One Wild Night

Chapter 741  Stay Out Of It!

Chapter 741  Stay Out Of It!

"Why is Dawn's governess coming and not Kimberly?" Lucy asked Sonia after they had left Dawn's bedroom.

She had been hoping that Kimberly would come so that she could see her physically for the first time and also give her a piece of her mind.

"Desmond asked but Kimberly's mom didn't respond. Kimberly is probably grounded," Sonia said uninterestedly and Lucy shook her head.

"I can't believe an adult like her can act so irresponsibly when it comes to her own kid. How can she not go against her parents and protect her daughter? The kid is three for crying out loud," Lucy said with a shake of her head.

"Lucy, I love you but I really don't care about that subject. I'd rather hear all about your date. How did it go?" Sonia asked and Lucy smiled.

"It was nice. Do you have a moment to spare?" Lucy asked hopefully and Sonia looked at her incredulously.

"Of course I always have a moment to spare for you. Why do you think I left the others in the Den to come up here to meet you?" Sonia asked and Lucy grinned.

"Let's go talk at the balcony. That way we won't be interrupted by Tom," Lucy suggested, and Sonia eagerly followed her.

"What do you want to talk about? I hope this isn't about Kimberly and Dawn again," Sonia said as they headed for the balcony.

Lucy sighed, "No, it's not. Although I'm curious about that, I will take it up with Tom and Desmond later. Let's talk first," Lucy said and Sonia raised a brow.

"Curious about what? I suggest you stay out of it. Tom told you Kimberly was being the scandal, right? I wish I could scratch out her eyes for trying to fool you. Lucy, Kimberly is bad news. I understand your feelings for the kid, but don't get yourself involved any further," Sonia said and Lucy smiled.

"That's not what I want us to talk about," Lucy said, changing the subject as they both sat down.

"What do you want to talk about?" Sonia asked curiously when she noticed the smile on Lucy's face.

"Guess," Lucy said and Sonia narrowed her eyes.

"You are pregnant?" Sonia asked and Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Why would you think that?" She asked with a frown.

Sonia shrugged, "Well, seeing how much you've been changing your mind on the subject lately, I wouldn't be surprised if you decide to surprise Tom with a baby," Sonia said and Lucy giggled.

"Well, you are right in a way…."

"You're pregnant for real?" Sonia cut in excitedly.

Lucy sighed loudly, "No! That's now what I mean! I mean you're right in a way because it's about Tom."

"What about him then? Did he propose to you?" Sonia asked impatiently and then she gasped when something hit her.

"No, wait! He wouldn't propose unless you told him about your change of mind," Sonia said before Lucy could speak.

"You told him, right?" Sonia asked and Lucy giggled.

"No. I didn't," Lucy said and Sonia sighed.

"You know what? I'm done guessing. Just go on and tell me," Sonia said as she relaxed on her seat with her curious eyes on Lucy.

"After you and Jade left last night, I had a long talk with Candace."

"And?" Sonia asked impatiently when it seemed like Lucy was taking too long to speak.

"I don't think I need to wait until my therapy ends to make up my mind. I'm going to get married to Tom and have kids together," Lucy said with a grin.

"Lucy!" Sonia exclaimed happily as she rose from her seat to embrace Lucy who was now giggling.

Although Lucy had told her she was reconsidering her decision to not get married, marriage, she was still very excited to hear that her best friend and soul sister was finally ready to get married and have kids with the love of her life.

It felt like everything was finally falling in place with Lucy and she was really now getting over her trauma and living normally now.

Thinking about Lucy and Tom, Sonia couldn't help feeling very happy on behalf of Tom since she knew just how much Tom wanted this. She was so happy that finally, a good man like Tom was now going to get what he wanted and deserved.

"I'm so happy for you, Lucy. You deserve all the happiness in life. And now I won't have to be the only Mrs. Hank between us," Sonia said, and Lucy giggled.

"Tom is going to be so so happy. Have you told him yet? Was that why you took him out today?" Sonia asked, and Lucy shook her head.


"No? Why not? What are you waiting for? I guess you want to tell him in a grand and surprising way," Sonia asked with a raised brow, and Lucy nodded.

"Okay. So, what's the plan? I guess you have a plan in mind already?" Sonia asked, and Lucy smiled.

"We are hosting a Christmas party at his house. I plan to propose to him at the party," Lucy said, and Sonia giggled.

"I can't believe my Lucy is now hosting parties and proposing to men," Sonia said with a teasing smile.

"Not men. Tom," Lucy corrected with a giggle and Sonia paused when something else came to mind.

"Wait. Didn't we all agree to go on a Christmas vacation? How are you going to host a party then?" Sonia asked, and Lucy frowned.

"That's true. I totally forgot about that. Do you think it will be possible to convince them to postpone the vacation? It's sort of my Christmas gift to Tom," Lucy said, and Sonia sighed.

"I don't think the vacation changes anything apart from the Christmas party you want to host. You can easily propose to him anywhere you are," Sonia pointed out reasonably.

Lucy sighed, "But the party is also for him. It's like a party to celebrate him coming out to society," Lucy said with a frown.

"How do you plan to convince the whole family to change their plans? Especially Evelyn? This is going to be like you as challenging her, and we can't have that. Maybe you can tell her about the plan. That will make things easier," Sonia suggested thoughtfully.

"No. I also want to surprise her as well. She has been so worried about Tom not getting married and it caused all these issues for us. It will be my gift to her as well," Lucy said and both her and Sonia smiled.

"That's sweet. So, how are you going to get them to drop the vacation plans? Should I tell them I won't be able to travel by then because I would be in my third trimester by then? And so we should just have a Christmas party?" Sonia asked and Lucy shook her head.

"No, thanks. The party is just one day. I will want us to still go on a vacation. I will discuss it with Tom first, since I guess he must have forgotten about the vacation as well. If he is okay with it, I will then talk to Evelyn. I will tell her I want to host a Christmas party for Tom and his major shareholders and also future investors. Our families will all be present, and we can all go on a vacation after the party. I'm sure she won't mind. A Christmas party and a New Year's vacation," Lucy said, and Sonia beamed a happy smile.

"I think that is perfect! I can't wait to write about it," Sonia said, and Lucy laughed.

"Wait, what about Harry and Jade? I thought she said Harry plans to propose to her in six months time? Does that mean you and Harry would be proposing at the same time?" Sonia asked and Lucy shook her head.

"I don't know about that. Besides, he told her that weeks ago. So, it can't be exactly six months from now," Lucy said.

"That's true. So, how can I help? And who else are you telling about this? Harry I suppose? Since you would need his help as Tom's best friend," Sonia said but Lucy shook her head.

"No. It's going to be just you and Candace."

"What about Harry? Are you scared he might slip to Tom?" Sonia asked, and Lucy shook her head.

"No. I trust him to keep it to himself even if I told him, but I just want to be extra careful. I don't want Tom suspecting anything," Lucy explained, and Sonia nodded.

They both turned to the door when they heard voices and approaching footsteps, and they both smiled when they saw that it was Tom and Bryan.

"I checked Dawn's bedroom and ours, and when I didn't see you, I decided to come check here just to be sure you've not been abducted. I didn't want to freshen up without you," Tom said and Lucy giggled.

"Sorry. I thought you'd still be busy with Harry," Lucy said apologetically as she rose.

"It's time for my babies to go to bed. You need to rest after such a busy day," Bryan said as he approached Sonia and she giggled when he swept her off her feet and carried her in a princess style.

"Good night, Lucy, Tom," Sonia called as Bryan carried her away while Tom and Lucy watched them leave with a smile on their faces.

"I don't know about you, but I'm ready to call it a night," Tom said and Lucy looked at him curiously.

"Sonia said Dawn is leaving tomorrow," Lucy said and Tom shrugged.

"Really? That's nice," Tom said and Lucy sighed.

"Can you believe that they are sending her governess to come get her?" Lucy asked with a frown.

"Yes, I can believe it. At least they sent someone. That's good. Now you don't have to worry about her traveling alone anymore Tom said and Lucy's frown deepened.

"Don't you think they sent a governess because maybe Kimberly is grounded or something?" Lucy asked and Tom sighed.

"Do I look like I care? Kimberly can be locked up in a dungeon for all I care. As long as they come get the kid, I'm cool," Tom said and Lucy bit her lower lip.

"But I care. It won't be nice if Dawn leaves here only to go face hostility at home," Lucy said and Tom closed his eyes as he prayed for patience.

"That is not our business, Lucy. They are her family. Kimberly is her mom. If she believes sending a governess down to get her child is what is best for the kid, then so be it. We are not getting involved or convening ourselves with their business. I don't want to talk about Dawn or Kimberly," Tom said and Lucy nodded before walking away.

"Where are you going?" Tom asked with a frown as he watched her.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk. But I want to, so I will take it up with someone who would be willing to talk to me and listen," Lucy said without turning back and Tom hurried after her.

"You said you won't talk to Kimberly," Tom reminded her.

"I'm going to talk to your parents not Kimberly. You can freshen up without me. I will join you soon," Lucy said as she kept walking.

"For Christ's sake, Lucy! Lucy, we had a nice day. Let's not ruin it by fighting over this," Tom yelled in frustration but Lucy didn't stop.

He had never known Lucy to be so stubborn until it came to dealing with Dawn. It seemed like she was always willing to fight him as long as it had to do with caring for the kid.

Sonia and Bryan who had just gone into their bedroom stepped out when they heard Tom's voice, and seeing that he was going downstairs again, they followed suit, wanting to find out what the issue was.

"Slow down, babe," Bryan called with a frown as Sonia ran ahead of him wanting to stop Lucy before she would do or say something she would need to apologize for later since they had only just moved on from the last drama.

Tom quickly caught up with Lucy at the foot of the stairs and grabbed her arm, "Lucy, stop!"

"I only want to understand what is going on that's all," Lucy said and Tom shook his head.

"It's not your business…"

"Dawn is my friend…"

"That still doesn't make it your business. Stay out of it!"

"What is the problem?" Desmond asked as he and the others who were retiring to bed joined them.

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