One Wild Night

Chapter 666 Mother/Daughter Reunion

While Rebekah Miller was having a hard time trying to figure out how to get out of the possible mess she had put herself into with the Hanks, Sara was equally having a tough time.

Her day had started on a bad note and had successively progressed from one bad phone call to another.

It had all started with Crystal's phone call to her, she thought, but then changed her mind.

She wasn't sure that was where things had begun to go wrong. Maybe it had started from the moment where she reached out to Aaron.

Crystal had called earlier to say she had seen an article about Sara having a son, and wanted to know if it was true.

She should have focused on finding her daughter first before ever reaching out to Aaron. Maybe if she had been a little more patient she wouldn't have had any need to meet with either Aaron or Harry who was now acting up.

She didn't exactly care that Harry was mad at her and wanted to cut off. That didn't mean anything to her. Not when she was pretty sure that Crystal was her biological daughter and she could get what she wanted from Crystal and get rid of the insolent girl without any trouble.

Now she wasn't so sure she could easily get what she wanted or get rid of the girl without any trouble. Not when everyone was beginning to ask questions.

She had done her best to convince Crystal that it was all a misunderstanding by the press and she had only met with Harry because she was his late mother's best friend.

And then shortly after her conversation with Crystal she had received a call from the stupid lawyer Amos, telling her that Wilson Peterson was trying to find his late brother's adopted daughter.

What was wrong with everyone? Why couldn't they just let things be? She knew that if for any reason Wilson finds Crystal, then she could say goodbye to her hopes of harvesting the girl's liver and disposing of her.

She needed to act fast and get out of the country before things got any more complicated than it already was.

What if Lucy had already told Aaron and Harry that the other twin had been sold and did not die as she made them believe? What if they believed Lucy?

Sara stopped pacing her room to dial Amos's line. Immediately he received the call she instructed him to return to the orphanage home and donate a large amount which would shut them up so they wouldn't disclose the identity of Crystal to anyone else.

After a he had done that, she left to visit the lab where the DNA test was being done. If the result was not out yet, she was just going to pay them to give her a positive result then she would convince Crystal to travel with her while she waited for the real result.

She needed to get Crystal far away from here as soon as possible.

It seemed like luck was on her side as it didn't take long for her to find someone at the lab who was willing to give her the positive DNA result she wanted for the right amount.

Taking the result she headed straight for Crystal's apartment. The girl wanted a DNA result to prove they were related, well, she was going to get it, Sara thought as she knocked on Crystal's door.

Crystal raised a brow when she opened the door and saw Sara standing there, "You don't give people a call before you visit them?" Crystal asked with a scowl.

Sara gave her a winning smile, "I'm sorry. I was too excited when I saw the result and I had to hurry over to see you," Sara said as she took out the envelope and held it out to Crystal.

"What result?" Crystal asked as she eyed the envelope which was in Sara'a hand without taking it.

"The DNA result, of course. Do I have to stand out here? Can't I come in?" Sara asked as she looked down both sides of the hallway.

"The result is out already? I thought that would take a couple of weeks?" Crystal asked as she hesitantly took the result from Sara and stepped aside for Sara to get into the house.

"I paid extra so they would treat it as urgent," Sara said with a shrug. Now that she thought about it, she wondered why she hadn't done exactly that when she submitted the samples the previous week.

Sara watched Crystal as she opened the envelope and took out the result with tremblings hands.

A tear dropped from Crystal's eyes to the result and her lips wobbled as she raised her head to look at Sara.

"So, it's true? This is not a prank?" Crystal asked, looking devastatingly hopeful.

Sara summoned all the tears she could muster as she nodded eagerly and took a step towards Crystal, "It's true. You're my daughter. I'm your mother and I finally found you my dearest," Sara cried as she embraced Crystal.

Each of them put on their best act as they wept, holding on to each other tightly. Neither of them wanted the other to outcry them.

They both cried for some time until Sara got exhausted and pulled away from Crystal, "I'm sorry it took so long to find you," Sara said as she brushed away Crystal's tears from her face.

If her plan was going to work then she needed to be every bit the doting mother for Crystal to love her and want to leave with her.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you're here now. Nothing else matters," Crystal said as she sniffled.

"I promise to make it up to you. I will make it up to you, starting now," Sara said as she looked around the apartment.

"Will you let me take care of you? I don't want you living away from me in such a place anymore. Will you come with me?" Sara asked hopefully, and Crystal looked around her apartment.

As much as she liked the place, she desired a better life for herself. And that was what she planned to get from Sara. She couldn't do that by living apart from Sara.

She would do Harry's job as he wanted, but she also had plans of taking as much as she could from Sara too. She would start by figuring out Sara's signatures and mobile bank codes. Stealing Sara's money would be Sara's little punishment for being so deceptive.

The fact that Sara had denied being Harry's mother and Harry had not made his connection with her public knowledge yet, made it all easy for her.I think you should take a look at

Seeing how Crystal was looking around the apartment without saying a word, Sara assumed it was because she was reluctant to leave the place, so Sara took Crystal's hand.

"I really want you to be with me, Crystal. Please don't say no," Sara pleased and Crystal heaved a deep dramatic sigh.

"Alright. When do you want me to move in with you?" Crystal asked and Sara held her gaze.

"Immediately. Right now," Sara said and Crystal gasped in disbelief.

"Now? I can't! I need to pack…"

"You don't have to pack anything. I can get you new clothes and everything else you might need. I have no idea how you have survived living here this whole time, but I don't want you to struggle anymore," Sara said, holding her gaze earnestly and Crystal tried to look distressed.

"Even though you're my mom, I don't want to be a burden to you. I can't leave right now. There's a loan I'm trying to pay. I have debts I need to take care of. Maybe I can," Crystal said as she looked away from Sara.

"A loan? What debts?" Sara asked with a frown.

"Just a couple of people I've borrowed money from. You don't have to worry. I will take care of the debts myself. I just need some time to resolve it before I move in with you," Crystal said and Sara nodded.

"You don't have to worry. I will take care of your debts. Just come with me," Sara said and Crystal shook her head.

"No, you don't understand. You don't even know how much I'm talking about. The money is huge…"

"I'm sure it's something I can handle. Don't worry and just say you will come with me," Sara urged her and when Crystal remained silent, Sara took out her phone and opened her bank app before handing the phone to Crystal to input her account details so she would know she wasn't joking.

Crystal's brows furrowed as she hesitantly put in her account details, and once she was done, Sara sent her a huge sum of money that made her mouth drop open in shock.

Even though she had planned to con Sara, she had not planned to request for such an outrageous sum of money. Seeing how easily Sara had given her such a huge sum of money, she decided that going forward she was going to capitalize on Sara's desperation even more.

"Does that cover your debts?" Sara asked as she watched Crystal whose mouth was still agape.

She was wealthy enough to take care of the girl's debts as long as the girl followed her. Letting the girl keep living here was only going to delay her plans and complicate things for her.

"It is. Thank you so much, Sara!" Crystal cried as she embraced Sara, and some how Sara felt relieved that unlike Harry, Crystal was referring to her as Sara.

Crystal paused and pulled away from Sara, "I hope you don't mind me calling you Sara? I don't think I can call you mom just yet," Crystal said, and Sara almost scoffed.

"I understand. And to be honest with you, I prefer it this way too. It would feel really weird for me as well if you called me mom," Sara said and Crystal nodded.

"I also hope you don't plan to introduce me to everyone as your daughter? I don't want or need the attention," Crystal said, and Sara smiled genuinely for the first time.

She was beginning to like the girl. The girl was saying all the right things, Sara thought happily.

"It's fine if you don't want any of that," Sara said, and Crystal nodded.

"Where do you live? Is it here in Ludus?" Crystal asked and Sara shook her head.

"No. I came here only to find you. Now that I've found you, we can leave the country together," Sara said and Crystal paused only for a moment before letting out a sigh.

"It's going to be hard to relocate and leave behind everything I know and love," she said wistfully.

"I understand how you feel. But trust me, you won't miss any of this when you leave. I will make sure of it," Sara trying not to sound irritated or impatient.

After a short moment Crystal nodded, "Alright. I will come with you," Crystal said, and Sara smiled happily as she embraced Crystal.

At least one thing had finally gone right today, she thought happily. She was a step closer to getting what she wanted now.

As Crystal hugged Sara she smiled as well. She had hit the jackpot. She was going to retire from a life of cheap con after this business with Sara.

A moment later Sara asked Emma, her assistant, over to come carry the designer items she had gotten Crystal some days ago as those were the only items in the room she could let Crystal take with her.

As Sara and Crystal got into the car to leave, Sara's phone beeped with a message notification and she clicked on it when she saw the email was from the head doctor at the research institute.

[Hello, Sara! I thought I should let you know that here at the institute we also specialize in liver transplants as you must have seen on our website page. You mentioned in your last email that there is a possibility of you getting a transplant soon. If you have a donor ready, we would be glad to offer our service to you as you're now one of our sponsors. I think it would be best we do it here so we can monitor your progress and take better care od your health until we can get the medicine right. It's only a suggestion and you are free to keep working with your personal doctor. I will be waiting to hear from you. And you should know that we are ready when you are.]

She smiled as she read the message. This had to be a sign, she thought with a contented sigh.

The doctor at the research institute seemed like a greedy person, and she had no doubt that for the right amount he wouldn't mind operating on Crystal whether or not she was a willing donor.

Everything was gradually falling in place now. All she had to do was leave Ludus with Crystal, and she would never have to worry about Harry or Lucy ever again.

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