One Wild Night

Chapter 740  That Makes Sense

Chapter 740  That Makes Sense

"What's up?" Tom asked Harry once they were out of earshot and now seated at the patio.

"Barry called a short while ago. I'm exhausted and can't think right now, so I need you to help me out."

"Okay. Lay it out. What did Barry say?"

"He said a couple of things. After having her name on the news, Sara is trying to bring all her plans forward and get rid of Crystal quickly. She called our 'doctor' asking that they meet on Monday for the transplant. She even sent a huge sum of money to show how serious she is," Harry said and Tom smiled.

"This was what you wanted," Tom said and Harry nodded.

"Yeah. But right now I can't figure out what she's thinking…"

"What she is thinking about what? You just clearly said she wants to proceed with her plans quickly. That's what she is thinking," Tom said and Harry shook his head.

"Yeah. There is that. But shouldn't she be more worried that someone made a connection between her and Wilson's niece? Isn't she scared that I have figured out what she did and that I might already know about Crystal? What does she plan to do?" Harry asked and Tom shrugged.

"She plans to get rid of the girl. By the time you show up the girl is gone. No body, no evidence of anything," Tom said matter of factly.

"Speaking about the girl, she is up to no good," Harry said, and Tom raised a brow.

"Did she do or say something?" Tom asked curiously.

"First you should listen to this," Harry said as he played the conversation between Amos and Crystal.

"I suppose she hasn't made mention of this to you?" Tom asked knowingly.

Although Tom had never met Crystal, he didn't trust her. From the moment he heard she was a con artist, he didn't trust her.

"How did you know?" Harry asked and Tom shrugged.

"A thief is always a thief."

"Apart from the fact that she is yet to tell me about the Will, we have reasons to believe she is planning to kill Sara. Her search record on the internet shows that she has been searching for ways to kill someone without having it look like murder," Harry said and Tom chuckled.

"It's not funny," Harry said and Tom grinned.

"Now you're the one who has lost your sense of humor. Maybe there is justice in this world after all. Imagine being murdered by someone you want to murder," Tom said with an amused smile.

"Maybe you should let the girl get rid of Sara, and then we can punish her greed by having her arrested," Tom said with a shrug.

"Death is too good for Sara. I prefer she goes to jail and suffer the shame and disgrace of her fall," Harry said and Tom nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Sure. That's a much better option. This new development means we have to act even faster or make some adjustments to the plans. The girl could murder her before Monday seeing as she has the Will in her name," Tom said and Harry nodded.

Tom thought about it for a moment while Harry waited patiently to hear his suggestion.

"Jade's corrupt boss…"

"That would be you, right?" Harry asked, cutting Tom off, and Tom paused for a bit and chuckled when he got Harry's joke.

"I mean her former boss, of course. And seeing as you are the one who offered her a job, you're her boss," Tom said and Harry grinned.

"Let's get him to work for us. He should be willing to do anything now that he knows we are on to him. Have him give Sara a call. That way he can find out exactly what she is planning," Tom suggested.

"Does that mean we are going to let him off the hook?" Harry asked and Tom sighed.

"He is a lawyer, so I'm sure he knows best how it works when a criminal turns himself in and helps the police apprehend others. We will let him off the hook if he does everything we ask him to. First he should give Sara a call to find out what she is up to. He has to do that tonight. Then he  should release a video with evidence, confessing to every crime Sara has committed and is planning to do. We can pardon him if he does that," Tom said and Harry raised a brow.

"What do we hope to achieve by doing that?" Harry asked thoughtfully.

"More evidence of even crimes we don't know. For now the only evidence we have are those of Sara's communication with our doctor and her lawyer," Tom said and Harry nodded.

"And the girl?" Harry asked since that was one problem they had to solve.

"That's the easiest part. Let her know you are a step ahead of her, and if she jeopardizes your plan because of her greed and foolishness, you will crush her. That should set her back on track. It's as simple as that," Tom advised.

"You don't think she might become even more careful if she finds out I know her plans?" Harry asked since he had thought of giving Crystal a call but didn't want her to know he was on to her.

"You don't need to tell her how much you know or how you know what you know. You can tell her the lawyer guy works for you and you asked him to test her. Tell her the Will is not real," Tom said and Harry smiled.

"That makes sense."

"Of course, it does. You'd have figured this out yourself if you were not too busy being a lover boy. I guess you are no longer as smart as you were because your attention is now divided," Tom said with a tsk.

"Or maybe I'm just giving you a chance to use your brain which you haven't made use of in a long time," Harry fired back and they both chuckled.

"I have an idea. On Monday when Sara goes for the transplant with Crystal, we will release the confessional video from the lawyer. We will have him mention the address where she is having the illegal transplant, so that reporters can go there. We will also inform our police friends about it. What do you think?" Harry asked and Tom smirked.

"That was the exact purpose of the video.  You caught on so fast," Tom said dryly.

"I hope it goes according to plan. I plan to visit her in jail with Candace," Harry said and Tom chuckled.

"That would be a really nice reunion," Tom said and they both laughed.

"I should probably leave you to go get out of your uniform then," Harry said and Tom chuckled.

"Guess what?" Tom said as he looked behind him to make sure no one was coming.

"Another lady showed up with a kid for you?" Harry asked and laughed out loud when Tom glared at him.

"I think Lucy might have changed her mind about marriage and kids," Tom said, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Really? Did she say something?" Harry asked looking genuinely interested, and Tom grinned.

"I overheard her talking with Sonia…."

"Overheard or eavesdropped?" Harry asked and Tom scowled.

"What is the difference? Are you interested in hearing me out or should I just go change out of my high school uniform?" Tom asked and Harry grinned.

"Alright. Tell me," Harry said and Tom smiled, happy to share his good news with Harry.

Harry listened as Tom told him all that Lucy had said and done in the last couple of days that made him believe that she had finally changed her mind.

"So, what do you think?" Tom asked when he was done.

Although Harry believed that it was possible that she had changed her mind, he shook his head, "While I unrest all that you've said, I think you shouldn't get your hopes up just yet. At least until you hear it directly from her. What could be the reason she hasn't told you yet? Could she hesitating?" Harry said logically.

"Maybe she doesn't know how to bring it up," Tom said with a shrug.

"From all you've said, you've given her openings to say it a couple of times now, but she didn't," Harry pointed out and Tom sighed.

"Maybe she is waiting for all of this to end and for us to get back to Ludus first," he said and seeing that the excitement was quickly fading from Tom's eyes, Harry nodded.

"I think that is it. She is likely waiting," Harry said and he chuckled when Tom grinned again.

"I'm happy to know I still stand a chance of being your best man after all. I was worried I might never have the opportunity to give the speech at your wedding," Harry said and Tom chuckled as he placed a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"If Lucy gets married to me, you can give whatever speech you like, I won't care. Know why? Cause I'm going to be too busy gazing at MY WIFE to hear you," Tom asked with a grin and Harry chuckled happily.

Harry prayed that Lucy had really changed her mind. That would be so wonderful.

"Go get out of your uniform while I make the calls to everyone. Are you going to come back down, or are you going to conclude your date in your bedroom?" Harry asked with a wink.

"Depends on what Lucy wants," Tom said with a grin and Harry shook his head.

"You're gone man. Totally and completely gone," Harry said as they both chuckled.

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