One Wild Night

Chapter 730 Sole Beneficiary

Chapter 730  Sole Beneficiary

As Sara and Crystal walked into the living room after she had taken her medication, Amos set aside his glass of wine and rose.

"I'm very sorry we kept you waiting," Sara said apologetically while Crystal eyed Amos curiously.

From the look of him she could easily tell that he was an attorney, and the fact that Sara had left the room carrying the Will testified to that.

She wondered if he was a crook or a decent person. As far as she was concerned, only  a crook could act as Sara's lawyer. Why would a shady person like Sara want to hire a decent person?

She highly doubted that the Will she had seen was real. She was just going to keep her eyes and ears sharp to see what these two had planned.

While Crystal was thinking that, Amos was also watching and weighing her. He had taken his time to look into her before coming here and he seen that she had quite a record, and had been arrested a couple of times for stealing and conning people.

If he ever had any doubt that she was Sara's daughter, all of it had cleared. Only someone like Sara could give birth to a thief and a con artist. She was a daughter that befitted Sara.

From the smug look on Sara's face, Amos was sure her plans were working out or so she thought. He wasn't going to worry about her and her stupid plans.

The sole reason he had come was to tidy up all loose ends before going into hiding. His first order of business was to handle the Will stuff Sara wanted him to handle, and then he wanted to inform her that he had found a girl for the Wilsons.

The last business he would handle for the day before disappearing would be with Crystal.

He didn't want to be here when Thomas Hank and Harry Jonas comes for Sara as he knew they would.

"It's not a problem," Amos said as he waited for Sara to do the introductions.

"Amos, this is my daughter, Crystal. The reason I invited you over today. Crystal, this is Amos, my attorney," Sara said and Amos extended a hand to Crystal for a handshake.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Amos said and Crystal smiled politely as she shook hands with him.

After the small talk, all three of them sat down, and Sara handed the Will to Amos, "Here it is. I suppose you brought the revised Will with you?" Sara asked and Amos nodded as he opened his briefcase and took out a copy of Sara's Will.

"Yes. Here it is," he said as he extended it to her and Sara took it, while Crystal watched them, wondering what they were playing at this time.

Sara nodded with approval as she read through it to see that he had amended the Will and put in Crystal's name as she had asked him to. She knew this would make it more believable.

At first she had simply wanted a Will with Crystal's name on it but after thinking about it, it had occurred to her that Crystal would believe her more if she first saw a backdated Will that mentioned her existence before they got reunited.

"I suppose you are wondering why my attorney is here and why I wanted you to meet him," Sara said and Crystal nodded.

"Well, I'm trying to put my estate in order…"

"Your estate? What do you mean?" Crystal asked, pretending to be entirely clueless.

"While I was still searching for you, I had my Will drawn up with you as my sole beneficiary, and now that I've found you I wanted changes to be done to that effect with your name on it," Sara explained and Crystal couldn't help but wonder if this was a test.

"Why are you drawing up your Will already? Is this about these medications you are taking?" Crystal asked with concern, while Amos watched her, wondering whether or not her concern was genuine.

The last thing he wanted was to try to help her and end up getting himself in more trouble than he already was if she decided to tell Sara everything.

"Yes, it is related to that, and I will tell you all about it after Amos leaves. I wanted you to meet with him and for him to know you so that the whole process would be easy when I'm no more…."

"Please don't talk about your death so casually," Crystal said, cutting Sara off with a sad face and Sara smiled.

"Why don't you go through the Will and see if there is anything you are not clear on before Amos leaves," Sara suggested since it seemed like Crystal wasn't curious about it.

Crystal reluctantly took the Will from Sara and as she read through the Will, both Sara and Amos watched her closely.

No matter how hard Crystal thought about it, she just couldn't figure out what Sara hoped to achieve by doing all of this. It all seemed really foolish to her that Sara would go to such unnecessary length to win her trust.

Or was there any chance that the Will might actually be real? Crystal mused as she scanned the document wondering how best to know if it was real or not. Was Amos even a real attorney or a phony? Crystal wondered as she glanced at Amos from the corners of her eye.

"Sara," Crystal called with a stunned expression on her face and tears in her eyes as she looked at Sara.

Sara smiled, "Do you have any questions?" Sara asked and Crystal nodded her head and swallowed as if she had a lump on her throat.

"Why? I don't understand why you are doing this…"

"Let's not keep Amos. I will answer your question later," Sara said before turning to Amos.

"Thanks for making out time to come do this, Amos. I really appreciate this. And I'm sorry for calling you out on a weekend when you should be relaxing at home with your family," Sara said and Amos smiled at her politely.

"It's not a problem," Amos said as he rose and both Crystal and Sara rose as well.

"Here. This is my card. You can give me a call if there is anything you need to know," Amos said as he handed Crystal his card and she held his gaze for a moment before taking it from him.

"I will like to have a word with you alone before I leave," Amos said and Sara nodded.

"Of course," Sara said and turned to Crystal.

"Why don't you hold on to this while I see Amos off?" She asked and Crystal gave her a nod and watched as they walked away.

"So? What do you want to talk about?" Sara asked once they were out of earshot.

"I got a girl to act as Wilson's niece," he said and Sara smiled.

"You did? Good job!" Sara said with approval, "So, what story are you people going by?" Sara asked with interest and Amos shrugged.

"The girl in question is terminally ill, and her family is in debt due to her hospital expenses. I offered to take care of their debt and also take care of her medical expenses until her death. I figured that this way, he doesn't have to worry about killing her later, and this also takes care of everything. He could easily say he helped her find her real family and has been taking care of her and her family all these years," Amos explained and Sara raised a brow.

"Is her family in on this too?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Of course," he said and she beamed a happy smile.

"Brilliant! Perfect! You see? There is always a way," Sara said with a smirk.

"Yeah. By the way, I will be going on a vacation with my family tomorrow so you might not be able to reach me for some time," Amos said casually so she wouldn't suspect anything.

"You deserve it after all the stress you have been through lately. I will send some money to you. You should have fun while at it," she said and Amos smiled.

"Thank you," he said as he unlocked his car and got into it.

"By the way, what do you think about the girl?" She asked and Amos raised a brow.

"Your daughter?" He asked, and she shuddered.

"Christ! Don't call her that. But yes, Crystal. What do you think about her?" Sara asked, as she thought about the incident in her bedroom once again wondering whether or not Crystal had seen the Will.

Was it really possible that she shut the drawer without checking to see what was written on the document? If she had seen it, why act like she had not seen it? Was Crystal playing a game? Sara mused.

Amos shrugged, "I think she is like you in a lot of ways. Why are you asking though? Have you changed your mind about getting rid of her?" Amos asked and Sara raised a brow.

"Why would I change my mind about that? Before the end of the week I plan to have the transplant and get rid of her," Sara said and then sighed, "There is just something about her I can't seem to figure out," Sara said with furrowed brows.

"I'm sure you will figure it out eventually. I wish you good luck with the transplant and everything else," Amos said as he started his car, and Sara stepped aside for him to leave.

"Thanks. Have fun on your vacation. By the time you get back we will be celebrating," Sara said and Amos gave her a nod before driving off.

As far as he was concerned, he was done with Sara. He was going to get the Hanks and Harry off his back by sending them a message containing all he knew regarding Sara, and he would tell Harry about his sister, and what his mother planned to do to her.

After that he would disappear and hope the wouldn't try to find him and his family. He had already asked his family to leave the country ahead of him while he concluded his unfinished businesses. He wanted a fresh start.

Inside the house, Crystal kept staring at the card which Amos had left her after checking out his law firm on the internet. So, he was a real lawyer working in such a big firm.

What was that she had seen in his eyes when he gave her the card? It had seemed like he was silently asking her to give him a call. Or was she mistaken? She mused.

The moment she heard Sara's approaching footsteps she wore a solemn expression as she looked up, "Sara," she called softly once Sara came into view.

"Yes, darling?" Sara asked as she went to sit down on the couch beside her.

"What is the matter with your health?" Crystal asked and Sara sighed.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to burden you with this," Sara said and Crystal took her hand.

"I'm your daughter, and you are my mother. It's not a burden to tell me if something is wrong with you. That is why we have each other," Crystal said and Sara nodded.

"I guess so," she said, and took a deep breath, wanting to give the impression that she was struggling to say it.

"Go on," Crystal urged her.

"It is my liver. It is damaged. I've been managing my condition for years, but lately my health is deteriorating and I am afraid we might not have much time left to be together," Sara said with tears in her eyes.

"What? You're dying? Please don't tell me you're dying when we only just reunited," Crystal cried.

"I'm sorry my darling daughter. I'm so sorry I have to leave you so soon only when I just found you," Sara cried they embraced each other as they cried.

"I'm grateful that I found you before I died," Sara said as she cried softly and Crystal rolled her eyes before pulling away.

"Is there nothing that can be done? How about a transplant? Can't you get a transplant?" Crystal asked as she looked at Sara.

Sara's heart leapt for joy but she maintained a hopeless expression, "I've given up all hope of having a transplant already. I have been on the waiting list for years and finding a match is not so easy with my blood type," Sara said and knowing her game Crystal took her hand.

"Let's not give up hope yet. I don't care about being your sole beneficiary or anything. Your money is not as important to me as having you in my life. Having my mother in my life is what I need not money. Why don't we find out if I am a match and I can donate a part of my liver to you? It is possible to donate a part of it, right?" Crystal asked and Sara shook her head.

"Yes, it is possible, but I can't let you do that. It's too risky," Sara said, and Crystal rolled her eyes inwardly.

She was only offering because first of all she knew she wasn't a match and there was no way her liver was going to be useful to Sara. Secondly, she was trying to play along with Sara to see where this game was headed. And finally, she was making this offer voluntarily so that Sara won't have to drug her or hurt her to take her to the hospital only to find out she wasn't a match.

Although Harry had assured her that something like that would never happen as they would always be watching Sara, but she couldn't be too sure. She wouldn't take such a risk with her life by trusting them. She had learned early in life never to trust anyone.

"I don't mind taking on any risks as long as it is for you. I never had any real family all my life, and now that you are here, you mean the world to me and I will do anything to keep you by my side for as long as I can," Crystal promised, and for some unknown reason, Sara was touched.

She had expected that Crystal would be more interested in the Will now than in knowing about her health, but seeing how sincere her concern for her health was, she was touched to know that Crystal valued her over money. Not that it was going to change anything anyway.

"That's such a sweet thing to say. Thank you," Sara said and Crystal gave her a nod.

"So, why don't you book an appointment with your doctor and we can go see him together?" Crystal asked and Sara nodded.

"Alright. I will do that. For now I need to take a nap. I'm feeling very exhausted," Sara said and Crystal rose with her.

As Sara headed for her bedroom she smiled. She was glad that Crystal had willingly offered to go to the hospital with her. She had been worried about how to get her there.

All she had to do now was take Crystal there under the guise of getting tested, and the rest would be left up to the research doctors.

She had sent some money to research institute to aid their research and also to show the doctor how serious she was about the transplant as he had offered to carry out the procedure if she had a donor.

In a very short time now, it would be done. She will get a new liver to live by for the next couple of years while the research institute worked on getting a cure so that if ever the new liver gets damaged again, there would be a cure for her by then.

Once she got to her bedroom, she sent some money to Amos' account as she had promised for his vacation.

He deserved a reward. He had done such a good job thus far despite his initial mistake of getting Jade Hank involved.

Thinking about Jade, she scoffed as she remembered what Amos had said about them coming for her.

If ever they decided to come for her, she would be long done with everything already and they wouldn't have any evidence to use against her.

What case did they have against her if Harry's twin sister was nonexistent? Sara thought as she relaxed on her bed with a smile on her face and she applauded herself for being so smart to use a single stone to kill two birds; Getting a liver and getting rid of the living proof of what happened twenty-eight years ago.

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