Star Eater

Chapter 388 - 388

Chapter 388: Chapter 388

Ayda's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

When we entered the room the first thing I saw was the Priestess standing in front of Cassidy with a concerned look on her face. Her hand was stretched out with magic at the ready. Floyd stumbled into me as I had frozen without realizing it. My breath caught once more as I saw the redhead hold up one of her hands.

"Ah appreciate the offer, but Ah'm not one ta shy away from my mistakes. Ah did this ta myself knowing what could happen." Cass stated in a sharp tone. "Now Ah gotta live with it. Don't worry none, Priestess. Ah'll be able to focus just fine during the meeting."

Our teacher lowered her hand. "I see. While I too believe that, perhaps just this once would be acceptable?"

Cass shook her head. "You've always told us ta take responsibility. That's what Ah'm doin."

"I see." Her gaze snapped to me. "Come in, Ayda. You are blocking Floyd."

Blinking, I entered as instructed. "Apologies, Priestess."

She waved it away as she moved up to her throne and spoke. "Enter."

Off to the side, another door opened, and in walked Lord and Lady Leiflan. They shouldn't be here. Cassidy was staring at them for a moment before she looked over her shoulder at me. I shrugged as I stepped beside her. Floyd moved next to me as the two Nobles stayed off to the side.

Her magic activated, and another door opened from the other side of the room. "You as well." She called.

Sherry, the owner of The Rainy Helm, entered the room as well and bowed. "Sherry?" Cass said in surprise.

"There is a reason all of you have been called here." Priestess Arceana suddenly began, and we all looked to her. "Each of you has been involved with Arthur Pendragon in some manner."

While I expected Cassidy to instantly speak up, perhaps her condition made her more cautious. However, there was another who quickly cut in.

"Priestess," Lord Drewes Leiflan started. "Surely you would not call us here to discuss your General who is not even present himself."

To our surprise, she glared at him. "I can, and I am."

However, Lord Leiflan didn't back down. "Then I must ask that you clarify what it is you wish to discuss." He stated in a respectful tone as he held her gaze. "After all, one might get the wrong idea of our hero."

Arceana held her glare and was acting in an odd manner. "A private investigation into Arthur Pendragon has begun on my orders." My eyes widened at that as she gestured to Sherry. "Sherry was kind enough to participate in a mandatory audit that just so happened to choose her establishment."

The woman in question was doing her best to stare at the floor. "What was revealed during the audit that prompted this sudden investigation into Arthur Pendragon? If it was something illegal, Ms. Sherry would likely be in chains." Lord Leiflan pointed out.

"A document, unlike any other I have seen, was in her files. Specifically, her agreement with Sir Arthur." Arceana replied. "It was a way of making money that I am not familiar with, and while it was agreed upon by both parties, I am concerned that perhaps Arthur is taking advantage of our people."

"Ms. Sherry," Luthi Leiflan stepped forward slightly as she ignored her husband and the Priestess. "Has your business suffered since entering into this agreement with Sir Arthur?"

"No, my Lady." Sherry replied.

"Perhaps he threatened you?"

"Uh, no." Sherry said again a little confused and unsure.

"Is he taking advantage of your agreement in any manner that you can tell, financial or otherwise?"

Shaking her head, Sherry answered. "None."

Lady Drewes looked to the Priestess. "Then what could possibly be the issue? Were their any issues with her other documents? Was she partaking in illegal activities? What of her ledgers? Have they all been verified?"

To our surprise, Arceana nodded simply. "They were all fine, and she passed her audit with flying colors."

Her husband quickly stepped next to her. "Perhaps you should wait for Sir Arthur's return before jumping into such a large investigation spanning all of his business dealings? Having the one being under suspicion present to defend himself is normally a given."

"Normally I would, but given that we are unaware of when he will return, this is something I felt best to be looked into in a prompt manner." The Priestess answered. "Greigh Nasa and Ziah Tib will also be brought in for questioning." Her gaze then landed on Cassidy and I. "However, both your families have had dealings with him as well on a personal level. I was hoping the two of you might be able to provide some insight."

My eyes widened as I saw a hatred behind her eyes. Not directed at us, but at the mere thought of Arthur. He'd been gone for weeks now. Yet, she only waited until now to do this. The Priestess had likely been looking into this situation on her own for awhile now using other agents. This was nothing short of slander and meant to destroy the faith the people had placed in Arthur Pendragon.

"There is no insight ta give." Cassidy's voice cut in and we all looked at her. "If ya have a problem with Arthur, figure it out yerself and leave me outta it." To our surprise, she looked angry at the Priestess. "Don't bring me, or mine, into yer pettiness." Moving over to Sherry, she grabbed her hand. "Since Sherry has passed your audit, she has no official reason ta be here." Giving an overly theatrical bow, Cass turned to leave with a very shocked Sherry in tow. "Until next time, 'Priestess."'

The room was quiet as no one expected such an outburst from the redhead. "Ayda," Our teacher finally called out and I looked back to her to see her eyes narrowed. "Please keep an eye on Cass for me. She may know more than she is letting on."

Hesitating for a moment, I eventually nodded and replied. "Of course, Priestess."

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