Star Eater

Chapter 417 - 417

Chapter 417: Chapter 417

Arthur's Point of View


Things were getting worse. 'Mordred!' My eyes snapped shut. 'Your majesty!'

"Stop." I whispered.

'Man, the walls! Get the civilians inside the keep!' My head tilted slightly as I twitched and tried to tune it out. 'Where do you need to go that is so important you would leave your crown behind?'

"Stop." I said with a little more force.

'Is someone waiting for you?'

"No!" Shaking my head as I opened my eyes, my breath caught in my throat.

'You okay, Tim?'

An apparition appeared before me. A man, my brother, I once knew. Someone who I known my entire life. Beside him was another specter. She was just as beautiful as she was in my memories. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me and smiled.

'John?' She called out. 'When are you coming home, John? I got a surprise waiting for you.'

As ashamed as I was to admit it, I wasn't all there, and I acted rashly. Especially when two more ghosts appeared. Aydan and Mara both added to my rapidly growing frustrations.

Elincia's Point of View


Escorting Ventari, Vitar, and Lady Turiel, we rounded the hall to where Typhon stood with several other guards. This included Captain Harlow. Kheri was with me, and both of us immediately realized something was off. All of them had backed away from the door. Each had expressions of concern.

It wasn't until we got a little closer that we heard Arthur's voice come through the door. "Get out of my head!" A crash could be heard. "I didn't know how to save any of you, but I'm trying my best now! Will you not leave me be!?"

Picking up my pace, I stepped beside the door, but Typhon grabbed my arm. "Arthur isn't-" He began.

Placing my hand over his got him to look at me. "I know." He let go of my arm, and I turned to the door. "Everyone should stay here."

Opening the door, I came face to face with a huffing Arthur. "What!?" He snapped towards me.

Holding my hands slowly, I closed the door behind me with my hip. "Arthur, it's just me."

His eyes narrowed as he moved toward me from across the room. "What did you just call me?" A chill ran down my neck from his tone.

"Ar-Arthur." I repeated.

It was always disturbing to see how much faster and more powerful he was. Before I knew it, his hands were on the sides of my face as his fingers started to squeeze. My eyes widened when I realized he had used up far more energy than I originally thought, and despite how much he had used, he was still stronger than me. Even in this state, he somehow was able to outclass me. Maybe I was just afraid... Had I truly gotten so weak, or was Arthur truly just that powerful even as his energy diminished?

The man's arms seemed to tremble along with his entire body. "How do you know that name?" He demanded as I could feel his hands shaking.

Confused, I prodded further in the calmest manner I could. "What name?"

He almost looked like he was doing everything he could to stay his hands. "Repeat what you called me once more." Arthur demanded as he took a deep breath.

"Arthur." I said firmly. "Arthur Pendragon."

His lips twitched, but his arms slowly fell back to his sides as he let go of me. "I..." He backed away from me. "I'm not well, Elincia."

With a deep breath, I exhaled slowly. "Let me help you."

"You can't even help yourself." He replied with a glare as he moved away from me before his head whipped off to the side. "And you're not fucking real!" His glare had changed to a different part of the room.

"You need my help, Arthur. Please... Just give me a chance."

With a sigh, he sat down. I watched him as he closed his eyes sharply. He even tilted his head slightly as if annoyed. His lip would twitch every so often. It was almost as if I was watching him grow increasingly more frustrated. Even his nostrils would flare repeatedly. Arthur was clearly hearing voices. Voices that he clearly didn't want to be hearing.

The man seemed to age before me as his face sagged and the bags under his eyes grew. "I'm tired, Elincia."

Moving in front of him, I placed a hand on his. "I know."

"And I'm getting weaker and weaker."

"I know." Kneeling down in front of him, he looked at me.

"I don't want to be like this anymore."

Giving his hand a comforting squeeze, I smiled. "I know."

Arthur paused for a moment as he studied me. "Will you help me?" He finally asked.

With a small nod, I answered. "Okay."

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