Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 331: Return

Chapter 331: Return

Ji said, What luck, I have the same class. Dont laugh, I am just too much of a failure. I spent three centuries yet only learned the two basic skills from the light priest class, Light Sphere and Holy Light.

Light Sphere released a ball of light, causing low damage. Holy Light merely shined the surroundings, that was it.

Li Mo threw Revivify to him.

Whats this?

Ye Li cried looking at a white egg.

It was as big as a chicken egg and so white it reflected light.

Is this chain kingsnakes egg? Does that mean well get a young boss? Ye Li grew excited, but still kept her distance.

On this trip, her stats had increased ten times yet not once did she fight a viper. Because she was afraid of snakes. 

Li Mo took it but didnt find anything special about it. As this world wasnt a true game world, picking up some items didnt mean theyd be automatically identified. 

But it was obvious this egg wasnt average.

Li Mo put it away.

Lets return.

Where, out of Viper Mountains?

No, back to that pink snakey.

Eh? Ye Li and Ji cried out.

Lets not. That freak is too strong. One touch and it took half of your health. You were lucky it didnt continue or youd be dead.

Yeah, I may revive you, but if the pink snake kills us two, itll all be over.

I second miss Yes opinion.

Its fine. Im only trying something. I believe that wasnt a coincidence. Li Mo smiled.

Coming out alive from his encounter with the snakey, he realize it wasnt a normal monster. A normal one wouldve kept attacking.

It was quick and strong yet chose to retreat? There was no way Li Mo didnt find it fishy.

Three hours and an extra 30 stats later, Li Mo and the others returned to the pink snakey.

It was still laying in grass, ignorant of any imminent danger.

You two stay back.

Li Mo held a short blade as he inched towards it.

It was golden gear from the chain kingsnake dropped. A whole lot better stats than what that measly sword provided. 

Assassins usually used daggers or short blades, the best way to take full advantage of the class.


The pink snakey jumped at Li Mo, fast as lighting. Li Mo couldnt even dodge.

Li Mos health was cut in half, the same as before.


Ye Li activated Recovery, bringing Li Mos health back to full.

Li Mo didnt run this time and attacked instead.

The snakey took half of Li Mos health with another attack.

Was I wrong? Li Mo used Flurry to run.

The snake didnt chase, returning to the grass.

Far away, Li Mo frowned.

Half damage. This thing is just too powerful

Ye Li shook her hand, Let it go, its too dangerous. Li Mo, you cant die. If you do, your stats will be cut in half and earthlings will lose all hope.

Ji nodded, I agree.

Li Mo shook his head. He still found it odd.

Dont you find the snake strange?

Think about it. The last time my level and stats were far lower than now. Yet it did the same damage.

Half of my life, regardless of my gear and stats. Is that normal?

Li Mo was now level 28 after he finished the chain kingsnake, not to mention his stats increased.

That should translate into the snakey doing less damage to him. Yet it didnt.

I trust my intuition. So I will try again.

Ye Li, use Recovery a bit later.

Ji, go further back. If I die, it will be up to you to revive me.

Coming back with Revivify he wouldnt lose a stat.

Alright, be careful. Ji went further away.

Li Mo waited for Ye Lis Recovery to refresh and took a deep breath as he ran to the pink snakey.


The snakey was furious and chomped half of Li Mos life away.

Li Mo stabbed with his short blade, but the snake dodged and bit Li Mo again. 

Ye Li was so scared she covered her eyes.

But Ye Lis worry never came to be. The snakeys second bite took half of the remaining life

A strike that took half ones health meant it would take half of the targets actual health, not total health. This was what made the snakey special.

Half health for each hit! Ji laughed.

Li Mo attacked the snakey as it did the same. The pink reptile was so fast that none of his attacked hit, but he was bitten ten times instead and his life was down to really low levels.

Despite starting off strong, the snakes power would only lessen as it dragged on. 


Only allowed on

When Lis health was at the minimum, Ye Li used Recovery.


Tussling with the snake for so long, Li Mos**** finally struck true, taking half of its life.

Ha-ha, this guy is a glass cannon. Ye Li clapped.

Li Mo struck again and took another half. 

For the love of This thing receives the same attacks it gives Ye Li was speechless.

You cant kill it like this

Ji noticed

Well, of course not. It was just too fast. Li Mo managed to land only two strikes in the twenty he received. And with each strike taking half, the snakey may have had little left, but it would still need six or seven more hits to kill it.

Just when Li Mo reduced the snakes life to 2, something happened that drove him to despair.

The pink snakey flashed white and its health was full

Why did it recover? Ye Li cried.

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