Star Eater

Chapter 235 - 235

Chapter 235: Chapter 235

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"Please make way for the General." Aydalia said as we stopped in front of four guards and Kheri.

"No one enters the room but our healers and doctors." Kheri responded to Aydalia and then looked at me. "That includes you too, Arthur. You need to rest. Go back to your room and let us handle this."

Momma Farro opened her mouth to reply, but I put a hand on her shoulder and moved her aside. "Move." I ordered Kheri.

She shook her head. "I can't do that, Sir." The Zugal General replied firmly.

Coughing from my throat drying out again, I spoke again. "I am ordering you to move, General." My threatening tone got her to frown as I summoned some of my energy.

To my surprise, she stood her ground. "I can't follow that order." With a whistle, all the guards brandished their steel at me threateningly. "We will use force if we must."

The three with me looked horrified as I stared them down. "General, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to-" Ziah started but was silenced with a glare, and Cassidy was smart enough to keep quiet.

"Think of what you are doing, Kheri." Aydalia began. "Arthur already made his way here. He should be allowed to see them."

"You are no longer an official member of the military. Keep your opinion to your-" Kheri didn't get to finish as she found herself floating off the ground along with her unit.

Her eyes widened as she looked at me. "Arthur! Don't hurt em!" Cassidy shouted at me as all of them began to grunt and strain from the pressure I was putting on them.

A hand gently laid on my shoulder, and I turned angrily to see Lucia smiling at me sadly. "Put them down, Arthur. Please." My shoulders sagged as she continued. "She is just worried about you. We all are." There were even a few tears in her eyes.

I felt my eyes flicker as Kheri and her guards dropped to the floor as a sigh escaped my lips. Ignoring them as they looked up to me, each of them blanched as I merely stepped over them to the door. Kheri grabbed my arm as she quickly flapped her wings to get to her feet. I looked at her with a blank expression that made her eyes widen fearfully.

"I would unhand him if I were you, General." Lucia warned her softly.

Kheri slowly let go of my arm. "Why has he not been sedated or placed under a spell?"

Shaking her head as Lucia stepped between us, she answered. "Because Alwin is still recovering from trying to stop him." The Zugal frowned at that and stepped away. "Besides, he only has to answer to the Priestesses, and where are they?" Her question was rhetorical.

"In here, I hope." I answered anyway.

"They are," Cassidy confirmed. "Why'd ya need ta see them so bad?"

"I am sure our Knight has his reasons." Aydalia responded for me.

Inside the room, I saw the two sisters lying on separate beds with a caretaker in-between them. She looked at my condition before standing in alarm and opened her mouth to say something but stopped as Lucia and Kheri shook their heads. Nodding slowly, she sat back down slowly as I looked over the two priestesses. The two were sweating, pale, and breathing rapidly in their sleep. Much like you would expect from a terrible fever.

Grunting as I tried to reach out with my right hand, only to see a bloody nub, I sighed. "It's gonna take a while to get used to that." Placing my hand gently on Elincia's cheek, I answered Cassidy's question. "I'm here to help them as much as I can."

No one said anything as my energy began to pour into the High Elf. Elincia laid before me, and I didn't see the Priestess she had become but the little girl who I once knew. The same little girl I had failed once before as she laid bare on that mountain top. Gritting my teeth, I felt the effects immediately upon transferring my energy over to her.

By no means did I transfer over enough to completely refill her reserves, but I had no doubt she had enough to wake up once she recovered enough. This was more of a boost to speed up her healing process. One that I quickly repeated with Arceana. Both of their complexions returned to normal as their breathing evened out. However, the same could not be said for me.

Falling to my knees after carefully helping the Priestesses, I wheezed. "Arthur!" Ziah and Cassidy both shouted in alarm.

Lucia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Never before had I seen someone act so carefully. Even as his blood dripped all over them and their beds, Arthur was so tender with his touch. Almost afraid that he might hurt, or even break, either Arceana or Elincia. The look in his eyes as he stared down at them made me pause. It was not a look someone would give to a person they barely tolerate. No. This was a look of regret and anguish. Even as he helped them, I could almost feel a sense of guilt wash over me from how Arthur acted.

Then he collapsed on the floor wheezing. Ziah and Cassidy had rushed to his side, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the two Priestesses. Both, who seemed so weak before, now seemed to be merely asleep after a long day. They had become still, and their cheeks were no longer pale. All of this should've been impossible without several donors. Especially not from a man who was declared dead only a few days ago...

My eyes flickered to the stumbling form of Arthur Pendragon as he got back to his feet. "Take me to everyone else." He ordered and then looked at Aydalia. "But let's start with Ayda first, shall we?"

Many seemed unsure about letting him continue, given what he had just accomplished, but too many of us were more nervous to try and stop him. Whispering to Kheri, she nodded and quickly removed herself from the room. Aydalia, Ziah, and Cassidy even seemed hesitant to let him carry on, but we escorted him once more at my nod of approval. A man on death's door was doing more than any of us could...

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