Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 426 - Four Hundred And Twenty-six: Destroy What You Love Most

Chapter 426 - Four Hundred And Twenty-six: Destroy What You Love Most

The third point of view:

There was a proud look on Sakuzi's face as soon as Niklaus made his appearance at the base. For sure, his daughter made the right choice in a partner.

The truth was that Sakuzi had not been happy when Reina volunteered for this mission. Not that his daughter couldn't fight for herself, but Reina was Miguel's target and if the bastard got her by chance, she'd be a goner. Miguel wanted to get to him, his daughter was perfect since she was the most beloved out of his children - he was not ashamed of saying that.

Sakuzi didn't just love Reina because she was Angela's daughter. The Sakuzi clan had this curse or something, they rarely birth female children. That was why they had a large influx of males in the family. His own brothers had mistresses give them a female child.

Hence it was a big privilege to give birth to a female. Not to mention the fact that Reina had come to him at a point in life when he was at a crossroad of being "continuing being evil" and?"becoming less evil".?But she came to him and changed his life around, and to crown it all, gave him grandchildren- that took after him. It was a complete turning point in his life hence his undiluted love for her.

And because of his love for her, he didn't dare to tell her not to come to the mission tonight. Reina had taken after him in being stubborn, so convincing her would be futile. Neither could he force her not to come so he had hoped on Niklaus - and thankfully, he didn't fail his expectation.

"Thank you," Sakuzi patted Niklaus on the back gratefully, he nodded in understanding.

Although both weren't in cahoots, if Reina was here to watch her father thank Niklaus for leaving her behind, she'd tear them both apart.

Niklaus didn't need to be told the kind of music he would face when he returns home; Reina would rip him apart. She would be freaking mad at him nor did he see the issue getting resolved any time soon.

Although Reina always claimed he- Niklaus- was the best at holding grudges, the truth was that Reina was more fearful when mad. He would have to find ways to placate her else he would not be invited to the bedroom as long as her anger lasts.

"Alright, suit up everyone. It's time to get that son of a bastard!" Sakuzi announced as everyone began to gear up.

Knowing how dangerous this was, Sakuzi had gotten at least half of the people customized bulletproof. Unlike the usual bulletproof, this was much lighter and made movement easier. That way their agility was not affected much.

"Here, take this," Sakuzi handed one of the vests to his honorable son-in-law.

Niklaus caught the material, surprised.

"You sneaked out for me, the least I can do is to make sure you're safe else my daughter cuts my head off if anything happens to you," Sakuzi grinned at him.

Niklaus gave him an I'm - scared -of - her - too- smile before he put the vest on. He was just stocking his ammunition when Eden made his appearance.

"You're late," He pointed out yet choked on his words when he saw his appearance. Niklaus whistled, he sure had a good time before coming here.

"Is it that obvious?" Eden hurriedly began to run his hands through his hair in an attempt to smooth it.

"You might have to erase the hickeys too, are you both animals or what?" Niklaus taunted him on purpose.

They were about to stare death in the face, the least they could do was stay positive.

"Look who's talking," Eden glared at him. Who among their circles doesn't know of Niklaus' adventures.

Niklaus tossed a gun to him which Eden caught accurately, "Stop talking and get dressed,"

Both men continued to tease each other even until they got into the truck heading to the death ground.

"What's the possibility of us dying tonight?" Eden suddenly brought that up in the middle of their discussion.

Niklaus said with great confidence, "Zero percent. No one is dying tonight. I promised Reina that I would return to her and I sure as hell would do that, just as I'm sure you promised Camille too," He squeezed Eden's shoulder, "So my dear cousin kick that thought out of your head. Even if you want to die, it's definitely not here,"

Niklaus went on, "Just think of it as like the old times. Everything would turn out just alright. Nothing's going to happen,"

"Alright, great motivational speaker," Eden joked and both men released a pearl of laughter. They livened the gloomy tension in the vehicle.

And just as Niklaus predicted, the mission went smoothly, In fact, so smoothly that Sakuzi shouldn't have asked for support in the first place.

The sound of gunshot reverberated across the three-story building that served as Miguel's Den and in a matter of an hour, they had cleared out the building and captured those willing to share Miguel's whereabouts - they had not caught him here.

"Am I the only one that feels something doesn't feel right here?" Eden pointed out, looking around their environment.

"This mission feels too easy, not to mention that Miguel is no way to be found. His absence makes me uneasy," Niklaus was squeamish. His left eyebrow keeps twitching and though he didn't believe in superstition, this situation made him susceptible to anything.

Niklaus contemplated calling home until he remembered he drugged his wife. It was a small dose; enough to knock her out for two hours until they had left - she would be unable to come here.

Even if she was awake, what was the possibility she would answer his call? She would be mad at him. He then decided to try his kids but was distracted by the man kicked to his front.

"Where Is Miguel?!" interrogated Andrew, who had come in place of Emerald. Yes, he and Niklaus had met and both men were cool.

The man laughed and spat out blood from his mouth, "Fools," He called them, "You think he didn't know you were coming?" he sneered, "We had infiltrated your gang before he even made the first move,"

"Tell us where the hell is Miguel!" Andrew punched him right in the stomach.

The man moaned in pain yet laughed mockingly, "He's already far gone,"

"Far gone where?!" Sakuzi yelled this time.

He sniggered, "Far gone to destroy what you love the most,"

Niklaus paled instantly.


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