One Wild Night

Chapter 808 Deep Scars

Chapter 808 Deep Scars

The moment Jeff joined them, neither of them said a word as all three of them looked at Jeff, wanting to know what he wanted.

"Harry, I would like to have a word with you in private," Jeff said and Harry frowned.

"Why? Is there is a huge Bryan scandal I need to know about right now?" Harry asked and Jeff shook his head.

"Then I'm sure anything else can wait, especially if it's about work. I'm off working hours right now. So let's talk…."

"It's about Mia," Jeff said and Harry cocked a brow.

"What about her?" Harry asked as his gaze shifted from Jeff to the spot he had left Mia, and he relaxed when he saw her seated there.

"I saw her with you a moment ago. What were you both talking about?" Jeff asked since he could see that Harry had no plans of giving him a private audience.

Perhaps if he asked openly and Harry wanted it to be their private discussion, Harry would give him the private audience he needed.

"Is this a joke? Do you really expect me to tell you what I was discussing with her in private?" Harry asked incredulously while Tom and Lucas said nothing as they listened to the exchange.

"No, it's not a joke. I want to know what you were both talking about," Jeff said, his expression and tone serious and unyielding.

"Why do you want to know? Is she your girlfriend and you're jealous that Harry talked to her privately? Or is there something you don't want her to report to Harry?" Tom asked, curious to know why Jeff seemed so serious.

"No, she is not my girlfriend, but I've known her longer than either of you, so I believe I have a right to know what's going on. You know who she is, don't you? Her true identity?" Jeff asked, not caring that he was speaking so informally with his new employers.

He had thought about it before approaching them and he figured that Harry knew what Mia was hiding.

He had after all been there when Harry met Mia for the first time and told her she looked familiar. He had been there at Sonia's engagement party when Harry excused Mia before they could leave to talk to her. And now, in the middle of their conversation she had left him to go talk to Harry. All of that had to mean that Harry was aware of what was going on.

"What about it?" Harry asked calmly after exchanging a look with Tom.

Lucas on the other hand couldn't help but wonder what Jeff was talking about since just the other night in the car he had denied what Tyler had said about Mia looking like Vanessa Rosewood.

"Did she ask for your help? I want to help too," Jeff said and Harry frowned.

"You're making all this fuss because you want to help? Why are you telling me that? Tell her you want to help," Harry said and Jeff frowned.

"I already did.…"

"Then go ahead and help her. Why do you need to know what we talked about before you help her?" Harry said and Tom chuckled when Jeff glared at Harry.

"What? You want to fight me?" Harry asked making Lucas also laugh.

"Quit annoying him, Harry, else he might really punch you," Tom said and Harry snorted.

"I'd like to see him try," Harry said and then sighed when Jeff kept looking at him and waiting for a response.

"Don't worry, we will handle it. There is nothing for you to do…."

"I want to do something. How about I go beat up the beast that gave her such hideous marks on her body? Do you know how I feel every night when I hear her crying?" Jeff asked angrily, and the humor disappeared from Tom and Lucas's face as they all frowned.

"There are marks on her body? And she cries every night?" He asked in a low voice not wanting to believe that her husband had not just hit her but had left actual scars on her body.

"Deep scars on the upper part of her back. I didn't see the whole of her back. It's the first time I'm seeing them. She was in the shower when I got home this morning so she had to get the door. I guess she forgot about it cause she answered the door wrapped in her towel and I saw her back. I was sick to the stomach when I saw it. Those were no ordinary scars. It was like there were scars upon already formed scars. Those were deliberately inflicted marks. They looked like torture marks. It made me sick to think about how anyone could have done that to someone else," Jeff's hands were balled in a fist as he spoke, and each word that left his lips left a murderous glint in the eyes of the men he were talking to.

Perhaps it was because they all had sisters, each felt deeply affected by the kind of picture he had just painted and they all glanced in Mia's direction and saw her just staring at the dancefloor with a blank expression.

Although Jeff knew that he was divulging too much information to them, he needed them to understand just how bad Mia's abuse had been so that they would put more effort into whatever they planned to do to help her.

Harry clenched his teeth as he looked at Mia, understanding better all she had told him that day at his office (chapter 664) and why she had said she didn't think the plan was going to be that easy.

Any man who would beat his wife and leave scars on her that way, was an animal who wouldn't want to let go of his prey so easily.

Getting him to sign the divorce papers wouldn't be enough. They needed to teach him a lesson and make him pay for his brutality.

Harry held Tom's gaze, each thinking about how to repay the violence despite the fact that the man in question was one of their foreign investors.

"We will take care of him," Tom said, answering answering Harry's silent question, and Harry nodded in agreement.

"If you want to help, you can keep an eye on Mia. Make sure she doesn't suddenly decide to bolt out of fear. And also just keep an eye on her in case he sends someone to her before we execute our plans," Harry told Jeff and he nodded.

"I won't let her out of my sight. Thank you. I will excuse you now," Jeff said before leaving them to go join Mia again.

After Jeff left, Tom turned to Harry, "What did Tyler do?" He asked curiously, wanting to know what Tyler had to do with Mia.

After Harry was done, Lucas sighed, "I'm sorry Tyler caused all this trouble. I'm sure he didn't mean to. He was very surprised to see her and wanted to confirm from his colleague whom she used to visit often at the hospital," Lucas said apologetically, knowing that Tyler must be feeling pretty bad about everything.

"Don't worry about it. He didn't cause any trouble. Thanks to him, Mia is more willing to act now. So it's okay," Harry assured Lucas.

"Why was she always visiting his colleague? Was he the one treating her wounds? Does that mean his colleague was aware of the abuse but said nothing? Was the colleague her friend or her husband's friend?" Tom asked Lucas and he shook his head.

"I have no idea," Lucas said, thinking about what Tom had just said.

"We will get details of this colleague from Tyler and find out for ourselves. For now, I'm going to dance with my sisters," Harry said and rose to go find Candace on the dance-floor.

"You've danced with her long enough. It's my turn," Harry told Matt, and he stepped aside without argument to let Harry dance with Candace.

"I take it you want to scold me for talking to Jade," Candace said knowingly since she had seen them both earlier going into Jade's bedroom.

"So, it was you," Harry said quietly as they danced slowly.

"We didn't mean to cause any trouble," Candace said defensively, not sure she wanted to face Harry's anger since she had not seen him angry before.

"We? Andy? Was Lucy and Sonia involved too?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No. It was just Andy and I. We were only looking out for her," Candace said and Harry sighed.

"What exactly did you say to her?" He asked, and Candace explained all that they had said.

"We told her that mostly for her sake…."

"I understand that you told her that with good intentions, but you shouldn't have said anything about the possibility of getting tired of her. She is dealing with enough feelings of insecurity already, and you both didn't have to add to that. I know Jade. I know her more than you both do or could ever do. You see that brat attitude? I have always been aware of it even before I fell in love with her. The clinginess and jealousy, I don't mind it one bit. I know her and I know her flaws and I'm helping her work on them. I understand that she is your friend, and you have every right to advise her, just do not make her feel I have an issue with who she is," Harry cut in firmly.

"I'm sorry," Candace murmured without looking into his face.

"It's fine. I just wanted to clear that up with you. That's all," Harry said as he continued dancing with her.

"So, are you still hanging out with your baby boyfriend or are you coming home tonight with your big brother?" He asked in a playful tone, surprising Candace by the sudden switch in the tone of their conversation.

"Why do you seem surprised? I'm not mad. I was just trashing the issue with you, big brother to little sister," he said and this time she laughed.

"I will come home with you. We need to talk about the details of the interview," she said and he nodded.

"Alright. Go back to dancing with your baby boyfriend. I should go dance with Andy too. No partiality," he said and Candace laughed softly as she watched him go take Andy from Tyler.

After dancing, the elders were the first to leave since it was late in the night already, and after the party ended and it was time to leave Lucas looked at Tom and Lucy.

"Why don't Tyler and I come with you, so that Jeff and Mia can take the car home? I'm not looking forward to driving that distance tonight," Lucas said even though his actual reason for doing that was because he didn't want Tyler and Mia in the same car knowing that it would make them all uncomfortable.

"Sure. You can ask Jeff to give the key to Amy. She can use the car for the time being," Lucy said and Lucas nodded as he went to do as she said.

Lucas didn't miss the relief on Mia's face as he handed the car key to Jeff after telling them he and Tyler would be going with Lucy and Tom.

Although, Lucas was tempted to ask them to check on Amy and find out how she was doing, he refrained from doing so.

They had their own problems to deal with and he couldn't add Amy to that. And he also didn't want to seem more concerned or involved in Amy's business than was necessary. He had done what he could for her and was still going the extra mile to help her resolve things in Heden. That was good enough to satisfy his conscience. He wouldn't have any reason to worry about Amy anymore after he returned to Husla.

"I'm so glad the wedding is over. I can l relax now," Lucy said with a deep sigh, feeling very happy as they got into the car.

"And I can have you to myself again," Tom said and she giggled.

"No mushy talk please. Y'all need to respect my feelings," Tyler said and they all laughed as Tom drove off.

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