One Wild Night

Chapter 731 Reasonable Solution

Chapter 731  Reasonable Solution

Kimberly's brows were pulled together in a worried frown as she paced around her bedroom while thinking about what to do about Desmond's threat.

She had no doubt that Desmond had made that call because Tom had told him she was behind the scandal.

She had been unable to sleep all night until the early hours of the morning because she had been so worried about not knowing how Dawn was doing, especially now that  her plans had been exposed and she didn't know how Lucy would treat Dawn now that she knew what she had done.

From all she had heard about Desmond from Lawrence, she knew that Desmond wasn't the type to bluff, and that he would really send Dawn over alone if she didn't go there to pick Dawn up herself.

What was she going to do? She asked herself for what seemed like the hundredth time since she received the call from Desmond.

If only she had not agreed to the prank when Lawrence suggested it. If only she had not pulled such a stupid stunt about her marriage to Tom, then none of this would have happened.

What had she been thinking? How could she have done something so stupid? Now see what she had done to herself and her daughter.

Just what could she do to get her father to accept Dawn so that she could come back home to her? Kimberly mused as she paced.

How was she to even bring up what Desmond had said to her before her parents when her father, who was the reason she had left Dawn at Heden, was still very mad at her and still didn't want to speak of Dawn or hear her name.

Could she afford to disobey her father and go get Dawn? She asked herself and then frowned.

Dawn was her daughter and needed her protection.

What if something happened to Dawn simply because she was scared of being disowned by her father? Could she stand that?

No, she couldn't. She could never live with herself if anything happened to her daughter simply because she was scared of being cut off by her father.

She would not forgive her father either if anything happened to Dawn simply because he was being unreasonable. She agreed that she had been wrong to have lied to them, but Dawn did nothing wrong.

Dawn was innocent and if there was anyone he should be saying he didn't want to see, it should be her not Dawn.

She knew how much her father adored Dawn, so maybe if she told him what Desmond had said, it would make him soften a bit and ask her to go get Dawn. She could even offer to stay away from his sight with Dawn until he was ready to forgive her and accept them both, but until then she didn't want her daughter to be alone with people who didn't care about her.

If her father refused to let her go, then she was just going to damn the consequence and take responsibility for her child since there was no other way, Kimberly decided as she headed for the bathroom to freshen up.

Immediately she was dressed, she walked out of her bedroom and headed for the living room, but only her mother was there sipping from a glass of fruit juice as she watched a soap opera, "Where is Dad?" Kimberly asked and when her mother saw her, she raised a brow.

"He went out to play golf. Why didn't you come down for breakfast?"

"We agreed that I stay out of his sight until he calms down, didn't we?" She asked and her mother looked at her with interest.

"So why are you here now? And why are you asking for him?"

"I need to talk to him. The both of you. Maybe it's best I talk to you first before talking to him," Kimberly said as she sat down beside her mother.

"What is wrong?" Her mother asked when she noticed the worry lines on her face.

"It's about Dawn."

"What about her? Is she okay?" Her mother asked with concern.

"I received a call from the Hanks. They found out I was behind the scandal. They want me to come get Dawn immediately and threatened that if I fail to show up on or before Lawrence's funeral they would send her down alone...."

"Is that why you look so worried? It's just a threat. No one would do something like that. Besides, Dawn is part of their family so they should be able to take care of her with or without you," her mother said, not bothering to say anything about the scandal since she had already told Kimberly that it was foolish of her to do such a thing in the first place.

"I'm her mother, for crying out loud! And Dawn is part of this family too. I don't see why they would want to take care of her if my own parents don't even want to see her," Kimberly snapped angrily, and her mother raised a brow.

"Watch your tone, young lady! It's no one's fault but yours that all of this is happening!" Her mother hissed and Kimberly rose, feeling frustrated.

"I accept that! I know that I'm completely at fault here, but that doesn't mean I should abandon my own child!" Kimberly cried as tears fell from her eyes.

"No one is asking you to abandon Dawn. It's just that your father is upset right now. I'm sure he would ask you to bring her back once he's calm. Until then, shouldn't the Hanks at least look after her while you handle your business? Isn't this all happening because Lawrence chose to stick his manhood where it had no business being? They should be able to take responsibility for what Lawrence did," Kimberly's mother said, and Kimberly sighed wearily.

"They were doing that already. They were the ones who offered to look after Dawn while I handle my business. They are not bad people, Mom. They are only reacting this way because of what I did. And that's why they don't want anything to do with me or Dawn anymore. I have to go get Dawn, mom. I don't want her to suffer any more than is necessary because of my thoughtless actions," Kimberly said, and her mother shook her head.

"If they are not bad people as you claim, then there is no way they will send a three years old kid alone. It's just a threat and nothing more, believe me…."

"I can't take that chance, mom!" Kimberly cut in.

"You will have to. We both know she can't stay here and you can't travel to go get her either. Right now the news is everywhere that you had a child for Lawrence and your father is feeling pretty embarassed and humiliated enough. Do you have any idea how all of this has affected the company stocks? Why do you think he went to play golf? He is trying to do damage control by acting like everything is fine so that it will pass quickly. How is that going to happen if you're spotted with the Hanks? Your father is still very upset, and if you so much as make this worse than it is already he won't hesitate to cut you off. You know your father. I suggest you don't go...."

"Are you asking me to choose between my father and my daughter right now?" Kimberly cut in, looking at her mother incredulously.

"Are you forgetting that you are my daughter? I'm looking out for you the same way you are looking out for Dawn…"

"No, it's not the same! If you love me as your daughter then you'd love Dawn as your granddaughter and you won't be okay with her being so far away from us right now!" Kimberly cut her off angrily.

"We can always find a way around this, but I won't let you get disowned," her mother said, and Kimberly shook her head.

"What other way can there be? You know what? I will just go take her and stay far away from you and Dad so that I won't bring any more disgr...."

"No. I can't let you do that. Besides, how do you plan to take care of yourself and Dawn if your father decides to cut you off and have your accounts frozen? Cause trust me, he will do that. Do you think you would be able take good care of Dawn if you get disowned?" her mother asked, and tears rolled down Kimberly's face.

"What then do you expect me to do? I can't just abandon my daughter or have her travel down here alone like she's an orphan. What if something happens or she gets kidnapped? What if...."

"Nothing of such will happen. We will send someone over to get her..."

"And then what? Dad doesn't want her here," Kimberly cut in before her mother could finish, and her mother sighed.

"I never said we would bring her here," She said, and Kimberly frowned.

"What do you mean by that?" Kimberly asked, looking at her mother with a confused frown.

"Come sit down," her mother said, patting the space beside her, and Kimberly went to sit down near her.

"We can send someone over there to get her and then send her over to a boarding school or...."

"Mom! Dawn is only three! She hasn't even been to a regular school yet, so how can you talk about a boarding school?" Kimberly asked with a shake of her head as she rose again.

There was absolutely no way she was going to send her baby to a boarding school.

"Listen to me, Kim. I understand you're worried about her, I am too, but I can't let you make any decision that you would end up regretting. As much as I understand you, I don't want you getting disowned, so I'm also looking out for my daughter the same way you're looking out for yours. This is the best way we can all be fine; you, Dawn, your father, and I. Sending her to a boarding school is the best option for you and her right now until everything settles..."

"But mom..."

"I will keep trying to talk to your father, I promise. The moment your dad calms down we can bring her back home. Think about it, Kim, there is no reason to go against your father when there is a way. You get to visit her as often as you can too. We won't take her somewhere too far away. That way I can see her too," Her mother said, and Kimberly paused as another idea hit her and she sat down once again.

"What if I get an apartment for her instead? Her governess could live with her and I will employ a couple of housekeepers to also watch over her. That way I can spend quality time with her whenever I visit and some times spend the night with her too," Kimberly said thinking that by the time her father finally forgave her and accepted Dawn back, she would move out of her parents house and she and Dawn would live alone then.

"That could work too. But I chose a boarding school because I think it's time for her to start socializing with kids her age."

"She can go to a regular school from the apartment. I can get a driver to take her to and back from school. It doesn't have to be a boarding school," Kimberly said and her mother nodded.

"True. I can ask your father to let you do that," Her mother said, and Kimberly looked at her hopefully.

"You think he would agree to that?" She asked and her mother smiled.

"I will have to make him agree to that much. If he doesn't want to see Dawn yet, that is fine. But he shouldn't stop you or me from seeing her," she said confidently and Kimberly embraced her.

"Thank you, mom. And I'm sorry for causing all this trouble. I really am," Kimberly said and her mother smiled as she pulled away to hold her gaze.

"You never caused any problems growing up so I guess you decided to cause enough problem now to make up for all of it," she joked, and Kimberly laughed.

"How can you joke about this?" Kimberly asked and her mother smiled.

"Because I want to see a smile on my daughter's face. You messed up, but it's not the end of the world. Don't worry, everything will be okay. And I will give the Hanks a call to apologize on your behalf and I will let them know we will be sending someone over to get Dawn. I don't want you communicating with them anymore. You've caused enough trouble already," her mother said and Kimberly sighed.

"I doubt they would want to hear from me anyway. You can handle things with them while I take care of getting a suitable place for Dawn to stay. Let's send her governess over to get her," Kimberly said as she rose, relieved by this solution.

She was going to find a way to get her apology across to Lucy and then she would move on and forget all about the Hanks. She didn't need them or their money to help her take care of Dawn.

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