Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 410 - Four Hundred And Ten: The Father Of Her Child Is A Crazy Man

Chapter 410 - Four Hundred And Ten: The Father Of Her Child Is A Crazy Man

The third point of view:

It was as if Cecil's spirit had left her soul. She couldn't recall what happened next until she found herself back at home.

"Huh, why am I here?" Her senses booted slowly. There were a lot of things going on in her head right now; she was lost, "Aren't I supposed to be in my office, why am I back at home?"

"You're not in a state to go to work today,"

"Why?" She blurted out.

"Why?" Emerald's brows raised questioningly, "I just discovered you're pregnant after you choked on exhaust gas. I'm not letting you out of my sight for today, you need the rest," He said, towering over Cecil settled on the couch.

"Oh, I'm pregnant?" So it wasn't a dream, "I really have a small human creature growing in my belly?"

"Yes, you do, love,"

"Oh my God," Cecil suddenly paled, "This is a repeat of Pedro's," She glanced up at Emerald with wide accusing eyes, "Are you going to snatch the child away from me if I refuse to hand him over?"

"Wait, what?!" Emerald couldn't believe what he just heard. What was she trying to say?

"I can't fight both you and Fernandez at the same time," Cecil panicked, tugging at the root of her hair.

"Cecil, calm down," Emerald placed both hands on her shoulder, squeezing gently, "Breath, Okay. Just take a long deep breath, everything's going to be fine,"

She followed his instructions

"Yes, exactly… long deep breath," He guided her and when she had calmed, squatted down and grabbed her face in his palm, "I'm not taking any child from you, Cecil. We are going to sort this out together," He promised her and she nodded.

"Alright," Emerald took her hand and began, "The doctor's quite concerned about this pregnancy since you're in your late thirties..." he shrugged, "You know menopause and all and she -" He was suddenly interrupted when the doorbell rang.

Both of them turned in the direction of the door before facing one another,

"Are you expecting anybody?" Emerald asked.

"No. At least I don't think so. Pedro is with Isabella, he said something about studying for finals - which I strongly doubt - and my friends wouldn't come without informing me unless it's sudden or an emergency," Cecil explained while going over her choices of who might decide to visit her without an appointment.

"And by the way," She suddenly remembered," I should thank you for fixing my door, "

Her entrance door had been damaged that time when Fernandez had tried to kidnap her in her own home. Prior to her return, she had called a maintenance company to replace her door but a certain person was a step ahead of her.

"It's nothing and you should stay here while I check who's on the door," He said to her, already pulling out a gun from his waistband.

"Whoa," Cecil grabbed his arm, "What are you doing? Are you about to commit murder in my home and what if whoever is outside is innocent?" There was concern mixed with fear in her gaze as she stared at the weapon in his hand.

"You can't be rest assured that I won't harm the innocent - I'm that experienced. This is for assurance in case my instinct does prove right. And make sure to go get cover if anything goes wrong," Emerald told her and was about to leave when Cecil grabbed him.

"If something goes wrong? What about you? How would you protect yourself?" a trace of anxiety crossed her features.

"Nothing would go wrong," Emerald said to assure her but the woman still didn't believe him.


He leaned down and kissed her abruptly to shut her protest. She was quite a scaredy-cat but it warmed his heart to know someone was concerned for him.

Cecil was stunned by the kiss, however, she didn't complain and responded to him. The kiss was sweet but too brief for her liking and before she could recover from the feeling, he was already at the door. That man tricked her!

Cecil's heart pounded in her throat as she took cover behind one of the couches. The entrance door led directly to the spacious living room which branches off to other parts of the house.

Emerald tucked the gun into his pants, hiding it with his shirt. His suit jacket lay in the car, not that he cared about that at this moment.

Carefully, he opened the door and his sight landed on two men in suits, staring at him with iniquitous gazes. Emerald leaned against the doorway and It was obvious they were threatened by his height yet didn't show it.

They were professionals, he noticed. But what he couldn't tell was if they were professional killers or errands boys aka guards, sent by God knows who. Emerald might not know Miguel one on one but he knew how gangsters operated, else they wouldn't be having this discussion right now; bullets would be flying by now.

"Who the hell are you?" Emerald didn't care to remove the hostility in his tone.

"Is this Cecil's home?" One of them summoned the courage to ask amid his death stare.

"Yes? So? I'm her husband, what do you want from my wife?" he interrogated, watching with rapt attention as both men stared at each other, surprise was in their gazes.

Judging from their interaction, Emerald could tell they did prior investigation before coming here. So the idea of Cecil having a husband was foreign to them.

"If you say so, then we would love to have a one on one conversation with your wife," the other faked a smile to him.

Emerald rolled his eyes towards heaven, did they take him for a fool. He had a feeling that whatever business these people had with Cecil, it was connected to that strange call she had received that day.

"What do you want with my wife?"

"I'm sorry but it's private,"

"My wife's business is my business and vice versa," He insisted.

"I'm sorry but it's your wife we need and if you could let us access to her, we would have a few talks with her and be on our way. No harm done," the other claimed.

"Still don't care, you're not going anywhere until you tell me what is it that is so important that you seek my wife alone,"

"It's orders from above sir and I'm sorry that we have to do this forcefully," He charged at Emerald thinking that the man was all brute but no skills.

However, the man was surprised that Emerald was able to swipe off his hand that had gone to his stomach - a vital weak point. Everyone knew it was not advisable to go head-on with a man of such massive height, rather disable him from the chest down. Emerald then punched the daylight out of him just as the other man aimed at him.

However, the giant turned around on time to catch him, ramming his fist into his stomach and forced him to his knees. Emerald grabbed his shoulder and applied pressure as he questioned, "What do you want from my wife?!"


But Emerald didn't buy that, rather he increased the pressure on his arms, "One more question and if you don't answer, I'll break your arm?" he threatened.

"Fine, fine," the man couldn't endure the pain anymore, "I'll tell you!"

"I'm waiting,"

"We are here to take Lady Cecil,"

"What do you mean take her?"

"Her father Vincent wants her home but she's been ignoring him ever since….men easy on the arm!" he complained mid-way, "Are you a gangster or what?"

"Yes, I am," Emerald concurred, watching with wicked delight the way the man paled, "Now continue,"

"He sent us to get her home by all means! We were here to take her!"

Oh. Emerald realized what they had come to do. A smile that didn't touch his eyes showed on his face as he leaned to whisper into the guard's ear, "Tell Vincent or whoever he thinks he is that Cecil would not take a step a foot into that disgusting family. He chased off his daughter eighteen years ago, let it remain that way," he pushed away from the man who lay on the floor moaning in pain.

Emerald went back into the room just in time for Cecil to pull him into a hug.

"ThankGod," She kissed him on the cheeks, relieved, "Who were those?"

"The ones came to take you to your father's place," He exposed her.

Cecil's face fell, he found out.

"When were you planning on telling me?"

"Because it was none of your business? It's family business, Emerald" She emphasized, taking a step back.

Emerald wanted to retort yet ordered instead, "You're not going anywhere,"

"You don't get to conclude for me. I am a legal adult and have the right to make decisions for myself. You have no right to interfere with my life, Emerald!"

"Yes, I have no right," He agreed, yet added, "But then, it becomes my business because you're having my child," He pointed to his stomach.

"Our child," Cecil corrected the impression.

"Exactly. Which is why I'm protecting you,"

"No, you're restricting me!"

"Fine, you can go if that would satisfy your stubborn ass, but I'm coming with you," He gave her the condition while Cecil's jaw dropped. No one told her the father of her child was a crazy man.

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