Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 45 - 45: The Path of the Profiteer_l

Chapter 45: Chapter 45: The Path of the Profiteer_l

Translator: 549690339

The term “profiteer” came into prominence only recently. It’s a label that carries both honor and disgrace. Originally, in our country, the earliest profiteers were simply individuals who would buy eggs in rural areas and exchange them for food stamps in the cities.

Later, with the advent of the dual-track system, they gradually turned to whatever was scarce. Hence, speculation and profiteering was born. After such activities were suppressed domestically, these profiteers turned their attention to the Soviet Union in the north.

By this time, it was already April of ’87. The early spring was well underway in the northeast – the residual snow was slowly melting and the spring chill was apparent. In the key border town between China and the Soviet Union, Manzhouli.

At this instant, a few individuals clad in military uniform were standing at the entrance to the platform of the Manzhouli train station. During this era, the reinstatement of military rank was still under discussion and implementation was not expected until the end of the year.

As the train slowly came to a halt, Nie Zhenbang and Liu Kun, both wrapped tightly in their overcoats, stepped off the carriage. Upon spotting Nie Zhenbang, the soldiers immediately stepped forward with a standard military salute and thunderously declared, “May I confirm if you are Comrade Nie Zhenbang and Comrade Liu Kun arriving from Jingcheng?”

With a grin sweeping across his face, Liu Kun was overjoyed to have left the school with Nie Zhenbang, a place he found unbearably restrictive. Throughout the journey, Liu Kun was exceedingly excited.

Cornered by the soldier’s serious inquiry, Liu Kun nudged Nie Zhenbang’s shoulder, “Brother Nie, seems like we’ve turned into comrades upon leaving Jingcheng.”

After confirming Liu Kun as a suitable candidate, Nie Zhenbang had initially intended to ask his father to find a Russian translator. However, when he visited the Liu Family, he learned that Liu Kun himself was proficient in Russian, which took Nie Zhenbang by surprise.

Nevertheless, considering that Liu Kun’s father had spent many years studying in the Soviet Union, particularly at the Frunze Military Academy, and his proficiency in Russian was not surprising. After all, like Nie Zhenbang’s father and his generation, Russian was the foreign language they were taught.

Nie Zhenbang didn’t expect Liu Kun, who had always been sedate in Jingcheng, to become vibrant once he was out in the world. Nie Zhenbang glared at Liu Kun before turning to the soldier, “Comrade Officer, I am Nie Zhenbang and this is Liu Kun. You’re from the Fengtian Military Region, right?”

The Fengtian Military Region

It’s one of Huaxia’s seven major military regions, established with the old foundation of Dongye. Although Nie Zhenbang’s grandfather, who used to be its political commissar, remained in the Central Plains area after the army’s division, the connections still exist.

Later, during the great revolution, most of Dongye’s army was transferred from the Fengtian Military Region. However, those who left were replaced. The commander of the 59th Army along the China-soviet border, Yuan Xinghua, was a subordinate of Nie Zhenbang’s grandfather in the Central Plains region. This time, Nie Zhenbang intended to go abroad through Yuan Xinghua.

Upon arriving at the 59th Army’s garrison, Nie Zhenbang, accompanied by the soldiers, entered the military guest house. Yuan Xinghua was already waiting there.

Yuan Xinghua was about sixty years old, with a dark complexion. Although he was not tall, the sharpness in his eyes made Nie Zhenbang tense up. This was someone who had truly experienced battlefield carnage.

Nie Zhenbang’s tall figure, his nonchalant attitude from the moment he stepped through the door, save for a brief moment of surprise when he saw himself, earned Yuan Xinghua’s admiration. Certainly, comparisons are easily shown to be odious. Compared to his own son, Nie Zhenbang, the grandson of his superior, was exceptional, imposing, and extraordinary.

Immediately, Yuan Xinghua took large strides forward, a smile on his face,

“You must be Zhenbang. You’re certainly impressive.”

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang too, had a smile on his lips, “Uncle Yuan, you flatter me. Before I left, my grandfather told me that you are an extraordinary war general. He specifically asked me to bring a few bottles of good liquor for you.”

With that, Nie Zhenbang took out two bottles of special Maotai he’d brought from Jingcheng and handed them over to Yuan Xinghua.

If it were just empty words, Yuan Xinghua would let bygones be bygones. But now, things were different. A hint of appreciation colored Yuan Xinghua’s face as he accepted the gift from Nie Zhenbang. Handing the present over to the attendant behind him, he said courteously, “The old leader is thoughtful. Even after all these years, he remembers what Old Yuan likes. Zhenbang, you must be weary from your journey. I’ve prepared some light refreshments for you and your young companion to rest and recover. We can discuss detailed arrangements later in the evening.”

After the meal, Yuan Xinghua set down his chopsticks and took out a pack of special military cigarettes. Turning to Nie Zhenbang, he offered, “Zhenbang, would you like one?”

Nie Zhenbang smiled at this point. Commander Yuan didn’t put on airs. It was rather unusual for an elder to offer a junior a cigarette. Yuan Xinghua’s deportment and character showed an appealing freewheeling air.

After lighting up, Yuan Xinghua clapped his hands. Outside, an attendant walked in. Seeing Yuan Xinghua nod slightly, the attendant exited promptly.

Returning less than two minutes later, he held two documents in his hands.

Having handed them over to Yuan Xinghua, the attendant left again.

Yuan Xinghua slid the documents towards Nie Zhenbang, smiling as he said, “Zhenbang, these are the passports for you and your young compatriot. I will personally take you there at eleven tonight. Someone on the other side has

already purchased tickets for you on the international artery.”

Receiving the documents, Nie Zhenbang smiled. Yuan Xinghua had prepared the passports of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Their names had already been changed. Nie Zhenbang was now Kim Jungsung, and Liu Kun was Cui Yongxian.

“Third Brother, these names are well chosen. Now, I feel like we are special agents being deployed.” Liu Kun joked lightheartedly.

Nie Zhenbang also started to smile at this point. Although the upcoming journey was fraught with difficulties, it was far less terrifying than what the outside world had imagined. Only those like Nie Zhenbang who had witnessed the aftermath of the Soviet army’s corruption knew its true severity.

In the nineties, a truckload of watermelons could be traded for a tank. This was hardly an unusual occurrence in those times. Although the chaos of the Soviet Union at this point wasn’t so severe, Nie Zhenbang had faith. If an egg has a crack, he was confident he could get in. Having a new identity would allow him to act aboveboard in the Soviet Union.

On the side, Yuan Xinghua clapped his hands again, and two robust men entered from outside. Noticing Nie Zhenbang’s surprised look, Yuan Xinghua explained with a smile, “Zhenbang, this was ordered by the old leader. These men are from our Tiger Group. They are experts in combat, firearms, driving and various other skills. They will accompany you on this trip. Someone is waiting for you over there. Along the way, they will assist you until you safely arrive in Moscow.”

Upon hearing this, Nie Zhenbang was somewhat moved. The old man had a

bark worse than his bite. Although he didn’t reveal much, it was evident from this gesture how much concern he had for Nie Zhenbang’s safety.

Nie Zhenbang immediately stood up, examining the two men beside him. Both were about 1.75 meters tall, with lean bodies. Even while casually standing, they radiated a potential for immense strength. Nie Zhenbang inwardly let out a sigh of admiration. These men were the best of the best.

At eleven in the evening,

The China-soviet border was peaceful at this hour. In the pitch-black darkness, the boundary markers representing the borders of the two countries towered, with their vivid national emblems standing stark against the snow.

“Commander, the Soviet patrol unit just passed by.” Upon seeing Yuan Xinghua arrive, the soldier patrolling the national defense line immediately saluted and reported.

Yuan Xinghua nodded and returned the military salute. He then turned towards Nie Zhenbang and said, “Zhenbang, Uncle can only escort you this far. Be cautious on your journey. I wish you success.”

Under the guidance of the two escorts, the group quickly crossed the national border. Seeing Liu Kun gasping slightly with a bit of nervousness, Nie Zhenbang teased him in a low voice, “Kun, no, Comrade Cui Yongxian, our international massive-reversal journey has just begun.”

PS: Thanks to book friends 100514212357550, doraemon1234, bnm123, and maplecsu for their generous contributions and to book friend 100514212357550 for the rating. Tomorrow there will be an update of over 12,000 words, surprisingly with 14 votes. Damn…. guys, you’re tough!

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