Star Eater

Chapter 247 - 247

Chapter 247: Chapter 247

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Thana made a move, but I can't imagine she would hide in these circumstances. Whatever I did while unconscious must've given her pause, which just makes me even more curious. No one had given me a straight answer about what happened during the period when I was declared dead.

With a sigh, I stood. "It would seem I truly am alone for the coming battle."

"Sir, I think that's mildly inappropriate!" Greigh immediately said.

"And insulting." Aydalia added.

My eyes looked over all of them. "From what I've heard, Lucia, Alwin, Kheri, and Ziah were all present when the first Ghoul attacked. Even if it was on the stronger side for Ghouls, all four of them were together were unable to kill it." It wasn't a fair assessment, but I didn't care. "There are things in this world far worse than Ghouls."

All three frowned at that. "So, you plan on fighting a war all by yourself?" Aien inquired. "How can you possibly rationalize that?"

"I don't have many other options. A few of you might be able to fight a few Ghouls, the Priestesses are comparable to Ancient Demons, but I'm the only one we have to fight Demon Lords." Then I shrugged. "Pestilence and Credo are up in the air right now because they're Demon Lords as well, which makes me nervous about working with them."

"That doesn't seem very logical," Aien replied. "Wouldn't it be better to train soldiers who would be able to help you instead of just planning to work with two Demons?"

"I'm training Typhon, and I've been giving advice to Lucia. I have no plans to train another army. Been there, done that." Rubbing my hand down my face, I sighed. "This is the hand I've been dealt. I'll deal with it as best I can. Besides, how many Elves are actually ready for battle? Some of you seem experienced, but I doubt every Noble is, so why waste my time with them?" Gesturing to Greigh, I continued. "Working with the Zugal and Humans would be best. Doubtful most of the Elves would even leave their mountain if they needed to."

Aydalia frowned. "Not all of us are the same, Sir Arthur."

"I didn't say you were. Most of you would likely cower and hide behind your titles from what I've seen. Oppressors that don't need to get their hands dirty are usually the most cowardly." Then I shrugged. "Not that you two are the same as all of them, and I'm sure some Elves would want to help, but as it stands, I have no time to worry about the readiness of Lestrania."

Aien gestured to me. "You knew this was going to happen?" I nodded. "That's why you built the battlements?" Another nod. "But they didn't work."

Scoffing, I replied. "Would you expect a wall to work on Zugal?" I shot back. "No. The battlements were built for the Demon Horde, not its stronger forces. We have our own Zugal to run interference in the air and a mountain lined with Elves. Artillery spells, arrows, and more would be easy enough to hinder Ghouls and maybe even kill some." Then I gestured to the Temple. "The Priestesses would deal with anything slightly stronger, while I would be responsible for anything above them."

Aydalia looked at her husband before turning back to me. "You really thought this far ahead?"

"It's not my first rodeo. Thana loves sending minions to do her dirty work."

"Thana?" Mamma Farro repeated.

"Thana, Queen of Demons and most likely the one controlling that Ghoul your son spoke with," I explained. "Seems she's been keeping a close eye on me. Things will become more problematic when she gets involved personally."

Greigh let out a flustered, "Wha-" Before his voice got caught in his throat.

All three of them looked at me in disbelief. "The Demon Queen came for you specifically?" Aydalia asked with closed eyes as she shook her head and started shouting. "Why!? How does that even make sense!? What do you know that we don't!?" Her eyes focused on me as she became almost hysterical. "How do you even know her?!"

My eyes darted towards the sky, where I saw two familiar figures closing in. "Let's just say we don't like each other very much." Cassidy and Ziah landed with a sack of sorts. "Hey girls!" I greeted, slightly impressed Ziah was able to fly with all the extra weight. "How do I look, Cass?"

My question confused her. "Huh?"

"I thought for sure you'd notice," I told the redhead before I gestured to myself. "I must've lost at least fifteen pounds since we last spoke. Very slimming, in my opinion."

Needless to say, the whole group didn't like the joke I made about my missing arm. "Are you insane?!" Cassidy started yelling.

"Kinda?" Was my response.

Things quickly escalated as I upset the poor girl. "Gimme that!" Cassidy grabbed the sack from Ziah and darted towards me as she held it above her head.

"Cassidy! I'm missing an arm!" I held up my nub to pick at her conscience. "Gah!" It didn't work.

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