Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 409 - Four Hundred And Nine: Safe Week

Chapter 409 - Four Hundred And Nine: Safe Week

The third point of view:

Cecil hasn't been able to sleep properly ever since she received that call from her father. Yeah, it was quite a shocker.

How long has it been since they saw each other? Since that day he chased her out of his home? Seventeen? Eighteen years? Eighteen fucking years since he disowned her and then comes out of nowhere to order her to his place?

Cecil had a feeling this has to do with her son Pedro and his father Fernandez. She knew how the man operated, he must have snitched on her to her father since he couldn't get her to give up Pedro. Fernandez must have reported her before Emerald took care of him, fear wouldn't let him do so - the blood on Emerald's body that day suggested he took care of the asshole well.

Vincent had ordered her to come home right away with Pedro but she ignored him. He has no right to order her around - she wasn't part of the family anymore. Nor does he have a say on her son - she meant it when she said no one would snatch her son from her.

Her abrupt disobedience has resulted in him calling her nonstop ever since then and Cecil would have ignored him further if she didn't know how stubborn her father, scratch that, ex-father was. Fine, she'd see him, Cecil decided and make it clear to him, no one dictates her life!

Done with her thought, Cecil got on her feet to get ready for work. She has been indoors the past week during the "protection program," at the base and did her work from there, but now she was needed at the company. With Emily in Lincolnshire, the workload on her shoulder increased tremendously.

Cecil took her bath, changed into casual wear; pairing a nude blue with jeans and a stiletto heel, ready to leave when the doorbell rang.

"Who's that?" She went to answer the door and there went her heart falling faster than a teardrop as soon as she saw Emerald standing there with a bright expression.

"Hi, Cecil,"

Her stomach did a double flip.

"H-Hi, Emerald," she choked. Her heart was doing a pitter-patter dance and she wondered how she was able to breathe right now when the air was actually hot and scarce.

"What are you doing here?" She was breathless. He looked so handsome today in a suit - was that a new thing now. It's been a week since she last saw him and he kept true to his deal of giving her space.

"You're leaving for work, right?" He asked, looking her over.

Cecil could only nod.

"Come on then, I'll drive you to work,"

"You'll drive me?" She pointed to her chest.

"Although Miguel is after Reina, there is no assurance he won't come after you considering I'm Sakuzi's second in command," He explained to her.

Yes, Cecil has heard of that too.?The news was unfortunate and she didn't know how to console Reina because the woman in question didn't want their sympathy.

"But you can't do this every day and you're a busy man. What if Sakuzi needs you for something and you're not there to -"

"Shhh," He pressed her finger against her lips and watched with interest the way her face turned red. It pleased him to know that he still affected her that way. God knew how much he missed her.

"Let's go then," He directed her to the car and helped her in.

Cecil found herself in the backseat even though she wanted to sit with him in the front. However, the man claimed it was safer for her there than in the front where he might be distracted with her scent - does that even make sense?

The drive was awkwardly silent nor did Emerald care to tell her he was also here for the secret she was hiding from him. Emerald had seen the way blood drained from her face when that call came in that last day and although she ended it instantly, Cecil was pretty shaken up.

As expected, when he had asked her about it, she simply lied to him and Emerald went along with it, knowing unless she wanted to tell him, he would not get a single piece of information from her lips. But then, he has made it his life mission to keep her happy and that involves getting rid of anybody that threatens her peace.

Cecil noticed the tension in the air and was about to raise an interesting topic when she suddenly inhaled the fumes that flew in through the opened window when a car on the same lane zoomed past them. She felt sick to the stomach.

"Emerald," She called, tapping on his seat urgently.

"Are you okay?" he asked upon seeing the paleness in her expression.

"No, I need to throw up," She cupped her mouth immediately and Emerald, seeing the emergency, pulled over immediately.

Once down, Cecil crossed over to the pedestrian walk and began to throw up her guts on the poor green vegetation. That smoke had made her stomach churn and right now, she wanted to be relieved of that distress.

By the time she was done, Emerald had already gotten her water to rinse her mouth and had a deep frown on his face.

"What is it?" She asked, bothered by his intense stare.

"You don't look fine,"

"I'm fine. It seems like a sudden car sickness that would go away with time," she excused.

"I'm taking you to the hospital," He decided.

"What? No!"

However, her protest was for nothing because Emerald got her back into the car and this time, in the front seat with him, making sure a paper bag was available - for her vomit.

To be honest, everything that happened next was a blur to Cecil. All she knew was that she was asked several questions at the hospital and the next she knew, her urine sample was being collected and some other things she couldn't exactly remember. Don't blame the woman, her coordination has not been the best lately - she must be stressed up with her father's invitation.

So Cecil claimed because when the female doctor turned to Emerald with the test result and a creepy smile on her face announcing, "Congratulations sir, your wife is a week pregnant," a bomb went off in her head.

The doctor went on to explain possible symptoms she would experience and blah blah, but Cecil wasn't listening because one question occupied her mind.

"Didn't she do it in her safe week? What happened to the 'safe' in the week?"

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