One Wild Night

Chapter 807 I Need Your Help

Chapter 807 I Need Your Help

As the music played softly in the background, Mia and Jeff swayed gently on the dance floor, caught up in the moment.

Mia's heart was heavy with the weight of everything that had happened, and she couldn't shake the feeling that Jeff had asked her to dance cause he wanted to ask some questions or tell her something.

"Did you bring me out here to dance because you wanted to say something?" Mia asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jeff looked down at her, his eyes soft and understanding. "No. We already agreed to talk after the party. I just want you to have fun. So, let's say this is me trying to distract you from whatever you were thinking."

Mia studied his face for a moment, as though she was searching for any hint of deceit. "Why are you doing all of this?" she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

"Doing all of what?" Jeff asked innocently even though he knew what she was asking.

"Why are you being so kind to me?"

Jeff sighed, his gaze never wavering from hers. "I don't need a reason to be kind to you or anyone. And in case you forgot, you're my subordinate at work, my housemate, and my friend, so I care about you."

"How much do you think you know about me?" she asked quietly, her eyes searching his for answers.

"I don't know anything about you other than what you've shown me all these while…."

"You know what I mean. How much did Tyler tell you?" She asked and Jeff shook his head.

"He didn't say much other than the fact that you look like someone he used to know. Vanessa Rosewood. But after what I saw this morning, I know something for a fact. You need help, and I'm going to help you however I can if you let me," Jeff said and Mia felt a lump form in her throat at his words.

She had spent so long pushing people away, building walls around herself to protect her herself since the people she had loved had been the ones who hurt her most and exposed her to abuse.

Until now, she had been living without getting attached to anyone so that if she had to run away again, she wouldn't be held back by anything or anyone, but in the last two days she had come to realize that the people around her now were people who genuinely cared about her, even more than her own parents and family did, and she didn't know how to react.

Mia felt her eyes welling up with tears, overwhelmed by the kindness and understanding being shown her by Jeff, Sonia and Harry.

She didn't want to leave these people and go start afresh somewhere else. She didn't want to lose what she had here. She couldn't keep running forever.

If she was going to ever have to face her abusive husband, she wanted to do it with these people beside her. These people who had taught her that family didn't always have to be related to you by blood. These people who now seemed like her family.

"Thank you, Jeff," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the music. "Thank you for being here for me."

"Anytime, Mia. Anytime," Jeff said as Mia stepped away from him.

"Excuse me. I need to speak to Harry," Mia said as she gazed around the dancefloor and once her eyes settled on Harry, she headed in his direction, leaving Jeff to wonder why she suddenly wanted to talk to Harry.

"Harry? Can I talk to you?" Mia asked once she stopped beside Jade and Harry who were dancing.

Harry looked from Mia to Jade, "This is important. Can you give me a moment alone with her?" Harry asked and Jade swallowed past the lump of jealousy in her throat as she bobbed her head.

Harry kissed her lips before walking away with Mia, while Jade returned to the table to sit down since she didn't want to stand alone on the dancefloor.

"Is everything alright?" Harry asked Mia as they found a quiet spot to talk.

"I need your help," Mia said, and Harry raised a brow when he heard the desperation in her tone.

"Did something happen?" He asked, and she nodded as she told him about Tyler and what he had done.

"I see. Well, it was expected. They were bound to find out about you sooner or later, so it's best you come out now instead of hiding," Harry said and watched as Mia scratched her left hand with her right nails.

"You don't have to be scared, Mia, if he makes any attempt to hurt you, he will have us to contend with…."

"Us?" She asked and Harry nodded.

"Yes. You have Tom's full support too," Harry said and Mia took a deep breath.

"What should I do?" She asked, and Harry held her gaze.

"Send your husband a divorce letter. Don't worry, I will make sure he signs it without drama and I will ensure the process goes smoothly and quietly. You can reach out to your family if you want to let them know you're alive and want nothing to do with them. Also, if you want, you can retain your original name or legally change your name. This way you no longer have to live as a dead person. You can be free," Harry said and Mia frowned.

"I don't think it's going to be that easy," she said, doubting that her abusive ex-husband would let her go just like that when he finds out how she had made a fool of him in order to be free from him.

"That's for me to handle. Play your part and I will handle everything else," Harry said and Mia nodded.

"Alright. I will do it," Mia said and Harry smiled in approval.

"You made the right decision," Harry said, glad that she was finally letting them help her.

Back at the dancefloor, as Lucy released Desmond so she could go catch her breath, Desmond went after Jade, while Lucy went to sit down beside Tyler.

"What's up? I noticed you've been unusually quiet all evening," Lucy said and Tyler shook his head.

"It's nothing," he said and she raised a brow.

"Really?" Lucy asked and Tyler sighed.

"I shouldn't have come here. I think my being here is making a mess of things," Tyler said and Lucy frowned.

"Why would you think that? Sony is very happy to have you at her wedding, you know? And I'm happy to see you after such a long time," Lucy said and Tyler shrugged as he looked at his hand.

"Sonia is mad. I'm sure she wishes I didn't come. Mia is mad too. I made a mistake," Tyler said with a deep frown.

"Want to talk about it?" Lucy asked and Tyler shrugged, seeing no reason why he couldn't tell Lucy about it especially since he knew how good Lucy was at keeping secrets.

"Mia looks like someone I used to know. A colleague of mine had a friend who always showed up at the hospital. The friend died some years ago, and when I saw Mia, she looked exactly like the dead lady," Tyler said and Lucy nodded thoughtfully.

"I guess that was why you told her she looked like someone you used to know," Lucy said and Tyler nodded.

"I don't know the details, but it seems like she faked her death to hide from someone, probably an abusive husband and I may have blown her cover by telling my colleague about her. Now Sonia is mad and Mia is upset," Tyler said and Lucy pursed her lips.

"Are you very close to your colleague?" She asked and Tyler nodded.

"Yes. We hangout weekly. Why?" He asked and she sighed.

"You didn't know the situation. I'm sure you wouldn't have said anything had you known the situation. Sonia and Mia has every right to be upset, but you shouldn't beat yourself over it. It wasn't intentional. I would tell Sonia about it too if I saw someone everyone thought was dead," Lucy said and Tyler frowned.

"Are you saying that to make me feel better?" He asked and she nodded.

"Is it working?" She asked and Tyler smiled.

"Why are you smiling? What are you saying to him to make him smile?" Tom asked with a scowl as he joined them, and both Lucy and Tyler laughed.

"She said if I had come earlier, she wouldn't have been with you," Tyler said and Tom chuckled wickedly.

"You don't sound like you want to make it back to your home in one piece," Tom said and Lucy grinned.

"Is that a threat?" Tyler asked with a frown.

"I would have said, ask the last guy I told that, but he is nowhere to be found," Tom said with a shake of his head.

"Tyler is a guest, you shouldn't be threatening your guests," Lucy chided him, "Let's take a spin, Ty," Lucy said, extending a hand to Tyler, and Tom frowned.

"Why do you want to dance with another man?" He asked with displeasure.

"Because Tyler looks lonely. If you offer to dance with him, I will sit back," Lucy said with a grin and Tom nodded at the same time as Tyler shook his head.

"Sure, I will dance with him," Tom said and Lucy tittered with laughter while Tyler scowled at Tom.

"Why would I want to dance with you?"

"Because I don't want you dancing with my girlfriend," Tom said and while they were still arguing, Andrew came and took Lucy with him to the dancefloor leaving a satisfied Tom and Tyler behind.

"Who would have thought that a big shot CEO like you would be so insecure or feel threatened by me?" Tyler taunted and Tom chuckled.

"Insecure? Nah. I'm far from insecure. I just don't like to see my girl on the arms of another guy who isn't her brother or father," Tom said lazily as he sat down.

"I'm like a brother to her," Tyler said and Tom chuckled.

"Yeah. That's all you're going to remain. Like a brother. Forever trapped in the zone between brother and friend," Tom said and Tyler glared at him making Tom chuckle more.

"It's your turn, Tyler. Let's go dance," Andy said as her and Lucas returned to the table.

"Lucky you," Tom said with a grin as Andy pulled Tyler away.

"How is it going, Tom?!" Lucas asked as he sat down.

"Everything is great. How are things going with you? My offer is still standing, remember?" Tom said and Lucas smiled.

"Yeah, about that, I accept your offer. I have Lucy's permission," Lucas said and Tom cocked his brow.

"You told her?"

"Yes. I had to make sure she was okay with me working for her boyfriend," Lucas said and Tom nodded.

"When did you tell her about it? I hope you also explained to her that I didn't tell her about it because you asked me not to?" Tom said and Lucas chuckled.

"Why do you sound like you're scared?"

"Because I don't want her to think I'm keep secrets from her. I promised not to," Tom said and Lucas grinned.

"Don't worry, I told her and she understands."

"Will you be free tomorrow? Let's hangout. Just me, you, Tyler and Harry," Tom said and Lucas smiled.

"I thought you don't like Tyler?"

"Why wouldn't I like him? I'm cool with him, I just like to make him think I'm not," Tom said and Lucas chuckled.


"Yes. Lucy told me about him before we started dating. If he's important to her, he is important to me. I'm cool," Tom said and Lucas shook his head in amazement.

"You're so cool," Lucas said giving Tom a thumbs up and Tom laughed.

"So? Will you be available?" Tom asked and Lucas shook his head.

"Nah. I need to leave for Heden in the morning," Lucas said and Tom frowned.

"Why? What's happening there?" He asked, hoping Lucas wasn't making that trip because of Rachael.

"It's about Amy's misunderstanding with her best friend's family. I figured I stop over and try to clear the air since I don't know when they might hold the funeral. Hopefully they will forgive her and let her attend the funeral so she can say a proper goodbye to her friend," Lucas said and Tom smiled.

"Now who is the cool one?" Tom asked and Lucas chuckled.

"Hey, cousin!" Harry said as he joined them.

"His name is Lucas," Tom said and Harry shrugged.

"I'm aware."

"Oh, you are? I thought you called him that only because you forgot his name," Tom said and both Harry and Lucas chuckled.

"Nah. I called him that to get on your nerves since you keep forgetting that Lucy is my cousin," Harry said as his gaze moved over the dancefloor.

"I saw you leaving with Mia earlier," Tom said and Harry nodded as he glanced at Lucas.

"She decided she needs our help, thanks to Lucas' friend," Harry said and Lucas looked at him in confusion.

"Tyler? What did he do?" Lucas asked with a worried frown.

Before Harry could say anything, Jeff joined them at the table, since he was curious to know why Mia had wanted to speak to Harry.

If Harry knew about her problem and was helping her out, he wanted to be part of it.

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