Purple Romance

Chapter 117: 117 Alecia Maria Lee 4

Chapter 117: 117 Alecia Maria Lee 4

Maria walked out of the room to the hall with her bag. She saw a set of breakfast meal on the table and walked closer. She looked at the note attached to the box of sandwich and milk and smiled as she read the note ''my love, here is breakfast for you. I left early for a meeting. I will be having a lot of work outside the office today and you have your online classes too. Be a good girl and don't miss me too much. Love you always, Ad''

Maria swooned and pulled the chair out and sat on it. she placed her bag aside and started eating the food Ad-Din had prepared before leaving. Last night, he had drained all her energy and she was angry with him but after seeing the set of thoughtful breakfast he had prepared, all the anger dissipated away. She ate the breakfast heartily before hurrying up get to the office and do her work fast before her online classes started at 11AM that morning.

Maria got down from the car and the driver drove away. The driver was Ad-Din's driver whom he instructed to take Maria to work. At the entrance towards the reception, Maria heard her name and turned and saw Monroe.

''Monroe, long time no see. how are you?'' Maria asked him.

''Well, someone's relationship is going on well and she has forgotten of her friends'' Monroe said as they walked past the reception towards the elevator.

''Are you sulking?'' Maria asked.

''Why? Am I not allowed to sulk?'' Monroe said.

''Let's have lunch together. Ad-Din is working outside today'' Maria said.

''Oh, so I am just a replacement? Because your husband is not here to accompany you to lunch?''

''Do you have to put it that way. Right. I want you to look for someone for me. You are a lawyer and you have connections'' Maria said.

''Who are you going to look for? An ex-boyfriend?''

''Ad is my first and last boyfriend and now my husband, okay?'' they got into the elevator and Maria removed an old photo from her purse and gave to Monroe.

''Who is she? Twin sister?'' Monroe asked.

''My mother when she was 22'' Maria said.

''What? This is too striking. You look just like her, Maria. Turns out your mother was a beauty. But, why are you looking for her. is she no longer with you?'' Monroe asked.

''Monroe, I haven't told you anything about my family, right?'' Maria asked as they elevator stopped at Monroe's floor and they both got out. They were the only ones in the elevator. Maria followed Monroe to his firm as they chatted.

''Well, you haven't really spoken about your family to me'' Monroe said.

''Okay, I will tell you if you promise to look for that woman for me'' Maria said to him.

''Okay, I will look for her''

''My parents divorced when I was in junior high school. My mom, this woman left my dad for a younger man and I never heard from her again. but, lately, I've been having this uncertain feeling that she is in danger. I don't know. I just feel that she is up to no good. I've been having a lot of bad dreams lately about her'' Maria said.

''So, why do you want to find her?'' Monroe asked.

''I just want to be sure she is doing well, that's all. Can you find her?'' Maria asked.

''Sure, I can. What is her name?''

''Alecia Maria Lee. That is her name"

''Alecia Maria Lee? Okay, but won't your husband be the best to ask for help in finding her? he had more connections than I have?''

''I haven't really spoken about my mother with Ad. I will tell him later but not now. He is already busy with piled up work. Besides, this is such a trivial manner''

''Alright. I will have someone look into it'' Monroe said.

''Okay. thank you. then, let's meet for lunch later on. I still have work to do'' Maria said and got up from the couch in Monroe's office ''one more thing, don't you dare give me a discount. I will pay the full amount''

''Wowww. Yes, your highness Mrs. Denarius'' Monroe said and they laughed. Maria left the office to go to their company's floor which was on the last floor.


CEO's Office.

A dark skinned woman wearing designer branded clothes and exuberant jewellery piece on her neck sat on the executive chair in the office. This woman had beautiful skin that glowed. She didn't look like she had aged at all because she looked so young and beautiful. She looked just like Maria. One would even mistake them to be sisters if not twins because of their striking resemblance. Their eyes, nose and even smile looked exactly the same.

The woman sat relaxed on her chair as she looked at a couple of pictures of another woman who looked exactly like her. Her eyes which were cold softened as she looked at the various pictures of her daughter who had grown up to be a beautiful woman. She smiled as she lifted a picture of Maria up and looked at it.

''Beautiful. So beautiful. My daughter is all grown now'' she said and picked another picture of Maria with Ad-Din ''you always said you wouldn't grow up to be obsessed with a man like I did but isn't that what you are doing? Maria Portia Lee. You really ended up with that boy after all. I guess blood is thicker than water. Our family women always loved younger men. Your grandmother loved a younger man and even abandoned me because of him. I also left you for a younger man and now you are with a younger man'' she chuckled. ''I missed you, my lovely daughter. Mom, will pay you a surprise visit very soon. I know you definitely missed me too''

Alecia Maria Lee smiled and picked a cup of coffee on her table and sipped. Her landline intercom buzzed and she pressed on it.

''Miss Lee, there is someone here to meet you. he said he is Max Denarius'' the secretary spoke and Alecia's face turned cold. she looked at the intercom with cold gaze and answered.

''Let him in''

Alecia Maria Lee pushed all the pictures into her cardboard next to her and one of them fell down and she didn't notice.

The door opened and the secretary led Max Denarius into the office. Alecia Maria Lee stood up with a confident smile and spoke.

''To what do I owe this pleasant surprise visit from a royal family member like you, Mr. Denarius?''

''Max Denarius'' Max introduced himself and stretched his hand and they shook hands.

''Alecia Maria Lee, but you can call me Miss Lee'' Alecia said and smiled. ''Get Mr. Denarius a glass of juice'' she turned to the secretary.

''No need. I won't keep long'' Max said politely and directly.

''Sure. You can leave now'' Alecia said to the secretary and the latter nodded and left the office.

''Jones Cambridge. You know who he is, right?'' Max asked straightforwardly not intending to beat around the bush.

''Jones Cambridge? Who is that? Is he someone I should know?'' Alecia asked with a smile. They looked at each other. Each trying to read the other's expression but they were both expects at concealing their emotions after years of experience. One wouldn't be a worthy opponent if things were to go so easily and smoothly.

Max chuckled. ''I believe you know him very well because he is one of your middlemen. Or, have you forgotten about him because he is no longer your middleman?''

''I really don't follow me. Mr. Denarius, what exactly are you talking about? Can you go straight to the point and tell me why you graced me with such a royal visit? I am just a simple insignificant hotel manager who has never crossed paths with the likes of you. seeing you here today is indeed a surprise to me': Alecia said with a smile.

''I see. Tou don't intend to speak the truth until I make things difficult for you. Alecia Maria Lee, I have evidence that you are operating a brothel in the name of a hotel. I can make you and this place to disappear for good but I'm holding back because of'' Max looked down and picked the picture of Maria which fell to the floor and placed it on the table and continued ''because of Maria, whom is my sister in law andyour daughter'' Max said and looked coldly at Alecia.

''Oh, I see you know about my relationship with Maria then? Tell me, what do you want?'' Alecia asked and leaned against her seat confidently.

''Get rid of this place and disappear from this town. Write a promissory note that you will never engage in a business like this ever again. I will let you off if you do that''

''And if I don't agree to do that?'' Alecia asked.

''I will make sure you go to jail and spend the rest of your life there for operating a brothel which is illegal in this country. Child prostitution and lobbying is a crime in this country. I have the power to destroy you for good if you don't do as I say'' Max said to her.

Alecia Maria Lee let out a soft sarcastic chuckle saying ''if I were to be afraid, this business would have shut down a long time ago. I started this business and have being in it for the past 25 years already"

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