Star Eater

Chapter 246 - 246

Chapter 246: Chapter 246

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Aien's fingers released a small amount of magic that disappeared. It wasn't long after until Aydalia teleported to where we were. She quickly looked around and saw the nervous expressions of her husband and Greigh. Given that she was rather quick on her feet, she quickly met my gaze.

"Sir Arthur." She greeted with a small bow. "I am glad to see you are doing better."

"In no small part thanks to you and your comrades." I returned her bow with a nod. "However, I have inquired as to who all was involved in this incident." Then my head gestured to Aien. "Pappa Farro says he'll tell me depending on what I plan on doing with that information, but we both know I'll find out either way."

To her credit, the she Elf held firm. "I didn't back you to be threatened, later on, Sir Arthur. Many people are nervous about you and the power you've shown. Others have decided to side with you despite how you act." Gesturing to Greigh, Aydalia continued. "The Captain seems to think you know more than you let on and portray yourself this way on purpose." My gaze shifted to Greigh. "Is it not enough that there are those of us who defended you despite all of this."

A small smirk made its way to my face as an image of Aydan flashed over her for only a moment. "Then tell me this, Mamma Farro, do you think they did this out of hate for me or out of loyalty to the two girls?"

She frowned at that and was confused. "Girls?" Aydalia repeated in a questioning manner.

Rolling my eyes, I clarified. "The Priestesses."

Her frown deepened. "I'm sure many did it out of loyalty, but you have very few friends among the Nobles due to your own actions." Aydalia answered firmly.

Standing, I moved in front of the Elf, who looked at me firmly, but with a hidden nervousness. "Greigh?" I called out as I kept my eyes on Aydalia.

"Yes, Sir?" The Zugal replied.

"What do you think I should do in this situation? Should we leave them be, take action, or perhaps bring it to the Priestesses' attention when they awaken?" Then I continued. "Then again, maybe you have something different in mind. Given how you moved to aid me so quickly, I'd like your opinion on this matter since you are the least biased person here."

Obviously, the amount of pressure I added to him made him frown, but he answered regardless. "I would never presume to present my own opinion," Greigh began. "But since you asked... Helmsforth was just attacked. Its Priestesses were in danger, as was the entire mountain. Moving forward, I would say that unity would be better than causing more division amongst ourselves."

Standing up more relaxed, I looked over the Zugal. "Greigh."


"When I've recovered and we're back in The Slums, I want to talk to you." I told him but quickly looked back to Aydalia. "The Captain's idea has merit." My agreement made Aydalia sigh in relief. "But I still want the list of names of everyone who was involved, no harm shall come to them. Including your son."

Moving back to my stump, Aydalia replied. "Thank you, Sir Arthur."

Waving it away as I sat down, I looked at her and her husband. "I wouldn't've killed your son anyway. Maybe gone after his position, but that would be all. However, I am interested in if General Kheri was involved."

Aydalia shook her head. "It would seem she was unaware as she was aiding Lady Lucia at the time. Both were more concerned about your recklessness than anything else."

Small miracles. "What about the Ghoul you encountered?" I asked Greigh as all three stood before me, more relaxed now. "Ziah informed me that it was speaking and acting as if it was issuing out orders."

Greigh nodded as the two Elves looked at him. "I wasn't present at the time, but given what I saw from my investigation, their actions correlate to the other Demons moving on Helmsforth. She also stated that the Ghoul cared nothing about the Priestesses and was only here for you." The couple clearly didn't know about that if their heads whipping to me, was any indication. "It also took some manner of sadistic pleasure in your injured form."

"Did it sound feminine?" I inquired. "Was it a woman's voice?"

"That is what Ziah reported," Greigh confirmed. "The Ghouls weren't the issue, though. It was the Demon of shadows that unnerved me more than anything else. Even with dozens of Ghouls-"

"A Demon of shadows?" I repeated, and Greigh nodded. "And you believe it only moved once the Ghoul issued the order?" He nodded again. "Fuck..."

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