Star Eater

Chapter 322 - 322

Chapter 322: Chapter 322

Arthur's Point of View

Above the Middle Ocean

Sitting off to the side, I waited patiently with a small smile of my own. He merely shrugged and headed to help without my offer to explain. We took off. Helmsforth started to become smaller and smaller as we flew away. As I looked over the edge of it, I focused on the orb from my sword and realized Lucia had it with her still. With a small smile, I opened a portal in front of the ship.

"Stay on course!" Allen shouted. "And brace yourselves!"

We went through, and it felt like someone put nails in both of my eyes. Such large transportations always hurts. Either I wasn't used to it, or I wasn't meant to be transporting so many people. Regardless, we popped out over the Middle Ocean, where I had battled the Leviathan. That almost seems like a lifetime ago.

The sun had switched places. No longer was it rising in the east. It was closer to the west horizon as many seemed confused about what had happened. Startled shouts could be heard from inside the ship's depths, but I merely smirked, amused more than anything.

Allen returned to me as my eyes were squinting from the pain. "As I said, the Arthur express."

"Are you okay?" Allen asked, genuinely concerned.

Rubbing my eyes slightly as they twitched, I answered. "Yeah. Just takes a lot out of me."

He nodded. "Should I assume we're back to where we were when the Leviathan appeared?"

"The very same." Stumbling to my feet as I shook my head to displace the feeling in my eyes, I groaned slightly. "That should cut our trip there in half."

"Maybe a little more. It's a new ship and hasn't been put through her paces yet, but you certainly helped. Can I get you anything?"

"Tell Typhon to meet me up here. He's going to be training through the night."

The Captain turned to leave me alone but quickly asked. "Do you need me to show you to your quarters?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

After being shown to my room, talked to by an annoyed Priestess for the sudden transportation, and getting Typhon's ass back on the deck, we started his training back up. Kheri was watching along with a few of the crew. Most had gotten us steady in the air before lounging about. Thus, several days had passed. Mundane days where the doldrums settled in for many.

"Breath in," I began. "And out. Just like we've practiced. Remember everything you did to survive in the North."

Typhon had been at it for hours now. Days had gone by and it had been the same thing over and over. Exercise in different forms. Strength, endurance, etc... And then came combat techniques. Hand to hand was boring by yourself. Especially with no partner. Sweat soaked his clothes as they slapped and stuck against his skin when he moved.

"Gather your magic and move it through your body. Enforce different places all while doing the movements I showed you." I instructed.

"I don't understand what you're trying to teach him." Kheri whispered to me. "He's been doing the same thing over and over."

"Repetition is key in some things, Kheri."

"Looks to me like you're just punishing your student under the hot sun."

Despite winter approaching, the sun was blistering. Magic sails and magic, in general, couldn't do anything to change that. The breeze was cool, which was something that all the sailors enjoyed. Typhon likely would've too, but I don't think it mattered too much for him. Much like Elincia and I, the heat didn't affect him all that much.

With a sigh, I stood and moved beside Typhon. "Clearly, something is on your mind. Want to share?" I asked my student.

He avoided my gaze. "Nothing is on my mind."

Crossing my arms, I stared at him. "So, you say, but your magic has been stiff. Barely flowing to where you want it to. Your time in the North should've helped you with this. In fact, I know it did. Either you're distracted, or something else is happening."

"..." Ty didn't respond.

Part of me wished he'd answer. Tell me what was wrong. Something was bothering him, but I wasn't sure what it was. Maybe I had made a mistake making him come. Typhon had done so well in the North. Using his magic at vital moments and even being able to use it to strengthen his body in different ways. I'm not sure why he's struggling so much.

"Ty?" I waited for an answer.

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