Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 132: Abortion Surgery

Chapter 132

Xiao Xiao underwent an abortion procedure.

As the icy machine penetrated her body, a searing and agonizing pain spread through her entire being. She could vividly feel the machine tearing and ripping her flesh apart, over and over again. The pain was so intense that it nearly caused her to faint. She couldn't help but let out a loud scream, her throat on the verge of tearing apart.

In that moment, thoughts of death crossed her mind. How good would it be if she could just die right then and there? She wouldn't have to endure Huang De Han's manipulation or his threats anymore.

But even in death, she felt a sense of reluctance. Even if she died, she wanted Huang De Han to bear the consequences!

Pale-faced, Xiao Xiao returned to her dormitory and collapsed on the bed, completely drained.

She kicked off her shoes and crawled under the covers, burying her head.

Tears streamed down silently.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

Xiao Xiao glanced at it and saw the words "Devil" flashing on the screen.

It was a call from Huang De Han.

A wave of disgust rose within her as Xiao Xiao stuffed the phone under her pillow, letting it ring incessantly.

The phone kept ringing, persistent and unrelenting.

"Xiao Xiao, your phone is ringing. Why aren't you answering?" her roommate from the upper bunk asked with concern.

Xiao Xiao remained silent.

Helplessly, she retrieved the phone from under the pillow and pressed the answer button.

"Why did it take you so long to answer the call?" Huang De Han's angry voice came through the phone.

"I was sleeping," Xiao Xiao weakly replied.

"Get ready. I'm picking you up tonight. I've already made plans with Mr. Liu," Huang De Han commanded.

"I can't tonight. I don't feel well," Xiao Xiao said, her voice hoarse.

"No, you can't. I've already made arrangements. You must come," Huang De Han's tone was firm, not allowing any refusal.

Xiao Xiao bit her lip. "I really can't today... click..."

Before Xiao Xiao could finish, Huang De Han hung up the phone.

Lying weakly on the bed, Xiao Xiao couldn't stop her tears from flowing. All the resentment and grievances surged within her like a tidal wave.


The last glow of the setting sun disappeared below the horizon.

The sky darkened.

Everyone in the dormitory had gone out for dinner.

Xiao Xiao got up from the bed and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was as pale as a ghost.

Her mouth weakly curved into a sad smile, revealing a touch of desolation.

She picked up an eyebrow pencil and began to put on makeup.

She applied it meticulously, outlining with great precision.

After finishing her makeup, she looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction. However, there was something eerie about that smile.

She changed into red lingerie and a red dress, pairing it with red high heels.

Before leaving, she placed a dagger in her bag.

As Xiao Xiao approached from a distance, Huang De Han revealed a satisfied smile.

"You despicable woman," he muttered under his breath.

He opened the door and Xiao Xiao said, "Take me to Jiangshan Park."

Huang De Han wore an impatient expression. "Why are you going there? It's so far."

"A friend asked me to deliver something to her."

"What kind of friend would make you go to such a distant place?" Huang De Han's face showed annoyance, and his tone was unpleasant.

Xiao Xiao patiently spoke in a gentle voice, "Her house is located in that area. Could you please do me a favor and give me a ride there?"

"Fine, fine. Since you've been obedient today, I'll take you there. Remember, you need to serve General Liu well later, okay?" Huang De Han reluctantly replied.

"I understand," Xiao Xiao softly responded.

Huang De Han was pleased with Xiao Xiao's attitude today and smiled as he said, "That's a good girl. A person who knows the current situation is a wise hero."

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