She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 707

Chapter 707: LITTLE LIAR

“Is this real?”

“The date is just over two months from now.”

“Why haven’t I heard about this?”

“I didn’t notice them prepare for something this grand.”

“Contact his secretary now and confirm this invitation. It would be embarrassing if this matter is a prank made by someone.”

“Why didn’t Stefan send the invitation personally?”

“What’s with this surprise wedding? His wife didn’t know anything?”


“I can’t believe he’d pull this kind of stunt.”

“Stefan planned the wedding on his own? Just how much he loves his wife?”

“Mommy, is the letter really true?”

“Hon, what gift shall we buy for them?”

“Is this the reason why he was always busy?”

“The boss is really getting married? We are finally going to witness their union?”

“I felt sad for Cayenne’s mother because she passed away before she could witness this grand event.”

“Wedding. Honeymoon. Pregnancy. How many kids do you think will they have?”

The invitation cards which Luna sent to many people received different reactions. Some of them were doubting the credibility of the card while others started thinking of gifts and whatnot. Many people were anticipating this event and they were all excited for that day to come.

What was even more exciting was the part about keeping this matter a secret from Cayenne.

Jillyanna’s family received their invitation cards as well and they were already thinking of the things that they can give to the couple. Stefan already bought a house and started buying appliances for their new home as well. They didn’t know what he lacks at the moment so, they decided to contact him and ask directly what he needed help with.

Reuben was also thinking of the same thing. He wanted to give his daughter the best gift that he can give but he knew that nothing could surpass whatever Stefan will give her. In the end, he also contacted Stefan to ask what else he needed help with the new house he was building.

Ferdinand and Magnus already booked a place for Cayenne and Stefan to spend the second month of their honeymoon. They wanted to book a trip for their entire honeymoon phase but Stefan refused because he wanted to spend their first month in the new house that he built for her.

People were discussing their wedding already but Cayenne was still in the dark about what was about to come. Stefan could only hope that no one would make a slip of the tongue in front of his wife.

When Monday came, Faith and Noah, who received their invitation as Cayenne’s close friends in school, were smiling foolishly in front of her. She didn’t know what was so fun early in the morning but since they two came to school together, she thought that something must have happened which made them happy. She never thought it has something to do with her.

During their second subject, their new professor came. He was the substitute teacher for their pregnant teacher who asked for maternity leave starting today. At first, female students liked him because he was handsome and loved to smile. However, when he called out for Cayenne’s attention, they felt how strict he was.

“I don’t care if you are a husband to the city’s richest man or a daughter of a business tycoon. I want you to attend the class every day with your physical presence here. I don’t like to bring my laptop during class when it’s not really needed. You better come in class or I’ll mark you as absent.”

“Y-yes. Yes, sir.” Cayenne answered softly with obvious discomfort with his treatment. She felt attacked and was unreasonably scolded. She knew that she was receiving special treatment by allowing her to attend class at home sometimes. However, she never really received points for that, though she wasn’t marked absent either.

Still, she felt that the approach was wrong. He could have asked her to come to his office after class and discuss this matter with her.

“Whatever,” Cayenne mumbled as she sat back on her chair and started paying attention to the discussion. It was his first day but Cayenne already hated him. Nonetheless, she still listened to the discussion for her own good.

As soon as the class ended, the new professor left and Cayenne slumped in her seat. She felt drained by the man’s presence.

“What’s with the bad blood?” One of the female students asked Cayenne. “It was his first day and he already scolded you.”

“I don’t know.”

“You must have done something wrong unknowingly. How could he look at you with so much hatred if you didn’t do anything wrong?”

“Promise, I can’t recall any place or any moment in my life that I have seen him. I don’t even know who he was. His name doesn’t ring a bell at all.”

“He’s not one of your boyfriends back in high school?”

“I have been single until Stefan came into my life.”

Her classmates were puzzled by the man’s treatment of Cayenne and since she said that she didn’t know him, they believed her because they knew her for quite some time now compared to their new professor.

Cayenne didn’t really know what she did to incur his wrath but she pushed this matter out of her mind because she couldn’t do anything about it.

During their lunch break, Cayenne left the campus but she felt that someone was eyeing her which sent chills down her spine. The bodyguards also felt something was wrong and started looking around the campus unproductively.

As soon as she got into Stefan’s car, Cayenne told him what happened in the morning and the treatment she received from the man.

“I am not sure if I have met him in the past or if I ever did something bad to him. Can you ask Tristan to check his background and the possibility of us crossing paths in the past?”

“Sure. I’ll tell you about him at night.”

In the faculty room, their new professor Brian Dival was sitting while holding a small and a little faded picture. It was a picture of a little who was eating a lollipop while playing with a rusty swing. There was a big patch of gauze on her knees and another band-aid on her forehead. Despite the wounds and small scratches, she still looked beautiful with her bright smile. If cayenne could see the picture now, she would instantly recognize her little self.

“You little liar. You promised to marry me.”

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