Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 277: 'A Match Made' and 'Saving Private Ryan' Premiere

  Chapter 277 Premiere of "A Match Made For You" and "Saving Private Ryan"

  In Los Angeles on July 20, 1998, it was full of gongs and drums, firecrackers blasting, red flags waving, and crowds of people.

Celebrities with different attitudes dressed up in gorgeous clothes, set off from the downtown area of ​​Los Angeles, and rushed to the rolling dreamland in the southeast. A few members of the family.

The Spielbergs brought their seven dolls to join in the fun, the Stallones brought the two sons born to Stallone and his ex-wife to join in the fun, and the Schwarzeneggers took Catherine, who was born in 1989, to murder Filin on the red carpet , and Roland...

  He looks like his father-in-law to everyone!


  Obviously after seeing those cute dolls, I imagined how cute my future children would be!

   After all, the appearance of the child's parents is placed here!

To be honest, it is impossible for a children's film with a low investment to attract so many big names. These guys can come purely because Roland has eaten the fruit of face. After the filming, the guys who entered the venue casually greeted Roland who was standing at the door as a welcome guest:

  Tom Hanks directly asked his son Colin to call Uncle Roland—

  'Uncle, you are big! I am only ten years older than your son! '

  Arnold Schwarzenegger puffed up his chest, and in front of everyone, he showed Roland his pectoralis major, which was tightly wrapped in a suit—

  'Hold the grass! You don't do anything! Don't you see Kate right next to me? '

  After discovering that Roland wanted to squat down to tease his daughter, James Cameron hugged her in his arms first, then showed a smile of "I have penetrated everything", and patted Roland on the shoulder a few times—

  ‘Your deep-sea submersible investment is gone…’

  Of course, the complaints belong to the complaints. Roland can still clearly perceive the changes in the attitudes of these people.

  If we say that before, they accepted Roland because of his status as an old man and student, and as Roland's popularity skyrocketed, the monoclonal antibody's box office ability continued to show, so they became more and more intimate.

  So now, most of the guys are going for Roland's self-proclaimed rich status.

  How high the popularity is, no matter how skyrocketing the box office is, that can't change the fact of being a tool person.

   But now, once the identity of the major shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway is revealed, the status is different.

Just like Sylvester Stallone pulled Bruce Willis to open the Holiday Inn Las Vegas, eager to enter the real estate industry and become a landowner; just like Arnold Schwarzenegger married Maria Shriver , registered as the donkey party early, dormant for many years, waiting for an opportunity; just like Clint Eastwood was the mayor of the small town of Carmel in 1986, but actually embezzled Taxpayers' money injects vitality into their own land...

   No tool person is willing to be a tool person for a lifetime. As long as they have the opportunity, they will try their best to climb up.

  Roland is now countless steps ahead of them, so the idea of ​​seeking more opportunities came naturally.

  This is also human nature...

  Of course, because the time and place are wrong, the words of these guys are not fruitless.

   After chatting briefly for a while, everyone sat down in order and concentrated on watching the movie.

The plot of "Natural Couple" is very simple. It tells the story of two girls who met in the summer camp and found out that the other was their twin sister, so they inquired about each other's lives, exchanged identities, defeated their stepmothers, and matched divorced parents to reunite. Attributed to the good story.

  Because it is a remake of "Dad Loves Mom" ​​in 1961, the guests at the scene are no strangers to the plot of the movie.

   But even so, the arena was still full of laughter.

   This is not because Roland is concerned about his face, but because the whole movie is full of laughs.

  Ten minutes into the opening, the two girls presented a wonderful fencing competition to the public. They were like Jackie Chan in the furniture city while playing with flower guns;

And the subsequent bedroom spoofs copied the classic scenes from the "Home Alone" series, such as sticking feet with honey, chocolate sauce falling from the sky, heavy snow and goose feathers, and even scary spiders, all similar to those in "Home Alone 1" The final picture is exactly the same;

  When the show reached 30 minutes, they had already switched identities and started doing things;

  From fifty minutes onwards, the battle to repel the vicious stepmother became the only main line of the entire movie.

  Although the plot is old-fashioned, the storyboard is plagiarized, the narrative structure is too rough, and the progress of the content cannot withstand scrutiny at all, but these are not important, because this movie is made for children!

  Just like "Ba La La Little Demon Fairy", "Armor Warrior", "Bakugan Boy", "Legend of Skyfire", "Trace of Egg Magic", what about sand sculptures made in this kind of works?

  As long as the children are happy to watch it, it will be fine!

   What's more, in the country of America, if there are problems in film and television productions such as hair dyeing, fancy clothes, and changing costumes on stage, parents will not report them!

  So even if there are ear piercings, nail polish and other plots to teach "bad" girls in "A Couple Born", everyone just laughed it off and expressed happiness for the children's growth.

  Because of this, after the movie ended, the evaluations given by the invited guests were almost the same.

   "This is a movie for kids."

   “It brings joy to children.”

   "It's also full of warmth."

   It’s okay not to say that!

  Because on July 21, "Saving Private Ryan" will premiere in theaters in Westwood, Los Angeles!

  That's right, when Roland saw this arrangement, he kept scolding the guy who arranged the film in his heart for being an idiot...

   Putting "A Match Made" and "Saving Private Ryan" together?

  How can there be such arrangement?

  Although the audiences of the two films are not the same, if they are released together, there will definitely be a squeeze in the film schedule.

  Even if the Olsen sisters are starring, the North American Theater Alliance will not give them face, because the lineup of "Saving Private Ryan" is more luxurious, but if they are not put together...

   Well, if they are not released together, then "A Couple Born" can only grab the more cruel Christmas file.

  Because of the upcoming summer vacation, the competition is too fierce.

May 8, "Clash of Heaven and Earth"; May 20, "Godzilla"; June 5, "The Truman Show"; June 19, "Mulan"; June 26 On July 1, "Doctor Dolittle"; on July 1, "Peerless Hell"; on July 10, "Sky Cannon 4"; on July 15, "I'm Crazy About Mary"; on July 17, "Zorro"...

  Looking at this lineup, you know that the Olsen sisters may not be able to beat anyone.

   And backwards...

  A movie released in August can still be regarded as a summer movie?

Although the Olsen sisters are invincible in popularity, under Roland's management, they have not fallen into the vicious circle of bad movies in this life. They have all shot "Jurassic Park", "Sleepless in Seattle" and "Jumanji" Such a movie, however, "A Couple Born" is the first time they play the leading role, so they must focus on safety.

   In this way, a silly beep-like arrangement of films appeared.

Compared with the previous nine films that killed all audiences, it is actually more beneficial for "A Natural Couple" to compete with war-type R-rated films like "Saving Private Ryan"; The appeal of children has gradually diminished, and the Olsen sisters are still eating the basics in this regard, so Disney arranged it like this.

  After learning about this situation, Roland was really impressed!

   This is really not good for filming, and the first place in the whole job!

  Can you make a good movie?

Eh! we will not!

   Then what will happen?


   In this way, a strange situation appeared.

  On July 20th, James Cameron and others attended the premiere of "A Couple Made For You", and on July 21st, the original cast attended the premiere of "Saving Private Ryan"...

   Except for changing the name of the movie, other news content is simply not changed!

  Those who know know that this is two movies squeezed together, but those who don’t know think that the author is so good these days!

   If you change the article on the 21st, it can be published as news on the 22nd!

  Consumers may not like this kind of thing, but the author will definitely be very happy!

  Of course, the invited guests may be the same, but the follow-up reports are quite different.

  If "A Couple Born" can only win praise from children, then "Saving Private Ryan" is an epic for adults:

  Whether it is under the banner of 'peace' and 'humanity', use 'eight to save one' to interpret the power of faith;

  It’s still Omaha Beach, Ryan’s house, in the fields, when he was in exile...the call of ‘Mom’ that filled the soldiers and shrouded the battlefield, to reflect the greatness of mothers;

Or Captain Miller passed away peacefully, Sergeant Horvath passed away humorously, and the hard-working Jew Melis was finally stabbed to death by the SS, but the translator Urban witnessed all this with his own eyes, but could not think of revenge. gun;

  All of these are depicting the real battlefield, and telling all men who want to be heroes that heroes are not meant to be human, and telling all women who love heroes that the most common thing in reality is timid translation.

  The idea told throughout the movie has touched the hearts of the American people.

  Family love, friendship, humanity, when these concepts are mixed together, it is the best story that makes people cry.

Especially at the end of the movie, when the soon-to-be-dead Captain Miller was half lying there, shooting at the enemy tanks one by one, his eyes were still full of expectations, until the last moment, he was sticking to himself This kind of persistence made him wait for the roaring plane and the hope of winning the war.

  Just like the concept conveyed to people by "The Shawshank Redemption"—

   Never give up hope.

  Of course, this movie is just to convey hope to people...

  If Roland hadn't been a human being in two lives, he might have cried like the guests at the premiere, but it was precisely because he had memories of his previous life that he would no longer be moved when he saw this kind of plot.

   Is Saving Private Ryan a good movie?

Indeed, the old man perfectly described the cruelty of war. He used his film to tell everyone that peace is precious and life is precious. At the same time, he also used the film to describe the helplessness of soldiers. The only choice.

  Under the portrayal of the old man, the bloodiness of the war is vividly reflected.

   But the problem is that the idea conveyed in the whole movie can fool everyone, but Roland cannot be fooled.

  Because he saw it with his own eyes, the king of understanding made Guan Hai work for nothing for eight years.

  The unilateralism promoted by the Golden Retriever wiped out the rich, prosperous, friendly and peaceful image that Hollywood took years to portray overnight, and let the world know that the hegemony hidden in it is their true face.

   It was precisely because of personal experience that Roland was calm.

   Praise for "Saving Private Ryan"?

  For business, this is indeed something to do.

   But trying to make him admire this movie from the bottom of his heart is dreaming!

  He admits that this is an excellent movie, but at the same time he firmly believes that this is putting a cloak of hypocrisy on America.

  Of course, he didn't think there was anything wrong with the old man doing this, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with himself thinking so.

  Because the guys present know these things, but no one says it.

   After all, at the beginning of the birth of American movies, in order to compete with Europe, they played the banner of patriotism.

  Since World War I, Hollywood has been a powerful tool of American foreign policy.

   David Griffith, known as the father of American movies, publicly declared: ‘To spread the Gospel of America to the world is Hollywood’s highest mission besides making profits! '

   And every generation after that has done it without exception...

  Because of this, after the premiere of "Saving Private Ryan", Roland didn't care about the movie.

  The reason is simple.

  If he understands that the king does not make trouble, then of course he likes "Saving Private Ryan", because this kind of movie is sure to make money!

  But after knowing about Wang’s troubles, Interpol also refused to arrest him...

   Still "Avengers" and "Star Wars"!

  As a young capitalist with a new car on the road, Roland must put the highest mission of 'profit' first!

   If it can make me money, I will make "American Sniper".

   Can't let me earn money?

  The priority must be to kill "The Hurt Locker"!

  No way, as a filmmaker in America, he naturally has to follow the teaching of the father of American film, and focus on money!

   "Extraordinary, how come there is a feeling that the boy who slays the dragon will eventually become a dragon?"

   "I used to keep saying that what I love is the movie itself, but now I watch it..."

  “The brain says no, but the body is very honest!”

  Looking at the guests on TV holding tissues and sobbing and commenting to the media reporters, Roland suddenly felt that he had changed.

  Although what he liked in his previous life was the kind of commercial movies that the public liked, he did not boycott other movies anyway.

   And think that existence is reasonable.

  Because those non-popular commercial films can at least meet the needs of some people.

  But now—

   Commercial films that can make money seem to be his first choice.

   And those who can’t make money, although they don’t hate it, they will diss in their hearts.

   "Sure enough... people will eventually live in a way they hate..."

   "In just eight years, I personally tore up my persistence..."

   "So ironic..."

   "But I like it!"

   Note: ①The casino hotel opened by Stallone and Willis went bankrupt and closed in 1999. Their cross-border boasting is a bit ruthless. ②David Griffith really said this, and it was written in a high school political book with Matthew Frasier's "Weapons of Mass Disturbance: Soft Power and American Empire". ③There is a phenomenon of '1905' in the history of film. In that year, the American box office market was monopolized by European films. Then, Americans launched a 'Movement to Protect the Nation'. Film companies reorganized together. The media overwhelmingly dissed European films into decadence. The degenerate thing has promoted American movies as masterpieces of humanity. Since then, the primary goal of American movies has been to spread American values. This is what President Woodrow Wilson said publicly. , more helpful in expressing the plans and goals of the United States'. In 1905, European films accounted for 70% of the box office in the United States. In 1912, more than 80% of the films were self-produced in the United States. It is precisely because of this and the cooperation between Hollywood, the White House and the Pentagon that the Jews want to win this position , that is, after they take full control, our generation will have the feeling of being entertained to death, because Hollywood is no longer only speaking for the United States, but for the Jews. This is why many media say that Clint Eastwood is the last diehard. Now in Hollywood, except for him, a veteran hard rightist, the rest are all little white leftists who mix with Jews.



  (end of this chapter)

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