Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 301 Wild Tide Reef (Part 4)

Daimon stole a gaze to his sigil lector before he returned it to the inventory, the process has already finished to register the information of everyone's sigils in the tower the queen had in the Clear Water kingdom.

So, since there has not been any positive result yet, it meant his classmates as well as Scarlet and the other girls, weren't here.

He double checked because with his infinity eyes, he managed to recognize a couple of girls among the group of people that was now descending in some kind of floating platform that de-attached from the flying citadel.

Besides Adam, the alfear princess Tessa and the dwarf princess Femi, were also in the group.

Daimon inwardly nodded, it was possible to negotiate with the alfear princess, so he already decided to look for a way to get a moment alone with Tessa, to ask her if she has seen anyone of his group.

"What the hell are you doing aghhh!", the attention was suddenly drawn to a part of the crowd where some nobles were pushed aside, or it would be more accurate to say they were thrown aside.

As if they were waiting for the people from the Elemental Sea to appear, a group of people all wearing full body armor bypassed the crowd and walked all the way towards the Trident Marshal.

Once they were a couple of meters away all of them took their helmets off, to reveal that they had mixed characteristics meaning they didn't belong to specific noble family and yet they had the audacity to approach the Trident Marshal.

"The Spear of the Sea greets Lord Trident Marshal!".

The man leading the group made a military salute as he greeted the old Vincent, despite him being also a Stellar rank judging by the aura that he radiated.

The queen noticed Daimon seemed to be interested in the newcomers so she sent a message directly to his ears.

'The Spear of the Sea is the unit conformed by the neo nobles, they normally don't announce their name nor use any kind of emblem, with the exception of events like this, though they have some subdivisions, this unit is conformed by the representatives of all the most outstanding people among them, including one of the two Stellar ranks they have'.

Daimon slightly nodded at Annete thanking her for the information, he was still a bit confused about why they decided to appear now, since he saw them calmly sitting at the back rear of the crowd when they arrived, but he supposed it had something to do with the platform that was descending from the flying citadel.

Speaking of that, now that all the bigger players were here, the crowd dispersed into smaller groups, paring with their respective teammates.

Daimon managed to recognize a few people among those groups, like the guys he met back then when he was travelling to this city, also the guy from the tiger shark race which "happily" gifted him that bottle of Blood Shark liqueur and last but not least, he could feel a hostile gaze coming from a specific part of the crowd.

It was from a group which consisted in people all wearing black stone armors, guarded by a tall man wearing a full body black armor with a red cape, the others didn't have their helmets on with the exception of that man.

Daimon raised an eyebrow as he noticed that for once, the hostility wasn't directed to him but to the queen and Mellie, he only understood what was happening after he found a certain resemblance among the man with the cape who Daimon realized was a Stellar ranked, and the member of the younger generation leading the team.

'Is that perhaps the Blackfin Duke?', asked Daimon directly to the queen.

'Mm, the guy with the cape is him, the one leading the group from the younger generation is his second son and the older brother of the one that's imprisoned right now, also he is one of the two that is known for being able to stand on par with the royals'.

Daimon nodded and then he turned to see the platform that finished descending from the flying citadel, since the crowd has dispersed at this point, there was more than enough space for it to land.

Five groups of people descended from the platform, all of them were wearing robes with similar designs, but different accessories and colors, red, amber, green and blue, which Daimon easily related to the four tribes he has heard and battled before.

But the fifth group/color was new to him, white, and to no one's surprise, Adam seemed to be close to that one, Tessa and Femi were also there and there was also a young girl whose eyes sparkled every time she gazed at Adam, as well as a couple of guys on their middle twenties, as for the one leading them was an old withered woman.

'Another Stellar rank...', Daimon was slightly taken back, out of all the presents, previously he could affirm no one was as strong as the Vincent, but that old woman who arrived with the fifth group was on par with him, the ones leading the other four groups were also Stellar ranks, but they were at what Daimon judged to be the early stage, being equal in strength to the Blackfin Duke, of course it was just a supposition given the amount of laws that gathered near them.

'Luckily I found a way to spy on these guys without having to specifically look at them, so that they don't notice as long as there is some distance', thought Daimon.

Instead of focusing on the people with his infinity eyes, he just quickly gazed at the space near them and depending on the amount of laws that lingered around them, he more or less guessed how strong was the respective, Stellar rank.

Daimon was also surprised to see that Sera wasn't with Adam, but that could be because of the little trick he played sending her with Scarlett and the others, as a Lord ranked it would be a suicide to cross the sea by herself so she was probably hiding in the Bone Sea or maybe even at the Maelstrom Sea.

As soon as the people from the Elemental Sea descended from the platform, the Stellar ranks walked towards the king and greeted him.

"Skyfire greets Lord Triten, may our two Seas remain allies for the eternity".

"Underwood greets the king of the Mermen Sea".

"Stoneheart greets Lord White".

"Heartstream greets king Triten".

The four Stellar ranks introduced themselves, it didn't escape Daimon's attention that their named, were related to the element they represented.

The king nodded at them as he accepted their greet.

"Welcome to my Clear Water kingdom, honorable guests from the Elemental Sea, please feel free to wait at my side while the gate is prepared, as for the illustrious young generation that attended to broad their horizons, I'm eager to your performance in this history changing event", said the king as he stole a gaze at Adam.

The four Stellar ranks then went to greet the wives of the king but ignored Annete, the old withered woman wearing white robes, also walked towards the king, but this time the latter was more interactive.

"Senior Aurora, it's been a long time since we last shared a word, I hope senior shaman recovers soon".

The woman nodded.

"Thanks for your kind wishes, and yes I could see a few promising seedlings among the younger generation".

The king proudly smiled, the old woman in front of him was the wife of the shaman of the Elemental Sea, she was one of the oldest people alive in Neptune too and was already one, when he was only a prince a long time ago.

"Speaking of that, I wonder if senior Aurora is going to introduce us, the young hero's group that is responsible for this story changing moment?", asked the king referring to Adam's group, his interest was justified though, because unlike the natives of the Elemental Sea whose skins had a tinge of the tone their element had, they were clearly different.

Not to mention Tessa and Femi's ears which were larger than human's and had pointy ends, due to their races, it was worth mentioning that they weren't using any disguise too.

The old woman was all smiles as she nodded.

"Of course", she then made some gestures at Adam, the girl that was looking at him with clear admiration in her eyes, as well as Tessa and Femi.

Needless to say, but the first one to present himself was Adam, who had his characteristic gallant expression.

"Adam Regen greets king Triten", he said as he placed his hand on his chest and slightly bowed towards Tristen, a full noble salute similar to the one the crowned prince did.

The next one was that girl that has been eyeing Adam all the time.

​ "Jasmine Ivory, greets Mr. Triten~", the slightly childish voice of the girl, made some of the nobles frown as they heard her call the king by his name without referring him as "king", but they then remembered that girl was among the very few exceptions that were allowed such honor, as she was the sole grandchild of the shaman of the Elemental Sea, in other words she had two Stellar ranks as grandparents.

Long blond hair and green eyes, her skin was pale but had a healthy pink tone to it, she was wearing a white and red attire which left her shoulders in plain view, but perfectly covered the area of her chest, white stockings and a boots and was also using a simple white tiara with golden engravings, as for her weapon she had a spear-like staff with a blue gem in the middle and a wing like design at one side.

The next one was Tessa, her innately elegant and gentle appearance immediately attracted the attention of the male nobles, and the admiration/jealousy of some of the female nobles.

"Tessa Evergreen greets king Triten", she said as she raised the sides of her white and blue dress.

Femi wasn't as used as Tessa in formalities, so she just limited to nod and state her name.

"Femi Hepha greets the king", needless to say but Femi caused a bit of an uproar, not only because of her kind of serious way to speak, but because of her appearance.

While she was from the dwarf race and her stature was indeed nothing to brag, she wasn't as short as Daimon would have imagined a dwarf would be, also to break even more the "stereotype" of dwarfs, her skin wasn't tanned but pale, she had gray hair and copper colored eyes, her getup consisted in loose white pants and a loose jacket, as well as a black sports top, she was wearing boots and gloves and had a hammer in her hands, besides that the only accessory she had was a black tiara-like ornament with horns on her head.

'So, she is like mom', thought Daimon, the dwarf princess had earth and metal affinities as far as he knew, and that tiara she had wasn't for aesthetic purposes, it was a piece of one of the purest Orichalcum ore Daimon has seen before, just like how Aisha had metal accessories which could double as conductors or weapons in case of need.

The king evaluated Adam's group for a moment before he nodded.

"I hope these little friends find the beast hunt organized by Senior Vincent, as entertaining as the people in my Clear Water kingdom find it".

Vincent who has been doing some gestures with his hands for a while, suddenly stopped, the tiles around him illuminated with a dim blue light, as he took out a sky-blue key from his storage ring.

"The Wild Tide Reef will be opening in a minute, everyone form a line and prepare for the travel, don't worry we'll be going with you".

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