Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 144

Chapter 144

The mutant, with its inherently short lifespan, seemed to have had its life accelerated to the point of burning out in an instant due to Chen Luos use of time acceleration. However, utilizing this mysterious ability had taken a severe toll on Chen Luo, even he couldnt withstand it. He, too, collapsed to the ground.

Coincidentally, the Thunderbolt King had returned and, upon seeing Chen Luo lying on the ground, let out a heart-wrenching cry before rushing to Chen Luos side.

Tears streamed uncontrollably from the Thunderbolt Kings eyes. What happened to you? Dont scare me.

Mi Li also cried as she desperately used her healing abilities on Chen Luo, but it had no effect. Chen Luos unconsciousness was beyond what Mi Li could currently heal.

Meanwhile, Mi Ling, with teary eyes, forced herself to stay composed. She gave orders, Close the main gate, and until Chen Luo wakes up, no one is to leave the base. Defend the base diligently.

Chen Guang, Chen Lei, and the others looked at Chen Luo with deep concern before directing their gaze to the fallen guards who had sacrificed their lives.

Su Dazhu carried Chen Luo and placed him in a room, with Mi Li and Mi Ling following closely behind. Chen Luo showed no response, and if it werent for the faint breaths, it might have been unbearable for them.

The Thunderbolt King shouted frantically, How could you all just stand there when somethings happened to the boss? Why is it only him?

Even though Rice was also worried, she tried to reassure him, saying, Dont worry; I foresaw that something might happen to him, but he wont die. In fact, something big might turn out in his favor.

The Thunderbolt King retorted, You dare talk nonsense; if he doesnt wake up, Ill bite you to death.

Rice replied, annoyed, Bite me to death? Intimacy level -20.

In the evening, Ma Yu timidly suggested, Its been a whole day without eating. Shouldnt we have something to eat? Ive prepared some food.

Rice sighed, thinking, I told them theres nothing to worry about, and that there might be benefits, why dont they believe me?

With Rice around, everyone felt much more at ease.

Su Dazhu kept watch outside the villa, while Mi Ling guarded the rooms entrance. Inside the room, Mi Li and the Thunderbolt King stood by.

On the third day in the afternoon, Chen Luo finally woke up, still feeling a severe headache. Mi Li, looking haggard, exclaimed with joy, Brother, youre awake!

Chen Luo managed a weak smile.

The Thunderbolt King also cheered, These past two days, I havent been able to earn any points.

Just regaining consciousness, Chen Luo felt a bit confused but soon remembered what had happened two days ago.

What ability did I use to accelerate the death of a mutation so drastically? It seemed like it fast-forwarded countless times and died instantly. What is this power? Ive never seen anything like it, Chen Luo wondered.

Time acceleration? Could it be that Ive awakened a second ability? Chen Luo tried to feel the crystal in his mind to confirm but was met with an even more excruciating headache. In addition to the spatial ability, there was now another energy type in the crystal, one Chen Luo had encountered and absorbed before.

Time-based ability! Chen Luo realized. He jumped up from the bed. Time-based ability! This is incredible! Chen Luo couldnt believe it.

My second ability is actually time-based? Thats an extremely rare power. In the spatial category, theres about one person among five or six thousand who possesses it. As for time-based abilities, Ive only seen one in my previous life. The crucial point is, this is only my second ability. My first ability is spatial! Chen Luo marveled at the extraordinary nature of his newfound power.

Time and space, is this spacetime? Chen Luo pondered, thinking back to the only time-based ability user he had encountered in his previous life.

Among both zombies and survivors, there had been only one individual with a time-based ability, an unparalleled existence. Chen Luo used to sneak into Mi Lings base to steal some vegetables, not taking much, just enough for a few days worth of meals. Mi Ling was furious but helpless in front of a spatial ability user like Chen Luo.

But Chen Luo met his match in an unbelievable, almost inconceivable ability. What kind of power could counter the Void king, Chen Luo?

One day, Chen Luo did as he usually did, taking four cucumbers, two tomatoes, and a large cabbage. Growing vegetables was tough work, so Chen Luo didnt want to take too much.

As he appeared, he was immediately discovered; after all, this small cultivation area was heavily guarded. Chen Luo shrugged and was about to leave, thinking, Who can stop me?

However, Mi Ling revealed herself and coldly said, Chen Luo, you cant leave.

Chen Luo tried to laugh but couldnt. Suddenly, he realized he couldnt move his body. Not even blinking his eyes was possible. His abilities inside him were also unresponsive. Chen Luo tried to use Void Walk to escape, but he couldnt do it.

Chen Luo was frozen like a statue, completely immobilized.

Mi Ling was accompanied by a woman in her twenties named Jiang Chuxue, who appeared beside her with a faint smile.

How is my time freeze? she asked.

Chen Luo couldnt fathom it; how could such an ability exist in this world?

Mi Ling, in her anger, kicked Chen Luo in the rear, and he couldnt avoid it.

Mi Li said, Dont kill him. We finally have a chance to talk. How about we cooperate and survive this apocalypse together?

Just a dozen seconds later, Chen Luo broke free from the control. Time freeze couldnt last indefinitely. After using it just once, the user appeared fatigued.

Chen Luo recognized an opportunity and didnt escape using Void Walk after the control ended. Mi Lis suggestion did not sit well with others.

What Void King? Hes more like Void Sixth, someone remarked.

Hes a big troublemaker, another chimed in.

Despicable and shameless, even worse than Thunderbolt King, someone sneered.

Jiang Chuxue also frowned, showing a disdainful expression, So hes just a Void Sixth.

Did Chen Luo really not care about his reputation? Despite the disgust and contempt from others, Chen Luo could still thrive better than anyone else.

Chen Luo ran away but dared not show up inside Mi Lings base again. He continued to observe Jiang Chuxue, the time user.

Through several battles, Chen Luo observed that Jiang Chuxue was also a King-ranked individual. She had come from another city to Mi Lings base and had a group of followers.

Jiang Chuxues unique ability was time freezing, but she could only use it once on a single target. Despite its limitations, it was still an incredible power.

Even so, it can be said to be a miraculous thing. He cant move his opponent, and he cant use his powers. So hes still at the mercy of others?

In the seventh year of the apocalypse, the entire human army was wiped out, and the monsters that appeared seemed to be looking for something, digging three feet into the ground.

No, after digging three thousand meters into the ground, there is no way there would be a hiding place for humans.

Even with the ability to freeze time, it was useless. In terms of escape, it was not on the same level as Chen Luos Void Walk.

Everyone had perished, and the creatures seemed to be exceptionally astonished by Jiang Chuxues time-based abilities.

Chen Luo appeared, shoved Jiang Chuxues body into the void, and then fled.

The creatures could only seethe with impotent rage towards Chen Luo.

Time-based crystals? I havent absorbed those yet.

Unfortunately, they didnt seem to have any special effects.

The memory ended.

Having two different abilities would raise the crystals quality level. In the early stages, it would increase by two levels. This meant that Chen Luo, who was currently at level six, had a crystal quality of level eight.

The quality of the ability itself would also see a significant improvement, allowing Chen Luo to use less ability power to achieve the same level of effect.

The energy emitted by the crystal would also enhance Chen Luos physical attributes to level eight.

Jiang Chuxue could only use time freezing, but I can use time acceleration, which she cant do.

Chen Luo couldnt help but wonder, do I have a talent for time-based abilities too?

But damn, my crystal is shattered, and it wont recover for three months.

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