One Wild Night

Chapter 665 Falling Out

Although her long awaited interview with Eric Howell was just twenty four hours away, Rebekah couldn't feel much excitement over it because she was troubled.

For the first time in a very long time she had dark circles under her eyes and she looked pale and drawn because she had not been able to sleep.

This weekend had to have been the longest in her life, and even right now as she sat in her car on her way to see Mr Bateman, she was anxious.

Everything was a mess. She was worrying about a lot of things that she couldn't seem to control.

She was not only worried about Anita who had decided to cut off the family, she was worried over the inability of the guys she had sent to find her brother, Wyatt.

Initially she had only wanted to find him and get him locked away in a psychiatric away from everyone else, but now she wanted to get rid of him. After what he told Anita, she knew he was a risk she couldn't afford. Wyatt had become a liability and whether or not he was her brother it was time for him to disappear. But first she needed them to find him.

Another thing that bothered her was Jade Hank. She wasn't sure what to do, whether to continue to wait for Jade to make a move and call her or to do something again.

Did Jade really have evidence or was she just bluffing? If she had evidence why wait this long to request for her arrest? What was Jade up to? How did she even get her hands on that long list and forgotten phone? How much information was in it? Or perhaps she was mistaken and the phone with Jade that day was not her lost phone?

She kept worrying that the police might show up with her hitman in any moment to arrest her. If they had her hitman then it was over for her, because he knew about every single dirty thing she had ever done.

She needed to speak with Bateman and let him know that there was trouble and maybe he would join heads with her to come up with a way to take care of Jade whether or not she was his son's lawyer.

He could always find another capable lawyer for his son. One that wouldn't dig so deep as Jade to cause any problems for them.

She frowned when her phone started ringing and she picked it up to see that it was her cousin, Rachel's mom.

What did she want? Rebekah mused impatiently as she received the call and placed it on speaker.

"Rebekah, have you seen the news?" Rachel's mother asked anxiously making Rebekah's heart skip a beat.

"What news? Am I on the news?" Rebekah asked in alarm as she found a spot to park the car so she could pay attention.

"No, it's Wilson. We are ruined, Rebekah! Everything we have worked so hard to build is about to crash! His political…."

"Stop! Stop it, okay? What makes you think I am interested in any of this?" Rebekah cut in angrily, pissed that her cousin was adding to her stress.

Rachel's mom broke into a sob, "You're the only one I can talk to, Rebekah. Everyone else is avoiding us. The ladies at my club wouldn't even talk to me. Everyone has been whispering about us since the rumors about Wilson's elder brother's death surfaced. We can't even go out because there are reporters everywhere," she cried and Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"I have my own problems, Emilia! You don't see me calling you to weep, do you? If you have a problem, fix it! Instead of bothering other people about them…"

"Please don't hang up, Rebekah! I really need your help. Wilson thinks that Thomas Hank might be behind this. Rachel said…"

"Thomas Hank?" Rebekah asked with a puzzled frown, wondering what Thomas Hank had to do with her cousin's family.

"Yes. Rachel said Anita is sort of connected to him and his girlfriend. I have been trying to reach Anita all to no avail. Can you help me? Maybe she can speak to him on our behalf and make all of this go away," Rachel's mom pleaded desperately.

"Why would Thomas Hank do anything to your husband? Why do you think he is behind it and not your husband's political opponents?" Rebekah asked in confusion.

"Did Anita not tell you that Rachel's ex fiancé is Thomas's girlfriend's twin brother? After he called things off, Rachel went berserk and got his parents arrested. Tom called my husband and threatened to ruin his political ambition. He also mentioned the demise of Wilson's brother in his threats (chapter 492). It can't be coincidence that he made such a threat and this happened, can it?" Rachel's mom asked and Rebekah frowned as she began to arrange the puzzle pieces in her head.

If he could attack Wilson Peterson merely because Rachel got his girlfriend's parents arrested, then that must mean he was targeting her too, right?

Thomas Hank must have listened to Anita's confession, and must be aware that she had plotted against his girlfriend.

Now it was begining to make sense. Was it possible that Jade Hank had taken up Jack's case because of her? Just so she could get close to their family?

Even if Thomas Hank had not sent his sister from the beginning for plotting against Lucy, Rebekah had no doubt now that he would be coming after her now for attempting to hurt Jade. What had she gotten herself involved in?

"Rebekah are you still there?" Rachel's mom called when she had been quiet for some time.

"Emilia I don't think I can…"

"You have to help me, Rebekah! Remember that it was all your idea! You made me make Wilson do all of that. You can't abandon me now…"

"I made you? You realize now that I made you do all of that and become who you are today, yet all this while you've been acting like you were bigger than I am? Deal with your mess yourself. If I were you, I'd find the girl to see if she is still alive before anyone else gets to her. I have no doubt that Thomas Hank might be on it already if truly he is the one behind this," Rebekah said before hanging up.

Even though she partially believed that it was possible that Thomas Hank was not coming for her, another part of her didn't believe much in coincidences.

What was their plan? Were they after her or was it her and her daughters? Thinking about how Tiffany and Anita had clashed with Jade and Evelyn at the spa, Rebekah couldn't even begin to imagine how Tiffany could be so stupid as to let Jade come close to her.

Her hands shook as she held on tightly to the steering wheel, wondering what she could do now to get herself and her daughters out of this.

Once she arrived at Bateman Corp, she headed straight for Mr Bateman's office but before she could walk past his secretary as she usually did whenever she came over to see him, the secretary stopped her.

"I'm sorry, you can't go in," he said as he quickly went to stand in front of her.

Rebekah frowned as she looked behind her to see if there was someone else standing there who he was referring to.

"Me? I can't go in? Do you have an eye defect or did you hit your head somewhere?" She hissed, annoyed that he was treating her that way.

She was having a bad day already and the last thing she wanted was to be treated in such a disrespectful manner.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Miller, but you can't go in. Apart from the fact that he's with someone right now, you do not have an appointment…"

"And since when did I need an appointment to see your boss? If you don't want to lose your job, get out of my way this moment," Rebekah snapped at him as she tried to push him out of her way but he did not budge.

"You can either call to inform him you're here or you will have to book an appointment and leave. I am only following his orders," the secretary said calmly, and Rebekah raised a brow.I think you should take a look at

"He ordered you not to let me, Rebekah Miller, into his office?" She asked in disbelief as she took out her phone to dial his line, but before she could do so his office door opened and Jade stepped out of it.

Rebekah took a step back, startled to see Jade there, and even though Jade's blood boiled at the sight of Rebekah she plastered a smile on her face.

"Hello, ma'am!" Jade greeted pleasantly when she noticed that Rebekah seemed nervous.

"He——ello?" Rebekah asked hesitantly, not sure what was going on or what to say. Seeing that Rebekah was distracted at the moment, the secretary quickly went in to inform Mr Bateman that his son's mother-in-law was there to see him.

"I guess you're here to meet with your in-law. I will be on my way then," Jade said with a polite bow as she started to walk away.

She didn't seem like anything was wrong, Rebekah mused as she quickly stopped her, "Miss Hank?" She called, and Jade stopped to look at her.

"My daughters told me you were attacked," she said, and Jade nodded.

"Yes, I was. Luckily, my men got to him before he got to me," Jade said holding Rebekah's curious gaze.

"I'm glad. I can't imagine what would have happened had you been hurt. You know that we are all relying on you for Jackson's freedom. I hope you got the criminal arrested?" Rebekah asked and Jade shook her head.

After what Rebekah had attempted the last time she couldn't be so stupid as to repeat the same mistake she had made before.

"Unfortunately he's dead. The impact of the car on his killed him," Jade said, wanting Rebekah to relax.

"Oh, dear! That's sad. I was hoping you would have been able to find out who sent him."

"I was hoping so too, but unfortunately we couldn't find anything. I reported to the police so they're trying to find out where he lives to see if they can find his phone and anything that would point us to the person who sent him. I need to go now," Jade said with a polite smile as she walked away, leaving Rebekah who wasn't sure whether to be relaxed or not yet.

Once Jade left, Rebekah started for Bateman's office but the door opened before she could get to it and Bateman stepped out with his secretary behind him.

After watching the video which Jade had just showed him of Rebekah's hitman confessing to setting Jackson up, he was more than ready to end every tie he had with the evil woman and damn the consequence.

The only reason he was not descending on Rebekah was that he didn't want to ruin Jade's plan. Jade had assured him that by the next day Rebekah Miller would be arrested and Jackson would be set free.

That was all he wanted. He didn't mind paying for his crimes as Jade wanted him to.

His only crimes were duping Rebekah's late husband as Rebekah had suggested he do, and he had also sort of been an accomplice in his murder. He wouldn't be sentenced to jail for life. Only some years.

He didn't mind going to jail for some years if that would mean that Jackson wouldn't spend the rest of his life in jail as he knew he might be sentenced if the chief judge set his mind on it.

"What were you doing with that lawyer? Do you know who she is? And what is this nonsense your secretary was saying about me needing an appointment to see you?" She asked with displeasure as she approached her long time lover.

"What do you want Rebekah?" He asked gruffly, stopping her before she could touch him.

"What do I want? What is with that tone? Don't tell me you're mad because I haven't shown up to see you since Jackson got arrested?" Rebekah asked, concerned that he was acting up.

"As you can see, I'm on my way out. I will give you five minutes to say what you want and leave," Bateman told Rebekah as he turned to return to his office.

"You can get the car ready," he told his secretary who quickly excused himself as Rebekah and Bateman returned into the office.

"C'mon, tell me what's wrong," Rebekah said with a concerned frown as she shut the door behind her.

"You have less than five minutes now to state the reason for your visit," Bateman said and Rebekah paused for a moment before smiling at him.

"I get it. You're upset. Why don't I make it up to you and then you can tell me what I did wrong?" Rebekah said as she started to unbutton her jacket.

Bateman looked at her with disgust, "That's all you know to do, isn't? It's always about sex for you. My son is locked up for a crime he didn't commit and you somehow think that sex is what I need right now?" he asked with a shake of his head as he headed for his door.

"What is wrong with you?" Rebekah asked, feeling both irritated, annoyed, and desperate now.

"Am I the reason your son is locked up? Why was he at the crime scene if he is so innocent? Here I am trying to cheer you up and you're lashing at me! Instead of you to sit in your office consulting with that suspicious lawyer who has nothing good up her sleeves, why don't you go out and find your son a better lawyer and stop trying to transfer your aggression to me! I'm not your wife!" Rebekah hissed angrily.

Bateman almost laughed as he watched her in disbelief. If Jade had not told him all that Rebekah had done he would have fallen for her tirade just now.

He couldn't believe he had been involved with the shedevil for so long. He just couldn't believe it.

"Well, thanks for trying to cheer me up. I'd rather be cheered up by my wife, so maybe you should go and cheer your daughter up," Bateman said as he held out his office door for her to leave.

"What does this mean?" Rebekah asked, eyeing him angrily.

"Exactly what you think it means. Whatever we both had between us is over. You can leave," He said and Rebekah laughed harshly.

"Over? It can't be over. We can't ever be over, you hear me? I could ruin you…"

"Go on and ruin me, but do so outside my office. Get out!" Bateman roared at her, shocking her.

Rebekah glared at him for a moment before straightening her shoulder and raising her chin. As she walked out of the office with what little pride she had left, all she could ask herself was if this was the end for her.

She couldn't add falling out with Bateman to the list of things bothering her right now. She couldn't even afford to fall out with him.

Perhaps she could go to her other in-law, the chief judge. If the police was coming for her soon as she suspected then she would need all the immunity she can get from him.

Or maybe she should run away and go into hiding until things settled down? 

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