She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 708

Chapter 708: IGNORE HIM

Evening came and Stefan went home with the report that Tristan handed before they left the company earlier. There was nothing suspicious about the man and he didn’t have any bad record as well – not even a traffic violation. Tristan even left the office to conduct a field investigation himself. Unfortunately, the neighborhood where the man lives didn’t know any woman named Cayenne Ardolf.

“Maybe I am just being paranoid.” Cayenne told herself as she read the information that Stefan gave her. “He was probably just annoyed with the special treatment I received.”

“That could be possible.” Stefan agreed as he sat down on the floor and set up the PlayStation. He wanted to play a game with her before dinner. In his mind, no matter who this new professor was, he won’t let him get close to Cayenne.

Cayenne kept the documents under the coffee table and leaned back on her seat. She felt something familiar when she read the information. She remembered that she stayed close in one of the places mentioned in the documents.

“Alice Sacred Heart School.” Cayenne mumbled with her eyes close. She wanted to remember the instances that could have linked her to the man. “I don’t really remember. Although I lived close to this private school, I didn’t study there.”

“What school?” Stefan inquired after catching some of the words that his wife muttered. “You were saying something about some sacred school.”

His anxious expression mellowed Cayenne’s troubled heart and she pulled him close to her. “I might have crossed paths with that man.” Cayenne stated with her head on his shoulder. “I still couldn’t recall when and where exactly and how we met but, before we moved to A City, we lived in a neighborhood close to Alice Sacred Heart School.”


“Maybe he was a childhood friend.”

“I don’t think so. I don’t remember anyone named Brian in that neighborhood.”

“Anyway, this matter will quickly pass by. This academic year will end soon and you won’t be seeing that man again. Besides, he is just a substitute teacher. The original professor will still return after her maternity leave. Don’t think too much about him. If he wants you to attend his class, go for it. I’ll just ask Martin to tighten the security around you.”

“Alright. Sorry for causing you trouble again.”

“Since when did you become a trouble?” Stefan retorted which made her smile sheepishly. “My wife is no trouble.”

Their night was lovely and they both enjoyed the company of each other. When Luiz and Kyle came back from school, they joined the couple inside the recreation room. They played different games until Lucia called them for dinner.

Tuesday came and Cayenne arrived early to attend her class. The news about her getting scolded has traveled around the campus and many wondered who has the guts to treat Stefan’s wife like that. Right now, she was no longer bothered with what happened as much as she did yesterday.

“Good morning, Yen.” Faith greeted when she saw Cayenne sitting on her usual seat.

“Good morning, Faith.”

“Is it just me or do you have more bodyguards today?”

Cayenne looked outside and smiled faintly at her friend. “Stefan got worried when I told him what happened yesterday. Since I will have to stay in the campus for the whole day, he wanted to tighten the security around me.”

“Oh.” Faith nodded her head in understanding. She glanced outside and saw the intimidating people standing guard to protect their mistress. “Some students are afraid of them.” Faith commented out of the blue.

“They’re very nice.” Cayenne retorted which earned a snort from Faith. Of course, she’d say they were nice because she has been spending time with them. But other people didn’t really know them.

Students started pouring in and Noah arrived just as the professor came. The professor gave them a surprise exam which really surprised most of the students. Unfortunately for the professor, Cayenne wasn’t surprised at all. She always studies whenever she gets some free time and she takes time to review her notes as well. It was the only way she could get good grades despite her lack of attendance.

Thirty minutes later, the students exchanged their papers to check their answers and to their amazement, Cayenne got the highest score.

“So far, Ms. Ardolf has been keeping her spot as the top scorer of the class. If it weren’t for your attendance, your grades would be great.” Their professor expressed in disappointedly. “Anyway, I hope you can keep your attendance until the academic year ends.”

“I’ll do my best prof.”

Her classmates looked at her with unspoken jealousy. They knew that she was getting special treatment but even without that, they could tell that Cayenne was really smart. She has both beauty and brain that many women would wish to have.

Although some of them didn’t get high scores at least, no one failed.

“I am amazed that you still find time to study amidst your busy schedule.” Noah commented while clapping his hands. “How do you do that?”

Cayenne shared how she squeezed her time to study while also doing other things. Sometimes, when she has to wait for Stefan, she’d study while waiting. She’d study while waiting for breakfast if Stefan has done taking a shower yet and she’d study a little before going to sleep if Stefan isn’t that horny. She can also study during her class breaks.

Since they got good scores, their professor gave them the remaining time to do whatever they wanted to do. Cayenne continued to chat with her friends until they had to leave the classroom to move to another place for the second subject.

For some reason, Cayenne shivered from the chills she felt. The bodyguards were walking around her so, she knew that no danger can get close to her inside the campus. [Just what is this bad premonition?]

It didn’t take long enough for her to find the answer. Brian Dival, their new professor was already waiting for them inside their classroom. He smiled when the others greeted him but when he saw Cayenne, his smile vanished and his displeasure showed on his face.

Cayenne felt the sudden change in his treatment but she ignored him and just walked directly to her seat.

“I can tell that he hates you.” Faith whispered.

“It doesn’t matter. He’s not my husband anyway.”

Faith and Cayenne laughed softly at their secret conversation while pretending to look at something else.

Brian watched Cayenne from the podium and his heart ached so much knowing that her happiness didn’t come from him. [How can I move on when I held on to your promise for so long?]

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