didn't want to die this way!

At the first gunfire, it dawned on every single one of them that their attackers were here to end them.

"Who are they?! Why are they after us?!" Cecil asked Emerald, whose jaw was set and had his eyes fixed at the road.

He didn't answer, rather gave the road all of his attention, and just when their attacker's car was about to slam into them, Emerald reached out to his roof and grabbed a gun from God knows where, looked out the window, and fired at the driver.

Shot straight at the chest, the driver lost control of the car and slammed into the vehicle beside it - not that they sat around to watch what happened next.

"Have we lost them,"

Pedro glanced through the rear windscreen, "I think we're safe,"

"I think we're not, duck!" Emerald barked just as a car from God knows where rammed into his side as soon as they neared the intersection.

Emerald's teeth were gritted as he tried to regain control of the car but the truck was much stronger and kept on tackling him.

It was late already which meant there weren't a lot of cars at that hour of the night. And it was obvious to Emerald that the car was trying to ram him into another forthcoming car - which probably belonged to them. Who knew Miguel hated him this much? Well, he assisted Sakuzi in killing Gerald.

"I can't fire and hold on at the same time," Emerald said, and though Cecil didn't understand his reason for saying that, the boy at the back understood his point.

This was it, Pedro knew it was time for him to make a move. This was the spotlight destiny had reserved for him. So he reached under, took the gun with lightning speed, and focused - remembering all the lessons Isabella had given him - and fired.

It was a clean shot; he shot the driver in the head. And Emerald was able to drive out of the way just as the other car was about to hit him. With the high speed, both cars ran into each other and burst into flames, just as Emerald and his family made a narrow escape.

Did they just narrowly avert a disaster?

Everyone in the car had their heart pounding in their chest as they stared at the scene.

That could have been them.

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