Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 44 - 44 Great Waves Sift Sand 1

Chapter 44: Chapter 44 Great Waves Sift Sand 1

Translator: 549690339

Going to the Soviet Union?

Going to the Soviet Union!!

As soon as these words were spoken, it immediately stunned everyone. Nie Jiamin secretly pulled Nie Zhenbang aside and whispered, “Third brother, have you gone mad? Don’t you know that our country is in a cold phase with the

Soviet Union right now? How are you going to get there? What’s your identity?

Once there, we don’t have an embassy. I’m afraid you might not even know how you died.”

Nie Zhenbang was somewhat moved by the profound concern Nie Jiamin was showing. In his previous life, Nie Zhenbang had a strained relationship with his two Nie family brothers, Nie Jialei and Nie Jiamin, who had looked down upon him, the crippled illegitimate child.

This time, Nie Zhenbang hadn’t fully accepted Nie Jialei and Nie Jiamin from the bottom of his heart either. All he had done in the past was to use them to change the Nie family.

However, now, feeling Nie Jiamin’s concern, Nie Zhenbang’s attitude changed in an instant. He smiled slightly, patted Nie Jiamin’s hand, and said softly, “Second Brother, don’t worry. I know what I’m doing.”

The way he called him ‘second brother’ was heartfelt. Nie Jiamin felt odd as well, and in turn gave Nie Zhenbang a pat laughing and saying, “What’s with you getting so sentimental.”

Nie Zhenbang and Nie Jiamin had just sat down when the conversation began again, “Third brother, the current Soviet Union is not our big brother anymore and our relations are not good. Going there might get you arrested on suspicion of espionage. I heard recently that the Soviet Union’s secretary-general, Comrade Gorbachev, began to loosen up a bit. Low-level diplomatic contacts have gradually begun. Why do you have to make an issue out of this?”

These were people who cared about him. Sitting around, the faces of others revealed discomfort. On watching this, Nie Zhenbang couldn’t help smiling. This was what Nie Zhenbang intended.

The plan to deal with the Soviet Union was not something Nie Zhenbang could accomplish on his own. Although he could connect with ** there, some things also required the assistance of others. Those people were merely collaborators.

As a result, he needed one or several completely trustworthy people to accompany him. Now, Nie Zhenbang used the process of elimination.

Only the true gold is revealed after the sand is washed away. First, he let out the news, then let everyone choose for themselves. Whoever could stay would be trustworthy, because going to the Soviet Union at this time was an extremely risky venture.

Nie Zhenbang casually laughed and said, “Haha, it’s nothing really. It’s just that

I’ve heard that the Soviet Union is in dire need of food and living supplies, so

I’m planning to go over there and see if there are any business opportunities.”

Nie Zhenbang made it sound so trivial. Selling arms and scientific research materials wouldn’t be disclosed, even as the head of the state said to keep it absolutely secret, Nie Zhenbang would never let anything out at this time.

Having said that, Nie Zhenbang laughed, “My brothers, enough talk about this.

Since we’re here, let’s enjoy a good meal and get a feel of Russian culture.”

After the meal, everyone was a bit tipsy from the strong vodka. At this moment, Nie Zhenbang relaxed in his chair. People from Jingcheng are like this, always presenting a courteous and poised demeanor in front of others. But once among like-minded people, everything was different. Everyone acted as they please.

“My brothers, in a few days, I’ll be going for a visit. Is there anyone who wants to go with me?”, Nie Zhenbang asked casually.

As his words fell, the room fell silent. Everyone was deep in thought. Soon, a few young men from small families in Jingcheng stood up, looking at Nie

Zhenbang sheepishly, “Young Master Nie, there’s some stuff going on at home. I’ll take my leave.”

The one who said: “Brother San, I’m sorry. My old man at home has been keeping a close eye on me lately. I have to go home early, so I won’t be able to accompany you for long.”

Following this remark, nearly all of the twenty people who were originally in the private dining room left in a flash. Nie Zhenbang didn’t hold any discontent. These people were nothing more than the offspring of the district leaders of Jingcheng, barely considered figures within their circles. But in the eyes of someone like Nie Zhenbang, they were merely a band of idle characters.

They were fair-weather friends, commonly found in places of feast and revelry, ready to help in a brawl or join in some fun and games. That was fine, but when it came to matters affecting their own lives and futures, they would disappear faster than anyone else.

Don’t be fooled when they all seem to gravitate towards you. If your family falls into hard times, you should be grateful if these people don’t turn around to kick you. This is the harsh reality within these circles. The children of the elite grow up maturing faster than ordinary folk, largely because they live in such an environment from a young age.

At this moment, only four people remained in the restaurant. Apart from Nie Jiamin, Li Tesheuqi stayed behind, as did Liu Kun. To Nie Zhenbang’s surprise, Chen Yu, from the Chen family, had also stayed.

Nie Zhenbang didn’t have much of an impression of Chen Yu. Chen’s father held a position as Deputy Prime Minister at the State Council, in charge of economic work, and was a significant figure among the reformists.

Chen Yu had a reserved personality. More importantly, he was academically accomplished, which surprised Nie Zhenbang.

After taking a look at the three men, Nie Zhenbang began to ponder. Li

Tesheuqi, was simple-minded and physically strong. But going to the Soviet

Union required finesse, and Li Tesheuqi wasn’t suitable for it. It would be a

better fit for him to join the military where he could then support Jiamin. He

would be a great asset to Jiamin in the future.

Liu Kun and Chen Yu would be appropriate choices. Yet, upon considering Chen Yu, Nie Zhenbang shook his head. He felt that this scholarly boy was too naive.

It wasn’t the best timing to go to the Soviet Union now, anything could happen.

If Chen Yu went, he might be fine if he stayed there, but would struggle to fend for himself if he ever returned home. So Nie Zhenbang decided against proposing Chen Yu.

Having thought it through, Nie Zhenbang came to a decision. He looked at Nie Jiamin and said, “Old Second, you, Tesheuqi, and Bookworm head back first. I need to have a serious talk with Kun.”

Nie Zhenbang’s plan to go to the Soviet Union quickly spread throughout Jingcheng. At Yu Ying School, Zhang Xu left the field dripping with sweat after a basketball match. Someone at his side handed him a towel, while another person came over and whispered in his ear, “Xu Shao. Today’s news, that boy, Nie Zhenbang, is bored out of his mind. He’s planning on going to the Soviet Union. He claims he’s going there to help the impoverished and starving Soviet people solve their problems. I think the guy’s lost his mind. He’s heading right for the barrel of Soviet guns, and I doubt he’ll ever make it back.”

Unlike his lackey, who was reveling in others’ misfortune, Zhang Xu was stunned upon hearing this. After a moment, he spoke solemnly, “Nie

Zhenbang, a real man. I, Zhang Xu, am no match for him. I can’t carry on like this. There’s no hope for me going to college now. I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to join the military this year.”

Chunan Province

In the remote mountain township of Kaoshan in Yiyang, Chief Zhou had just finished work. When he returned to his dormitory, he found his phone ringing. Upon answering, he was immediately notified, “Chen Shao, big news. Nie

Zhenbang has lost his mind. Word is, he’s planning to go to the Soviet Union. Haha, he’s just heading to his death. I doubt he’ll ever come back.”

After a few months of trials, Zhou Chen’s state of mind has changed a lot. Upon hearing the news from his spy in Jingcheng, Zhou Chen burst into laughter. “Haha, even the heavens are helping me. It’s just a shame, a person like that, I should be the one to do away with him. It would be more satisfying to do it myself. ”

The news of Nie Zhenbang’s plans to go to the Soviet Union spread like wildfire in Jingcheng. Some people cared, others watched from the sidelines, and a significant number rejoiced in his misfortune.

But Nie Zhenbang paid no mind to any of this. After the in-depth conversation with Liu Kun, both of them had prepared themselves and were just waiting to depart..

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