Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 133: To kill Someone

Chapter 133

The car slowly drove through the quiet night, and Xiao Xiao leaned her head against the car window, staring blankly at the receding scenery outside. Her eyes were empty and lifeless.

The car kept going, gradually moving away from the city center.

"Where the heck is your friend? Why does she live in such a godforsaken place?" Huang De Han complained unhappily, his face full of displeasure.

Seeing that there were no buildings or people around, Xiao Xiao said, "Pull over by the side up ahead."

"Are you kidding me? Why would you arrange to meet here? I don't see anyone around," Huang De Han grumbled as he slowed down the car.

Xiao Xiao pursed her lips, her eyes fixed on the window, silent.

Huang De Han parked the car by the roadside and said, annoyed, "Where is she? She better not make me wait."

Silently, Xiao Xiao unbuckled her seatbelt. "I'll give her a call," she said.

As she opened her bag, her heart tightened when her hand touched a dagger.

Thinking of Huang De Han's threat to her, Xiao Xiao's heart grew cold. She suddenly pulled out the dagger and shouted, "Die!"

Huang De Han didn't expect Xiao Xiao to draw a dagger so suddenly. Caught off guard, he took a solid hit from Xiao Xiao's knife, the blade penetrating his chest.

Fortunately, Xiao Xiao's strength wasn't great, so the dagger didn't go in too deep.

"Ah!" He cried out in pain, his eyes wide with disbelief as he looked at Xiao Xiao.

He couldn't fathom that Xiao Xiao, who appeared weak, would do such a thing.

A bloodthirsty smile curled at the corners of Xiao Xiao's lips as she pulled out the dagger, ready to strike again.

By now, Huang De Han had reacted. Ignoring the excruciating pain, he swiftly raised his arm to block her.

The dagger didn't pierce Huang De Han. Xiao Xiao made another attempt to stab him.

Intense survival instinct gave Huang De Han astonishing determination. Just as Xiao Xiao's dagger was about to strike, he acted quickly, grabbing Xiao Xiao's wrist and twisting it forcefully.

After all, Xiao Xiao was a girl. How could her strength match that of a man, especially when she had just undergone an abortion and was physically weak?

She let out a cry of pain as the dagger slipped from her hand.

Seizing the opportunity, Huang De Han used all his strength to twist Xiao Xiao's hand back. A bone-cracking sound echoed as Xiao Xiao cried out in agony, her face contorted with pain.

Huang De Han restrained Xiao Xiao with one hand and swiftly unbuckled her seatbelt with the other. Then he picked up the bloody dagger and went on a frenzy, stabbing at Xiao Xiao.

Once, twice...

Blood splattered everywhere.

Xiao Xiao let out a piercing scream.

Huang De Han, consumed by rage, didn't know how many times he stabbed her until Xiao Xiao could no longer make a sound, until she lay motionless. Only then did he stop, his strength depleted.

Staring at Xiao Xiao, lying in a pool of blood, Huang De Han finally realized that he had killed someone.

He hastily let go of the blood-soaked dagger.

"I killed someone... I killed someone..."

Looking at his hands covered in fresh blood, Huang De Han trembled uncontrollably.

Trembling, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. It took great effort to light it, and as he exhaled the smoke, he gradually calmed down.

His first thought was that he couldn't let anyone know that he had killed someone.

Looking at himself, covered in blood, he quickly opened the car door and got out.

Fortunately, there was no one around in this remote area. Otherwise, his sudden exit from the car would have frightened people to death.

He took out a storage box from the trunk and then put Xiao Xiao into the box.

However, the storage box was a bit small, and he couldn't fit her completely inside. Her hands and feet were sticking out.

Then he took off his clothes and hastily wiped the bloodstains off the car.

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