Purple Romance

Chapter 116: 116 Alecia Maria Lee 3

Chapter 116: 116 Alecia Maria Lee 3

The investigations he did all pointed to Jones Cambridge as the middleman who sold girls to the men who worked with the brothel houses that hosted illegal prostitution.

Jones Cambridge's face changed. He never thought someone would be able to find him out that easily. He thought he had his tracks well covered.

''Tell me, exactly what you did to Marvel and why you did that to her'' Max said to him.

''Marvel was the one who kept clinging unto me first. I told her I didn't like her but that girl was so tenacious in her pursue, especially when she wanted something. Actually I didn't want to send her there either because she didn't fit the criteria.

Her chest was too flat and she wasn't well developed yet but who knew she would readily agree to go with me to a club casino? I just wanted to teach her a lesson, so I added her to the list of girls I sent that day. I really wanted to go back for her but my father didn't agree.

Marvel's uncle found out about me and went over to my parents' and threatened them. My parents sent me to abroad and promised to look for Marvel.

Later on, they called me that they had found her but she was in a bad state. I didn't care much about it back then because I felt she deserved it. My parents took her to the hospital and gave her back to her uncle. They threatened to make him go back to jail and forged papers that started that he was the one who sold his own niece to a brothel house for money. So, her uncle was silence that way and I never heard anything about Marvel Nelson until today'' Jones Cambridge finished and looked at Max.

''You and your parents are going to pay for every little thing you did to my woman and every other innocent girl. Tell me, where is that brothel house? Is it still operating?''

''Yes, it is still operating but the owner of that place is a powerful person'' Jones Cambridge said.

''Is there someone as powerful as me, Max Denarius?'' Max asked arrogantly and turned to look at Jin.

''No, boss. There is no one as powerful as you'' Jin replied and Max nodded his head quiet pleased.

''You are Max Denarius? The current president and chairman of Kais?'' Jones Cambridge asked.

''Is there a problem with that?'' Max replied.

''No. I know who the woman is and where she is. I can take you there if you agree to set me free? I promise I will apologise to Marvel and leave the country and never come back again. I will disappear from her sight forever'' Jones Cambridge said.

''What is her name? Who is she?'' Max asked.

''She is a woman in her early fifties. She is still very young and beautiful. A dark skinned woman who is very beautiful. In fact, I haven't seen a dark woman with such beautiful skin. Wait, I think I saw one. That woman who was with you at Sheng Lin. I swear they look so alike. First I thought she was the one but that woman was too young to be the one I know''

''How dare you compare my beautiful sister in law to a brothel operator?'' Max said to Jones Cambridge angrily.

''I'm sorry, sir. I was just describing that woman. But honestly, they look so alike. She was almost like the younger version of that woman. Her name is Alecia Maria Lee. She has connection with the big shots in this country'' Jones Cambridge said.

''Alecia Maria Lee?'' Max frowned as a bad premonition took over him. Was it a coincidence or not? he shook his head, dismissing that thought. His sister in law was so pure and innocent, she would definitely not have any connection with this Alecia Maria Lee.

''Were can I find her?'' Max asked.

''Sheldin Hotel. That hotel belongs to her. as a matter of fact, that hotel is a brothel house but they are just operating it using the name as a cover up. Most governmental meetings take place there. you can never go there without a membership card and their security is top notch''

''Sheldin Hotel'' Max murmured the name of the hotel as a memory came to mind. He remembered a businessman he had a meeting with a few years back ever spoke of that hotel to him. That businessman had wanted him to meet him there but he moved the meeting to Saint hotel instead and never got the chance to visit that place.

''She is the main hostess there but she provides men with women to satisfy their various needs'' Jones Cambridge added.

''Jin, find out everything about that woman. I want the information on my desk by tomorrow morning'' Max gave out an order.

''Yes, boss. I will get on it right away'' Jin said.

''You will remain here for the meantime'' Max said and stood up to go. ''Get him food and a change of clothings. You will send me there tomorrow'' Max said and went out.

''What did he mean by that? Is he setting me free?'' Jones Cambridge asked.

':For now, until we find out the real culprit'' Jin said meaningfully and left the basement.


Marvel was eating snacks in the hall while watching TV when Max returned. She turned to the door when she heard it opening and saw Max coming in. He changed into his slippers and walked to her.

''Why are you not asleep yet?'' Max asked her and sat next to her. He laid on the sofa and placed his head on her laps and Marvel blushed.

''I didn't feel like sleeping so I decided to watch TV and wait for you'' Marvel said and looked at the screen.

''Feed me, I'm also hungry'' Max said and opened his mouth.

''You have hands, get it yourself'' Marvel said and stuffed the potato chips into his hands.

''Are you angry with me?'' Max asked and looked at her flushed face.

''No, I am not angry. why should I be angry with you?'' Marvel said.

''I think you are angry. Why? Did you miss me already?'' Max said and smiled.

''I am suddenly feeling sleepy'' Marvel said and yawned exaggeratedly. She moved herself and placed Max's head on the sofa and stood up.

''You don't look sleepy to me?'' Max said and grabbed her hand and sat up.

''I am feeling sleepy. I have work to do tomorrow, so I have to sleep early'' Marvel said and turned to go and Max pulled her over to himself and she fell on his laps. He wrapped his arms around her waist securely and looked at the shirt on her body.

''You look so beautiful in that shirt. Should I give all my shirts to you? So that you will wear them from now onwards?'' Max said and looked at the shirt that had jumped up to her thighs because of her sitting posture. Marvel flushed and tried to get up but he secured his arms around her waist tightly.

''Aren't you tired?'' Marvel asked and looked away.

''I am. My shoulders are a bit stiff. Would you give me a massage?'' Max asked and cocked his brows meaningfully at her.

''I don't know how to massage a man. besides, I think is inappropriate for me to do that in the middle of the night'' Marvel said.

''Really? Are you afraid that I might do something to you? I told you, we can wait till you are comfortable around me. but in the meantime, you can compensate me with this alone'' Max said and turned Marvel's chin towards himself and smiled before kissing her. Marvel shuddered under his embrace as she instantly responded to his kisses. They soon got lost in kissing and Max's hand started traveling up her body. Marvel came back to her senses when she felt his hand cupped her breast and played with it. She instinctively pulled away and got up from his laps and pointed at the guestroom door.

''I think is best if I sleep in the guestroom tonight'' Marvel said.

''I think so too'' Max replied. Their voices turned hoarse as they both tried to kill the heated tension around them. They both walked to the doors of the two rooms and looked at each other.

''I'' Marvel didn't know what to say.

''Is there something you want to say?'' Max asked.

''Nothing, will you be alright though?'' Marvel asked and flushed as she pointed at his erection.

''Are you worried about him?'' Max asked referring to his erected manhood ''I will take a cold shower'' he added and Marvel blushed and bit her lips. ''Marvel, if you keep acting that way, I might think that you want to help me with it?''

''Good night'' Marvel said and rushed into the room and Max heard the sound of the lock and chuckled. She really had a wild imagination.



Interviewer: Maria, you clearly said you wanted to be on top and try something new. Were you able to do that tonight?

Maria: ''''

Interviewer: That means you didn't go through with it?

Maria: ''."

Interviewer: Ad-Din, why is Maria in such a gloomy mood?

Ad-Din: I just taught her a little lesson and she is mad at me.

Interviewer: What kind of lesson?

Ad-Din: I just made her self-aware of who the boss was in the bedroom. Let's do this interview another time. I need to prepare ginseng tea for my wife. She still needs energy for the next round.

Maria: ''.''

Interviewer: ''.''

Maria: Ad-Din, you shameless beast. I can't even walk because of you and what? Next round? Do you have a death wish?

Audience: ''.''

Interviewer: This is X-rated. Viewer discretion is advised.

Ad-Din and Maria: ''.''

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