Star Eater

Chapter 321 - 321

Chapter 321: Chapter 321

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Skydeck

The newly appointed Captain of The White Revenge, after Adam White, didn't seem convinced. He scratched his beard as he eyed me. Although, given that I was there with the Leviathan, he didn't seem too keen on questioning me further. Eventually, he just gave a small shrug.

"Am I to assume it's the same rules as last time?" At my look, he explained. "Your word is law, followed by the Priestess? Like how you did with Lady Lucia?"

Waving his questions away, I smirked. "As entertaining as that would be, Elincia should be able to handle it. Lucia was young and inexperienced. Elincia's several thousand years old. I'll be here, but unless there's another Leviathan, or we run into more Demons, feel free to follow her orders." Then I quirked a brow at him. "I do find it surprising that you would consider listening to my orders over hers, though."

Allen shrugged. "She wasn't the one who summoned us or put together this mission. From what Greigh said, you're the one behind everything. That means you're in charge. The Priestess will be treated as a passenger for the most part just like Queen Ventari."

"And General Kheri Naset?"

"The same as the Priestess given the situation."

"Interesting." I commented.

He crossed his arms. "Not really. There's a vast difference between our skillsets. While she may be able to fly, if she knows everything needed to sail, I'd be shocked. There's a reason why we're considered a different branch after all. Different knowledge required to operate on an airship."

Nodding, I mumbled out, "That's fair." Then I gestured to myself. "So, just because I put this mission together, you've decided to listen to me?"

Allen bobbed his head back and forth. "Technically, we're always under your command. Remember how Captain White said we were originally supposed to be your officers, but instead, you took Captain Greigh and Sergeant Ziah?"


"We're still under your command." Then he gestured to himself. "Human and all that." My face likely turned to one of annoyance. "Yes, I know you hate the segregation of our races."

"It's foolish. You should have more Zugal up here, with a mix of Elves."

"We have a few Zugal." Adam pointed out. "And a few Elves." Meaning only a handful of each if that or one or two if that.

"I suppose. Regardless, you could easily ignore all of that and take the Priestess's orders if you wanted to. So again, why me?"

A small smirk graced his lips as he looked at me, amused. "Shall we count the ways?" He asked, and I quirked a brow which made him chuckle. "Let's see. You issue out fair orders, took our opinions and experience seriously, were able to guide us to safety through the Magical Squall, delayed the Leviathan while transporting the majority of us to safety, and ended up killing the Leviathan as well." Allen was very amused as he leaned in. "Did you get a trophy from that, by the way, or some manner of reward?"

Rolling my eyes, I answered. "I had a massive tooth that was larger than the size of my home, but the Priestesses turned it into a two-ton dagger. So, you know... It's essentially a paperweight."

He frowned at that. "That seems like a waste."

Groaning, I replied. "It is. I was gonna make a pool."

Allen didn't seem convinced. "That also seems like a bit of a waste."

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't get what I wanted."

"It really doesn't." I gave him a 'join the club' look, and he shook his head. "So, what's the plan this time around?"

"We're gonna take the Arthur express." I told him, and his brow furrowed, confused. "Once we get ready to set out, you'll see what I mean."

Giving an uneasy look, he spoke softly. "You're not planning on dragging us behind you the entire time, are you?"

Chuckling at that, I answered. "No. Set sail and follow my orders for the first five minutes. I'm planning on cutting our trips time in half."

Obviously, that confused him, but he nodded anyway. "As you wish." Allen quick barked out the orders, "Set sail! Ignite the engines!" Moving past him, made him turn to me. "What are you planning on doing?"

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