Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 302 Wild Tide Reef (Part 5)

The Trident Marshal tapped his foot on the floor a couple of times and then a twenty-meter wide and ten-meter high portal appeared in front of him, the portal was connected to a random part of the city until Vincent inserted that blue-sky key into it.

The image reflected on the portal then changed to what Daimon would describe as "A rock platform in the middle of the sea".

"Representatives and friends from the Elemental Sea, please follow me".

With those words, Vince, the king, princes and princess as well as the white robbed old woman and Adam's group started walking towards the gate.

No one seemed to disagree… until Annete followed by Daimon and the girls also joined the first "wave" of people going through the gate.

Though no one said anything, the king looked at Annete from the corner of his eyes with a slight tinge of resentment, not to mention the wives of the king waited for the next wave.

"Royalty and nobles, army, guests and neutral, aren't we the four representatives?", asked Annete with a playful voice, as she felt the gazes of the king as well as the white robbed woman on her.

While the king thought Annete was just looking for trouble, she wasn't exactly lying, Vincent represented the army which included the neo noble faction, the king represented the royals and nobles since he had offspring with the founding and old noble houses, the white robbed Aurora was the wife of the maximum authority of the Elemental Sea, and at the same time she was on par with any of the clan heads in status.

As for Annete she as the queen has taken the responsibility on maintaining the power balance in the kingdom, supporting the middle and small noble houses, as well as commoners who have shown potential, such as Mina who stayed behind by the queen's petition.

Since Vincent didn't say anything, the king remained silent, but that didn't prevent his wives from snorting upon seeing their "counterpart" getting to enter through the portal before them.

To Daimon's surprise although the place at the other side of the portal wasn't near inland, the travel through the artificial dimensional tunnel didn't last even a whole ten seconds, probably because the Trident Marshal injected an insane amount of mana into the magic array to accelerate the process.

Once they came out at the other side of the portal, everyone was received by the fresh and slightly salty breeze of the ocean, as they were literally standing on a rock platform surrounded by water.

The first thing that caught Daimon's attention was that the water in this place was divided into four different tones, light blue, dark blue, gray blue and lastly pitch black.

Noticing the curiosity in the face of the members of the young generation, the Trident Marshal proudly smiled before saying.

"This Wild Tide Reef is one of the few parts in Neptune where currents from the four seas meet... and the only one that is accessible in a regular basis too, now enjoy the spectacle".

"Mm?", Daimon felt an almost unnoticeable movement on the earth below his feet, then under the surprised eyes of all the people present, the four different waters receded, it started slow but then the rhythm at which the water level lowered accelerated, until about one hundred meters of it had gone down.

Then the water level stopped going down, but it was enough to reveal a layer of the solid rock which acted as a ground, forming a valley with what seemed to be rivers, ponds or lakes spread across all over the place.

Daimon had to admit that it was an interesting phenomenon which you don't get to see every day, this also explained why other people wanted to come in with the first wave of people, as the rock platform where they were standing wasn't exactly spacious.

But now that the water has receded, the problem has solved itself, the Trident Marshal moved the portal to the recently formed valley which was still damp due to the leftover water that was running through the sea rock floor, and the rest of the rest of the people from the younger generation and some of the other Stellar ranks crossed the portal.

Since there were people from another sea coming from the first time to his event, the Trident Marshal took the initiative to explain the rules to everyone.

Vincent cleared his throat, which drew everyone's attention to him.

"Ahem, first of all welcome to the Wild Tide Reef, a legacy of my Malleus family and one of the treasured lands of our Clear Water Kingdom".

"Since we have friends visiting from our allied sea, I will explain the rules of the beast magic hunt".

The Trident Marshal then snapped his fingers and then a small octagonal plate appeared in front of each little group of members of the young generation.

"First of all, the captain of each team let a drop of blood fall on the score plate, then inject mana or battle aura on it and pass it to your respective team members, so they can inject mana or battle aura in it too".

Everyone followed the instructions of Vincent, who waited until everyone finished before he tapped his foot on the ground.

A portal appeared on the air in front of him, before a large crystal board came out of it, there was a total of 100 empty slots on it.

"Now each captain write your name and then pass it to your team members to repeat the process".

Daimon did as the Trident Marshal told and he saw his name appear in the crystal board, the slot assigned to him had a yellow frame, while the one of the girls had a blue frame, there were also empty spaces right next to the names and a row that separated each team from the other with the word "Total" wrote on it.

Once everyone was registered, a total of 50 teams in total in other words 300 members of the young generation, half from the Mermen Sea and half from the Elemental Sea.

Vincent then pointed at the crystal board were four symbols appeared.

"Spread across the area there are magic beasts on the early, middle and peak stages of the middle level Mortal realm which depending on strength, rarity and race, a beast will be worth one, two or three stars which are worth 10, 50 and 150 points".

"What a bout the red star?", asked Adam without leaving the Trident Marshal finish speaking.

Still the old Vincent didn't take it personal and just thought it was the enthusiasm of the young generation.

"The red star falls in the "special" category, their worth isn't categorized so it could be worth a lot or not, luck is also part of one's strength after all, what I can tell you is that at least half of the red star marked beasts have surpassed the middle level Mortal realm".

"All the magic beasts that enter the area covered by the array in the Wild Tide Reef will be marked with one of the classifications mentioned, and for you to get the points you need to either kill the magic beast or bring it with you to this exact place by tomorrow night, when the four currents will be flooding the place again".

"The score plate will register the points in the first case, and for the second the four representatives will be evaluating the results, by using the second method there will be bonus points added too".

"Besides not killing each other, everything else is allowed including point stealing but for that the respective captain will have to agree, the plate also has a non-detailed map of the Wild Tide Reef, since all those "water bodies" that you can see will take you to underwater caves and other places within the Reef, while the currents haven't returned is easy to return to the surface, and the plate can teleport your whole team back here, regardless of where you are, but once one member does this, the whole team will be taken out".

"Besides weapons, other treasures aren't allowed or your whole team will be disqualified, tamed beasts can only be used in emergencies and that will mean your team will be disqualified too".

"All the scores will be updated in real time for all the spectators to see, and to ensure fairness besides the participants everyone else will return to the Warhammer city, be aware that per any of your representative's request, your team can be taken out of the event".

"Ah, right, during the first thirty minutes of the event, fighting isn't allowed, any questions?".

All the teams discussed between each other, but the Trident Marshal has practically covered all the basics, the only variants were the red star marked beasts and the possibility of being robbed of your points.

Since no one was asking anything, the Trident Marshal nodded as he turned to see Daimon's, Adam's and Terry's groups, in other words the members of the young generation that were in the rock platform abode the valley.

"Little friends please descend with the others, so we can start the countdown".

Only now, Adam noticed Daimon, he has gazed at Mellie, the Risha sisters as well as Aisha before probably because they are girls, but he didn't pay Daimon any attention until now.

Still, he gallantly smiled at his two "competitors" as he jumped off the platform.

"Good luck, friends from the Mermen Sea", he said with a little tinge of condescendence in his voice.

Bryan Snorted and he as well as his group jumped following Adam, Ryan followed his twin, then Daphne and lastly the crown prince Terry who stole a gaze at Mellie before joining his half siblings.

'My little Mellie has a lot of trust in you, please take care of her… also if you bring the trophy to my camp, I'll prepare a little reward for you, good luck~'.

As Daimon was about to jump from the platform, he heard the queen's voice on his ears, which made him chuckle.

"Let's go", he mumbled, then he and the girls slid down the ladder all the way to the valley below, while the non-participants left to the platform which now had enough space for them.

The Trident Marshal reviewed everything one more time and then he pointed his hand at the sky.

A water sphere condensed in his hand which he then shot towards the sky.

"Boom!", the water sphere exploded and then the loud and imposing voice of Vincent echoed through the whole valley.

"Let the beast hunt begin!".

Some of the participants mostly the guys from the neo noble faction roared upon hearing the Trident Marshal and then all the teams started moving in all directions.

"So, what's the plan, D… Gabriel?", asked Leslie, her tongue almost slipped due to not being used to call Daimon by a different name.

Daimon observed his surroundings, there were many high rock peaks dispersed through the valley and there was a rock trail that advanced far from what he could see right now, there were also those "water bodies" which were actually entrances to the different underground spaces some were flooded and some weren't, not that it was a problem since Annete has given them potions that allowed them to breath underwater for two days in preparation.

"I think we should dive right to the next level", said Daimon.

"Mm", the girls nodded and they started walking towards the water bodies to find the one they wanted to use.

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