Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

When an ability is fully depleted, it can be forcefully used by shattering the crystal. This is also known as bursting. However, this doesnt enhance ones power, it only allows the user to continue fighting. Once the crystal is completely shattered, the ability user will die.

Chen Luo came very close to completely shattering his crystal, just like what Rice had predicted. How it shatters, Chen Luo understands too.

The consumption of time-based abilities is significant, making it impossible to use in normal circumstances; it can only be utilized through bursting. If Chen Luos crystal hadnt undergone a transformation, increasing its quality to the equivalent of an eighth level, bursting wouldnt have been possible.

When pushed to the brink, nobody willingly wants their crystal to shatter, because the cost is immense. Chen Luo couldnt help but bitterly smile. In the next three months, he could only rely on his physical qualities and wouldnt be able to use his abilities. Moreover, he couldnt absorb crystals to continue growing. With the crystal shattered, the absorbed power couldnt be stored.

Thinking about the crystal in his mind caused Chen Luo a severe headache. However, compared to awakening a time-based ability, the shattering of the crystal was inconsequential. Chen Luo was filled with excitement.

Chen Luo asked, Was the crystal from that mutant extracted?

In response, Mi Li handed Chen Luo a small green crystal, about one-third the size of an egg.

It was about one-third the size of an egg. Chen Luo felt somewhat disappointed. It was just an eighth-grade crystal. He couldnt help but think, Was it worth the effort for just an eighth-grade zombie?

He contemplated whether he should wait three months to absorb it. Eventually, he decided against it and thought of using it to strengthen some core members of the group.

Rice, Thunderbolt King, Mi Li, Mi Ling, Su Dazhu, Xia Haoran, Shu Yun, and others all needed to be enhanced.

In about a week, with the help of the dual-ability crystals, Chen Luos body would reach the level of an eighth-grader. Even without abilities, he would still be invincible.

Mi Li softly asked, Brother, would you like something to eat?

Chen Luo had been unconscious for over two days without eating anything, so Mi Li was naturally concerned. She then glanced at the Thunderbolt King and said, Thunderbolt King has been guarding you for over two days without eating as well.

Was the dog really this loyal? Chen Luos heart warmed at the thought of being so cared for by the dog.

Before Chen Luo could respond, Mi Li struggled to stand up and walked unsteadily toward the kitchen. She asked Ma Yu to start cooking. Mi Li was in no better shape than the Thunderbolt King; she hadnt eaten anything either.

Chen Luo gently held Mi Li from behind and said, You dont need to. I have something ready. He retrieved some dishes from the hotel through his ability. His spatial ability, which he could use before the apocalypse, still functioned in the current world.

Mi Ling, Su Dazhu, Ma Yu, and others were also delighted to see Chen Luo wake up. The news of his awakening quickly spread throughout the entire base.

Chen Luo said, Let everyone enjoy beef and lamb for the next three days.

After the meal, Chen Luo called the Thunderbolt King over and handed him the eighth-grade crystal. Take this for absorption. When you reach the fifth grade, give it back to me.

The Thunderbolt King shook his head, saying that he didnt want to become a dog, as that would definitely incur a debt in dog points that he couldnt afford.

Chen Luo playfully scolded, I wont charge you any points, and the first one to reach Grade 5 will receive a points reward. Alright, lets make it 500 points as a reward.

In the next moment, the crystal in Chen Luos hand was bitten by the thunderbolt Kings mouth. If it was for this reason, the thunderbolt King wouldnt mind.

After absorbing the eighth-grade crystal just once, the thunderbolt King advanced to Grade 5 that same night.

The thunderbolt King happily howled; 500 points were a significant reward, and it would allow him to pay off his debt quickly.

However, he realized that he couldnt go outside to earn points right now because his master was weakened. He needed to stay by Chen Luos side and protect him.

Points were just a trivial matter. Chen Luo gave the sixth-grade Fire Crystal to Mi Ling and the seventh-grade Ice Crystal to Shu Yun, each corresponding to their attributes. Once they reached Grade 5, they would give crystals to others.

After the Thunderbolt King had absorbed his crystal, Chen Luo passed the crystals to Rice, then Mi Ling, and finally to Su Da Zhu. The goal was to get the core members to Grade 5 as soon as possible and then have them absorb Grade 3 crystals again.

After that, the remaining crystals would be used to strengthen Rice, who was undoubtedly the most valuable asset. She might not possess combat abilities, but her contributions were invaluable.

Once Mi Li had finished absorbing her crystal, Chen Luo gently embraced her and lovingly caressed her cheek with his face. Having someone who cared for you and whom you could care for in return made life meaningful. Chen Luo had had enough of living a lonely life.

Hand over all your good stuff, a confrontation was unfolding in the same zone as Chen Luos base. It was evident that someone intended to rob them.

Among the crowd, a massive creature stood out, towering at over three meters in height. It was an adult elephant with sharp ivory tusks, and even a stomp of its foot would make the ground tremble.

Sitting atop the elephant was An Chen, who calmly remarked, Im giving you a chance, I hope you make the right choice, or else dont blame me for going on a rampage.

In the Divine Capital, there was a wildlife sanctuary, and a separate section housed some docile animals. An Chen worked as an elephant caretaker and, during the apocalypse, he was playing with the elephant as usual during his shift.

He had developed a close bond with this particular elephant over the past three years. The relationship was so intimate that the elephant listened to his commands without question. This elephant possessed physical abilities and had a good talent. Due to An Chens good fortune, just yesterday, the elephant had advanced to the fourth level.

Would there be a problem with a level one elephant going up against a level three Ability Users? Not at all. In the early stages, the advantage was substantial due to their robust vitality and strength.

Even a level one blue whale, in the ocean, would a level seven Ability Users be a match for it, even if the whale itself were only level one? The early advantage was significant, although it would gradually diminish over time. With each level gained, the increase in power remained the same. Thus, a level seven blue whale, compared to a level one, wouldnt see a substantial increase in strength.

An Chen happened to be a natural Ability Users with control over the ability to enhance the elephant. With this formidable creature, he thrived in the apocalypse and gathered a group of followers.

Oddly, without receiving any command from An Chen, the elephant began to act restlessly, charging towards the opposing group. An Chen quickly jumped off the elephants back.

In the early days of the apocalypse, all plant life had withered away, and there were no more vegetables or fruits. As a result, the elephant, deprived of food, gradually transformed into a carnivore.

It was hungry.

A level four elephant, being part of the physical Ability users category, possessed incredible defense, formidable strength, and decent speed. It was not something that a base without a level four esper could contend with.

The elephant charged recklessly, and with a swing of its trunk, it could kill a person instantly. The casualties were immediate and severe.

One person, on the brink of death, cried out in anger, Whats so great about you? Youre just relying on an elephant. A dog would be more impressive!

If you have the guts, go face it yourself! Whats the point of bullying us?

Do you dare to confront it? Youd probably die without knowing how you died!

An Chens face darkened instantly.

It couldnt be true. Absolutely impossible. His elephant was invincible. How could anyone be braver than it?

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