Star Eater

Chapter 387 - 387

Chapter 387: Chapter 387

Ayda's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Using Zugal transport, which almost got Cassidy to pass out, we landed outside the Temple. Moving inside, many waved at us or greeted us in some other manner. None of that mattered as we tried to act natural. Cassidy wasn't doing her best and looked on the verge of passing out.

Moving to a side room that was essentially an empty closet, I started to strip her. She didn't fight me as she panted. With her shirt off, she immediately put her hands on the wall to steady herself while I looked over her back. The runes were hidden, but the wounds themselves were still there. Even if they were impossible to reveal without magic, if Arceana got suspicious, she might try to heal her.

Digging into my bag, I spoke softly. "This is a salve that will numb your back." She looked over her shoulder at me through matted hair that clung to her forehead and cheeks. "It is also considered a poison, but so are many medicinal herbs." Cass hissed and suppressed a sob as I started to spread it across the entire affected area. "This is not meant to heal it. Merely numb the pain. Make sure no one touches your back, and be aware to keep your space from others."

After a few moments, she let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Ayda."

"Hold your thanks until we get out of this mess. If we leave that salve on you for too long, it could be more problematic moving forward." I told her. "We go in, find out why we were summoned, and go back down. By that time, I should have enough of my magic back to teleport us."

It'd been a few hours, but it also depended on how long this meeting was and what it had to deal with. Floyd was mentioned. However, that doesn't mean he'll be the only one present. That was another concern. Who all was attending this sudden summons?

"Ah'll let you do most of the talkin. Use ma hangover as an excuse if needed."

"And Rennal?" I inquired as she put her shirt back on.

Cass struggled, but she was able to hide the pain better. "Ah can take care of Rennal." She still looked dreadful.

"One can hope. You deal with her, and I will do my best to deal with everyone else." Opening the door, I looked back at her. "Are you going to be okay?" Her eyes looked past me, and I immediately turned forward. "Floyd!" I greeted overly enthusiastic, which was very unlike myself.

The man eyed me with such intensity that it surprised me. "Ayda." He greeted and then looked to Cass before he raised a brow at her appearance. "Cass." Then he chuckled slightly. "The Priestess was not kidding when she said you two went at it hard last night! What was at the bottom of your mugs that you were so desperate to get to?" Floyd mocked playfully.

Before I could respond, Cass did so for both of us. "Maybe Ah was lookin for my Grandpa!" Her tone was harsh and bitter that it made even my eyes widened at it.

Floyd, on the other hand, lost all of his playfulness and mirth. "Ah." He let out slowly. "Cass, I didn't mean to-" Moving out from behind me, she moved past him as she ignored him before he turned back to me. "I didn't know."

A sigh escaped my lips. "She still has a hangover." I told him and shrugged. "Said she deserves it after last night." Patting his shoulder, he nodded. "Come on. Let us see what the Priestess needs." He walked by my side, and I tried my best to act normal. "How has your training been?"

The man shrugged. "The same as usual. Do this, do that." He replied. "Do as instructed until you no longer need instruction."

I nodded. "That is our training in a nutshell. Any idea why we were summoned? If I had known, I certainly would have avoided The Rainy Helm yesterday."

He chuckled at that. "The fact you went there at all surprised me. Sherry told me I just missed you two and then forced me to work a few hours during the rush." I giggled at that to keep up appearances as we followed a distance from Cass. "You know if you ever need someone to talk to," He gently grabbed my hand to stop me. "I'm always here."

Looking at his hand for a moment, Cass moved around the corner, and I placed my free hand on top of his. "I know. You are always good to me, Floyd, but this was more akin to looking for a kindred spirit. Especially with what had happened. Everything about it was the same for both of us."

Floyd rubbed the back of my hand softly with his thumb. "You can still talk to me, or even if you feel the sudden urge to drink."

Giving him a weak shrug, I looked him in the eyes. "It started as a whim and ended as a difficult morning." Trying my best to stick to the truth, what parts of it I could tell, I did my best to avoid lying as I let go with a smirk. "Word of advice, never drink with Cass." Then I gestured down the hall. "Shall we?" Without another word, we moved to follow after Cass as I gave him no room to object.

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