Star Eater

Chapter 416 - 416

Chapter 416: Chapter 416

Arthur's Point of View


Giving a pained expression, Elincia spoke after a moment. "The Dwarves and Druids are leaving. Resources are low, most of the area is destroyed, and they have decided to enter into an alliance. Both leaders are plan to give it a few more days before they head out, but they've been gathering what they can."

I nodded at that. "An alliance is the smartest choice. They worked well together. Did you come here just to tell me that?"

"No. We will also be leaving. We've been given a carriage to help transport you, but we're gonna make our way to the port to find a ship to return."

"Not without what was promised to m-"

Elincia held up her hands. "Queen Ventari, Prince Vitar, and Lady Turiel have all agreed to look into your requests, but they need to consider their people first. They don't want the capital scattered. So, they plan to head to the Northern Forests to rebuild. Thankfully, it's not very far away, and no one should lose their life during the journey."

An alliance between Dwarves and Druids could be the spark I need moving forward. Lestrania will follow whatever I desire regardless of how the Priestesses feel. The title of hero does have a few perks, and that's getting a few people to come and sit at your table. Dwarves, Druids, Lestrania, and possibly the Dragons. If I get those four, I bet others wouldn't be too far behind.

A world summit of sorts would be huge. Informing them about the Demon threat would also be in my favor. I'll need to do more research on the world's history, but this initial alliance isn't a bad idea. Maybe it could be something more...

"What are you thinking about?" Elincia asked me warily.

My eyes flickered back up to her. "Do Lady Turiel and Ventari have a moment? I'd like to ask them something."

She seemed unnerved about that. "In your current condition? Are you sure that is a good idea?"

"It might just be the best damn idea I've ever had." Then I nudged Typhon. "If you ever get such titles, use them to your advantage when you can and for things that are worthwhile. Don't use them for petty matters. It will sully your reputation and make people more unlikely to aid you when it really matters." I told him.

"Somehow, I doubt this is something he should be learning, and I dislike your phrasing. What are you planning that is so worthwhile?"

"I'd just like to run something by the two. If it's too difficult, I'm sure I can just wait for them to show up themselves." I replied with a shrug before lurching forward and vomiting copious amounts of blood.

"Arthur!" Elincia shouted as she rushed forward. "Let me help you! My magic can-" She reached out with her hands, and I grabbed them as I wheezed. "Are you truly so stubborn you would refuse my help even now!?"

Shaking my head, I spoke in a raspy tone. "Magic doesn't help me." She frowned at that. "Besides, do you really think you could remove that poison? My limbs are close to being fully healed, but even with focusing on my body, that poison is still there."

Typhon spoke. "Your limbs are almost recovered?"

Dropping my energy on my left arm, I held it up, and a small amount of blood leaked from where it was originally cut. The arm didn't fall off, nor was the muscle damaged. It was mostly stopping it from bleeding excessively at this point. However, it still didn't explain why it was taking so long for these wounds to heal. I'd been hurt by Tor before, and the process was far quicker than this last time, which meant the poison was my biggest concern.

My eyes flickered to Elincia, and I hoped she wouldn't catch on. As much as I liked her, I didn't trust her or her sister. Not many would think of someone's limbs getting cut off as a secondary concern. To be fair, even I didn't think of it right off the bat, and I definitely underestimated that poison.

"Getting there." My attention turned back to Elincia. "Your magic can't help me," I told her. "But I could use your help in getting both Turiel and Ventari. Let them know that I said this is important. To me, and to them."

Both Typhon and Elincia looked at each other for a moment. "Alright, Arthur," Elincia said after a moment as she glanced at me, concerned. "I will inform them you wish to talk."

"Thanks." Sitting back, I could hear the wheeze in my chest and throat as a rasp made its way to my lips. "Let them know I'm not dying."

"Are you sure about that?" Typhon asked with a smirk, but I could tell he was worried.

"Well, I suppose we're gonna find out sooner or later." My eyes flickered to Elincia. "The sooner, the better." She nodded with a frown before she left. "Ty," I called out to him, and I weakly gestured to the pitcher. "Help me."

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