Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 427 - Four Hundred And Twenty-seven: The Assassin Is Coming

Chapter 427 - Four Hundred And Twenty-seven: The Assassin Is Coming

The third point of view:

Isabella shook her head,?amusement curving her lips to the side. She had stumbled upon her father sneaking out and it took her everything not to laugh at the scene.

Her mother Reina was such a fool to have believed Niklaus. She had known long again that Reina wouldn't step a foot out of the house but hadn't said a word not to ruin her father's plan. Isabella had lived long enough with her father to know he was not to be trusted.

"What are you doing?" Ailee asked her sister suspiciously.

The kids - who recently formed an unusual bond with Isabella- were in her room once again. Ailee was giving her a skeptical look because she was working on her warrior robot- the one that could fire lasers from its eye.?Isabella and the kids had called a truce on their pranks hence it was quite suspecting for the others to see her working on it.

"Improving it," Isabella murmured, all of her gaze concentrated on the controls. Getting this customized AI robot?had cost her quite a lot of money and now, she was going to get her money's worth.

"Why are you improving it?" Ailee leaned closer, observing the control panel in Isabella's hands.

The control was simply a rectangular shaped transparent panel that blinked light whenever Isabella tapped on any of the invisible buttons.

For the first time, Ailee was suddenly in awe of her sister's knowledge. Isabella was so smart nor could the little girl?discern whatever it was she was tweaking in those controls.

"Preparing for war," was Isabella's answer.

"War?" Ailee was confused. Why was her sister suddenly speaking in parables?

Isabella couldn't explain it but the moment her father Niklaus had left instead of Reina, she had these cold feets. She was uneasy because her guts told her something was wrong.

Although her parents didn't expose what was going on to her, Isabella was no longer a kid like her ignorant younger siblings and was smart enough to figure out something was wrong.

For Niklaus to have tricked his wife and gone in her place meant this wasn't a simple "capturing a criminal" as Reina had claimed, this was a war. And in war lives were lost.

Isabella didn't know the name of whoever killed Angela, but what if Angela wasn't his initial target? The assassin could have killed Angela ever since, why wait till that day when Reina came?

A smug smirk crossed Isabella's features as she figured it out, her mother was the target. Adults always underestimate children, unfortunately, they're the ones with the most ideas.

Isabella put herself in the shoes of the assassin and thought hard. If she wanted to finish off Reina, what was the best way to do so if not to drawout all of her shield?

The only reason Reina was off-limits was because of the protection of Niklaus and her father Sakuzi. But if those two big figures were out of the picture, boom! She had her. Checkmate.

"Cynthia, attack mode," Isabella commanded the adorable looking fifteen inches robot.

The robot had a shiny white metallic frame with braided blonde hair and blue innocent eyes that suddenly glowed an evil red upon Isabella's command. It didn't look so adorable anymore.

Immediately, a robotic voice sounded out, "Attack mode activated. Who do I exterminate, mistress?"

At that statement, Allen and Neon, who had been arguing about a sci-fi fiction they had watched minutes ago, paused. They all stared at the robot and Isabella with probing curiosity.

"Enemy is square shaped, brown in color with fraying edges and lying at a sixty degrees plane," Isabella commanded.

"Initiating quick search…..Five seconds …four seconds….three seconds…. Two seconds…. a second…. Search completed…. Target accuracy … located…. Fire!"

The next they saw, the robot shot a laser beam at Isabella's pillow, charting that while the smell of burnt heft permeated their noses. For a minute, nobody talked, still immersed with what just happened.

"Cool!!! "All three of the kids screamed in delight when they realized what just happened.

"How did you do that?!"

"Can I play with it?!"

"I want one!"

Neon, Ailee and Allen were so excited to try it out.

"Now listen to me!" Isabella boomed at them like an army General and they obeyed immediately.

"Cynthia, silent mode, shut down,"

And silently, the robot shut down to the children's awe - what they would do with a robot like that.

"Now listen to me you three squirrels -"

"Does that mean you're the?sister to the three cute looking squirrels?" Ailee taunted her and Isabella in return passed the girl a sharp glare. However, realizing she was the one in the wrong, Isabella tone the glare down.

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted…." She still eyed her sister, "I think we're all in danger,"

"Danger?" they all chorused

"What kind of danger?" Ailee was the one to ask.

"The kind of danger where we all got a bullet shot in our brains. Remember Mom told us about that assassin that killed your granny Angela - definitely not my granny - I think he might be coming here."

"But why?" Neon asked

Isabella gave him a stupid look, "Does a killer need a reason to kill you"

Allen chortled at his stupidity

"Now I know that you all might depend on the security around but I need you guys to get anything that gives you extra protection," she added, "You'd been playing pranks all through your lives, now's the time to put that skill into good work,"

Although the kids didn't fully believe her, they went ahead to do as Isabella ordered in fear of incurring her wrath.

"What does this do?" Isabelle inspected Ailee's weapon which was a hairpin?

"Watch and see?'' The girl pressed a tiny button on its side and the four clover design crackled with electricity sufficient enough to knock a man down on his ass.

"Hmm, this should do in close range but be careful not to stun yourself as well," she showed approval,"Next"

Allen approached her with a smirk showing off the little mechanical spider in his palm.

"Alright what does this sick looking little toy do-Ahh!" isabelle yelled when it nipped her on the wrist

Allen grinned, "You're not the only one with a cool robot,"

"Fine, it's good for sneak attacks and nice control you got there. Now get your smug face out of my sight,"

"My pleasure," the boy even made the gesture of bowing before leaving.

"Neon," Isabella breathed, "And this it?" her brows raised questioningly at the mouse in his grasp.

"Mr Smuff,"

"What does he do exactly?"

"Brings good luck,"

"Well, good luck in trying not to get yourself killed," She dismissed him, shaking her head with a sigh.

She faced them all, "Now kids I know you got good gadgets and all but do not react harshly. We're facing men with guns, real guns, and they wouldn't hesitate to hurt -"

The lights went out

Gunshots rang out.

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