Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 278: Roland: "I just realized that I am not the protagonist

  Chapter 278 Roland: "I just realized that I'm not the protagonist..."

  After the release of "A Couple Born", the public opinion was the same as those guests gave feedback on the scene, with obvious advantages and disadvantages:

"It's a delightful remake. It's funny, it's romantic, it's touching. The Olsen sisters feature four accents in the movie, 'British', 'American', 'Jerky British', 'French style', these transformations are really rare, and the parents played by Dennis Quaid and Natasha Richardson gave the movie a very contagious smile, the performance of a family of four, can Makes you laugh after a bad day."

   "Old-school Disney is back! The brisk style makes me see Disney's sincerity in serving children!"

"Clumsy plot! Disgusting plagiarism! Is it because the Olsen couple adopted Roland Allen, so the Olsen sisters' works can copy the plot of "Home Alone"? This is Chi Guoguo Collect money!"

"This is the most disgusting movie I can imagine! It's not a kid's comedy, it's a catharsis of money worship! Wine, wedding dresses, cruises, romance...Disney's thrusting adult elements onto children! Point is, the Olsen sisters' The fan base happens to be teens or so! I can't believe what the guys fantasized about after seeing this movie? Growing up fast? Finding that dream man? Or chasing money like a stepmom? "

  Although the Olsen sisters are only twelve years old now, they have already developed a thick skin because they debuted early enough.

   What's more, the three movies "Jurassic Park", "Sleepless in Seattle", and "Jumanji" are not overwhelmingly praised by thousands of people, so the mixed reviews now don't affect them at all.

   Of course, the most important thing is the high box office.

It premiered on July 20th and was released on July 29th. In the three days of the first weekend, it raked in 15 million yuan. Although this figure is simply incomparable with the record created by Roland, but for the first time playing the leading role For the two sisters, it is already a perfect start!

   You know, the first weekend of "James of the Brave" was only 11 million!

  After leaving the aura of Robin Williams, the two sisters have achieved such success on the big screen. It is both emotional and reasonable to celebrate!


   What should be celebrated more than "A Couple Born", is actually "Saving Private Ryan", which Roland admires but doesn't agree with.

  After the premiere on July 21, the favorable reviews flooded all the films of the same period.

  A series of exaggerated but not exaggerated titles such as "A War Movie You Can't Miss", "This Is One of the Greatest Movies Ever Made", and "The Best War Movie Ever Made" have become the media's first choice.

  The prefix "the most violent, the most real, and the most painful" frequently appears in the public's sight, and after the people affected by this enter the theater when the movie is released on July 24—

  A dark cloud of sadness enveloped the whole of America.

If "Titanic" makes women who yearn for love cry bitterly, then "Saving Private Ryan" can make men's hands and feet cold, although what it depicts may not be completely correct, and it may even contain private goods, just like Spielberg deliberately let Jewish soldiers die at the hands of German soldiers, but for the public, reviewing that period of history, feeling the horror and massacre brought by the war, thanking the dedication of the predecessors and the hard-won peace now, That's the most important thing.

  Of course, at the end of the film, when the music plays, the flying Stars and Stripes is the core interpretation of the whole film:

  America saves the world again!

   There is no enemy America cannot defeat!

  The most awesome country in the world is America!

  You'll be proud to be in America!


   is also the spiritual inheritance of David Griffith.

  The kind of high recognition and pride for the country is the biggest tear point of the film!

   It also allowed the entire movie to earn more than 45 million box office in the first three days of the weekend!

   But it's a pity that Roland was not happy about it, but expressed regret to those guys who agreed with the film's thinking...

  Watching the vast majority of the audience walk into the theater with apprehension on their faces and walk out full of sadness, Roland suddenly felt that the big golden retriever who had met him before and wanted to trick him was right—

   "Nobody knows more about USA than Ido!"

   "Sure enough, no one knows America better than him!"

   "It turns out that Brother Jianguo has always told the truth..."

   "It's really hard for him to be so sincere but misunderstood..."


  Just when Roland thought that with his joining and the blessing of the main theme, the movie "Saving Private Ryan" could get 500 million box office no matter what, and even hit the number one box office this year...

  On August 7th, an unexpected news suddenly broke into his life.

"Today, the American embassy in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya in East Africa, was attacked by a car bomb, killing 213 people and injuring up to 4,000. Shortly afterwards, Dar es Sala, the capital of Tanzania in East Africa The embassy also suffered the same attack, killing at least 12 people and injuring 85 others."

   "Due to the proximity of the attack location, the murderer's target is also obvious, the American people in the embassy!"

  “In Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, a total of 32 Kenyan embassy staff and 12 American citizens were killed; in Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania, eight Tanzanian embassy staff were killed.”

  "Shortly after the incident, the terrorist organization also publicly announced that it was responsible for the two bombings."

   "Afterwards, the commander-in-chief, who was deeply involved in the Lewinsky scandal, immediately issued a statement recalling American personnel stationed in Sudan, and said that he would definitely take military action to make the terrorist organization responsible for the two bombings pay the price!"

  When the temporary news from CNN appeared in front of Roland, he was stunned!

  Because on the TV, in the photos posted by CNN, isn’t the guy who announced the responsibility for the bombing the Uchiha Harden who has mastered the kaleidoscope Sharingan? It's just that the skin is a little whiter!

  Could it be that this guy has also time-traveled?

  From the son of JDZ who dominated the Mosaic League, the king of rap at four o'clock in the morning, Nicholas Zhao Si in Houston, to the current blasting genius Giggs, what has this guy experienced!

  This kind of change is too big, right?

   Well, this kind of sand sculpture-like reaction is only available to Roland.

  When he saw the news, Roland only spent half a minute constructing a postmodern drama masterpiece involving war, ethics, time travel, revenge, awakening, career change, singing and dancing rap and basketball, while others...

   "Too arrogant! Too arrogant! This kind of person must die! Must die!"

   "This is a replica of the bombing in 1993!"

   "The bombing case was resolved through legal means back then. It seems that benevolent means will only make the enemy think that we are extremely cowardly!"

   "Military action must be taken! Only by killing these people can we have peace!"

   "Yes! We must not make the mistakes in "Saving Private Ryan" again! If we let them go this time, then Private Merry may be our fate! They must die!"

   That's right, just when Roland's mind was blown, the reaction of the people outside was extremely intense.

   "Saving Private Ryan" just let them see the greatness of America, just let them realize the cruelty of war, just let them discover that being an American is the most proud thing in life, and the result...

  The movie has only been released for two weeks, and they get slapped hard?

   Isn’t this special thing just a provocation?

  America is shrouded in sadness, when the vast majority of the people are working hard to learn and understand the bloodshed of World War II, when patriotic education is fully rolled out, when the military forces are clamoring for the humanism promoted by the movie...

  The embassy abroad, which symbolizes peace and communication, was bombed?

   Not only that, but they also lost a dozen compatriots?

   If you don’t avenge your revenge, the movie will be for nothing!

If it is said that at the beginning of the year, the people of America were still staring at the scandal of the commander-in-chief, if it was said that two months ago, with the continuous pouring out of various evidences, they still felt that the impeachment of the commander-in-chief was very correct things, then now...

  Who cares about how many women the Grand Commander has had?

  Who cares about whether the commander-in-chief lied about women?

  Who cares about whether the commander-in-chief is obstructing justice and abusing his power?

  As long as he resolutely avenges those compatriots who lost their lives in the bombing!

  As long as he is tough enough to make those organizations that have declared responsibility for the two bombings pay the price!

  As long as he resolutely maintains the face of America, let those who are proud of America because of watching "Saving Private Ryan" understand that America has never changed, and it will safeguard the interests of every citizen!

This is enough!

  Impeach him to step down?

   What a joke!

   The best way to divert internal conflicts is to fight externally!


   The right time, place and people!

   With the enemy and the public opinion, there is no need to send troops!

  After Roland saw the one-sided CNN poll feedback, what a masterpiece of postmodernism drama...

   He has forgotten all about it!

   Touching his conscience, he really forgot that during the release of "Saving Private Ryan", this kind of thing happened to America—what should we do when a war movie encounters war during its release?

   Isn’t that the question he asked Kate at the beginning of the year?

  At that time, the answer Kate gave him was to sit and wait to die.

  Because of tampering with public opinion and guiding public opinion, if it is discovered, it will be a dead end.

   But now?

   Isn't this how movies inspire public opinion?

After watching "Saving Private Ryan", the public saw the cruelty of war and the value of peace, but when they turned around, when external threats appeared, the Jewish private soldier killed by German soldiers in the movie became their target to destroy the enemy. reason?

   Grab the grass!

  It turns out that Steven Spielberg is the Son of Destiny!

   This is the guy with the aura of the protagonist, right?

  I'm not the protagonist?

  Roland couldn't believe it at all. The layout he came up with after thinking about it for a long time actually had an actual drill before it started?

  The point is, the steps of this exercise are exactly the same as his idea?

  The bombing of the World Trade Center in the mouth of public opinion happened on February 26, 1993.

   At 12:18 that morning, the explosion that resounded through the sky was witnessed by more than 100,000 people.

The parking lot on the second floor of the World Trade Center was the core of the explosion. The powerful bomb blew up a crater 60 meters long and 30 meters wide. All the cars parked there were blown up, and the concrete fragments collapsed. are everywhere.

The huge shock wave cut off the power system of the building, the telephone was interrupted, the elevator stopped running, multiple fires broke out in the building, and thick smoke rose to the top floor more than 400 meters away, killing six people and injuring 1,042 people .

  Although the influence of this case cannot be compared with that of Black Hawk Down, but…

  The public indignation it arouses now is the same as the effect that Roland imagined that Black Hawk Down should create.

  Because the mastermind behind the bombing of the World Trade Center is the guy who jumped out to be responsible for the two embassy bombings.

   And this is the pre-hatred in Roland's plan.

  Since there is hatred and incidents have happened, the movie that is released at a certain time is the most critical part.

  When "Saving Private Ryan" was released, the media boasted one-sidedly about the movie, saying that Steven Spielberg made people see the cruelty of war and made the public more grateful for the peace now.

  But after the bombing of the embassy, ​​the public opinion now regards the previous anti-war as bullshit!

  Why not repeat the mistakes in "Saving Private Ryan"! The enemy must be dealt with by tough means! Let the glory of America shine on the world! This series of pro-war rumors made Roland's face bewildered...

  Hold the grass, do you want to do this!

  My plan has not yet been implemented, so you can tell me with examples, it will definitely be no problem?

  The unanimous propaganda from the outside world made Roland's scalp tingle, but at the same time, he was also extremely excited.

Because the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, the bombing of the embassy now, and the future 'September 11 attacks' were all done by that guy. The people of America already have a deep hatred for him, so to guide public opinion like this For the matter, there was no need for Roland to end the battle himself, and those main fighters had already started.

   Interest groups related to this will eagerly tie themselves to the chariot, and the movie that may not have the intention of guiding public opinion from the beginning will be forcibly endowed with their own values...

  In this case—

   “Then I really just need to convince Sony to do Black Hawk Down!”

   "Because I don't need to do things like jumping back!"

   "I just have to prepare this project under the banner of 'all war movies are anti-war movies' like Steven!"

   "As for jumping back and throwing the blame?"

   “These interest groups will do it themselves!”

"if it is like this…"

   "Things are actually much simpler!"

After seeing the raging pro-war remarks from the outside world, Roland suddenly realized that he didn't need to worry too much about how to trick Sony into filming "Black Hawk Down". He told Sony directly that after seeing his teacher Steven- After Spielberg made a war movie "Saving Private Ryan", he also wanted to make a "Black Hawk Down", wouldn't it be over?

  The idea is the same as "Saving Private Ryan", all of which are anti-war.

  If Sony feels that the impact is too great and dare not do it, then bring out today's situation!

A realistic movie like "Saving Private Ryan" encountered an embassy bombing during its release, but nothing happened. No matter how unlucky "Black Hawk Down" is, it is impossible to have the same encounter as "Saving Private Ryan" What's the matter?

  Since the most unlucky "Saving Private Ryan" has already appeared, and the worst result has already occurred, then "Black Hawk Down", filmed under the guidance of the US Department of Defense, cannot be so bad!

   And even if there is a problem, the US Department of Defense is still there!

  Roland didn't believe it anymore, after the most unlucky case was placed in front of him, Sony would still hesitate!

   "Damn it, I'm such a genius!"

   "Ah, that's not right! It's Steven who is really special and the protagonist!"

  After discovering that the things that have been bothering me can be solved so easily...

   Roland relaxed completely...

  He is used to this kind of free payment, in various senses.

Note: ①I used "Black Hawk Down" to guide public opinion and public opinion. There are really examples. "Saving Private Ryan" prompted Zipperton to launch a military counterattack within two weeks, and it happened to be Zipper Gate at that time The critical stage of investigation and evidence collection. Although the mainstream public opinion has always believed that Zipperton announced immediately after the bombing that he would take revenge actions to get rid of the influence of the Zipper Gate, even if there is no patriotism created by "Saving Private Ryan", Zipperton will beat them. But "Saving Private Ryan" has indeed given a lot of help in public opinion, at least it is what the people want. And this is why "Saving Private Ryan" will be called the biggest unjust case in Hollywood after losing to "Shakespeare in Love". War movies promote war, which is really more influential than the love of the century in "Titanic" too much.



  (end of this chapter)

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