Star Eater

Chapter 234 - 234

Chapter 234: Chapter 234

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"Yeah." Cassidy chuckled in agreement. "They're nasty at the best of times, huh?" Shifting around, she held up her arms at my sides in concern. "Ya shouldn't be movin yet."

Bringing up my arms, I felt my left arm hit her hand but noticed my right arm didn't respond. Confused, my gaze shifted to my right to see my arm. To my surprise, it wasn't there, which just befuddled me more. Soon, everyone went quiet as I started looking down to see if it was in some manner of sling, but there was nothing.

"Arthur-" Lucia called out.

I cut her off when I noticed my nub in place of my right arm. Static could be felt throughout my body as it went numb and white noise rang in my ears. This was the consequence of my not wanting to reveal my other form. One that could've prevented this. Had I transformed, I could've portaled everyone to safety, but this resulted from my own decision.

"Arthur..." Lucia said softer this time as I sighed. "Are you okay?"

"That was one of my two favorite arms." I replied softly before shuffling off to the side of the bed, which alarmed everyone.

"You need to lie down! Your wounds aren't healed!" A doctor immediately told me from the doorway. "Some of them are even cursed!"

Blood was dripping from my nub, which told me it was likely my missing arm that was cursed. Cassidy moved to me with Lucia as they both held up their hands to lower me back down, but I refused to move. Both seemed surprised at that as I stood even with them trying to prevent me from doing so.

"I'll be fine. I need to be caught up to speed. What have I missed?" I inquired.

"You really should be resting." Lucia stated softly.

"I've been out for a few days, according to Cassidy. I'll live."

Alwin moved in front of me. "Be that as it may, there has been a lot going, and much of it revolves around you. We would like some of our own questions answered."

Sparing him nothing more than a glance, I moved past him. "Your questions can wait."

To my surprise, the Elf wrapped me in his magic and stopped me. "I am afraid I must insist." Alwin insisted.

"Stop that!" Cassidy shouted in an irritated manner. "He's injured, and he don't need ta be making it worse!"

"Alwi-" Lucia started but stopped just as suddenly when I intervened.

Yanking the Elf off the ground by his throat, the surprise and alarm in his eyes made it almost worth it. "I am in no mood for this, Elf." I spat and brought him closer to my face. "Do not presume yourself my equal in such a manner again. I am not one to be threatened by you, even while I'm injured." Dropping him, I hunched over in pain as my wounds throbbed. "Even in this state," Standing tall, I looked down at him. "I am still the strongest person in Lestrania."

Blood poured onto the floor as I stumbled back toward the hallway. Pushing the doctor aside gently, I left the room. Someone gasped to my right, and I saw Ziah standing there with her mouth slack-jawed. Ignoring her for a moment, my gaze drifted down the halls as I tried to remember why I even came out here in the first place.

"Arthur?" Lucia whispered from behind me softly.

"Sir..." Ziah also spoke just as gently. "You're bleeding."

Ignoring the robes, which were quickly becoming slick and heavy with my blood, I moved down one of the halls. Many were stationed about and looking at me in horror. No doubt I was getting blood everywhere, but I doubt I looked like I should've been up and about. Coming to an open area filled with beds of unconscious Elves, my eyes scanned them all. They were from the Island.

No doubt from the transfer, they had to do with the Priestesses, which told me that everyone involved in that probably was in a similar state. Family members were visiting, while others sobbed in fear for their loved ones. Some spoke softly, and many noticed me before almost all of them turned to look at me, alarmed.

Gritting my teeth as Cassidy and Ziah stepped beside me, I whispered, "Where are the Priestesses?" Huffing from the exertion got the two to glance at one another.

Cassidy had her arms out, ready to catch me if needed. "Ah don't think ya should be out and about, but what'd ya need them for?"

"Are they in a similar state?" I asked between breaths as I gestured to all the Elves.

"We've been waiting on magic transfers due to everything that's transpired. Given the delicate nature of the procedure, none have wanted to risk performing it." Ziah answered. "Elves magic reserves are very similar in most cases, but none can compare to either Priestess."

Another voice picked up from behind us. "Do not be concerned. Everyone is stable, including the Priestesses." Turning, I saw Aydalia there. "Even our daughter is in a similar state but will be fine given time." She explained as she examined my own condition. "Although, the same cannot be said of you."

Grumbling, I turned away from her. "I'm fine, but you might want to check on your son."

To my surprise, Aydalia replied immediately. "Alwin will be fine. He overstepped his bounds, and I thank you for your restraint." Quirking a brow at that, she gestured down another hallway. "The priestesses are this way."

Ziah and Cassidy seemed just as stunned as I was, but I recovered faster. "Lead the way."

As we walked, Aydalia turned to me. "Are you sure you should be moving around? Despite the mess you are making, the amount of blood coming from you is alarming."

"I can always make more." My dry response got Cassidy to snort in an amused manner.

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