Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 330: Variant Monster

Chapter 330: Variant Monster

Ji used her gift, Ye Li healed, and Li Mo activated Flurry to get some distance.

The unassuming pink snakey had a frightening attack power. That taking into account Li Mos level 25, geared half blue and half golden, and having the stats of a level 40 player in golden set.

Yet even with these stats the pink snakey chomped half his health away!


As luck had it, the pink snakey turned proud as it flicked its tongue before returning to laying in the grass.

Ji was shocked, Why is that thing so strong? Its several times stronger than a commander.

Fast as lightning, a sharp attack, and powerful poison made this monster unrivaled.

The three watched the snakey on edge.

Ji said, I think wed better go around it.

Fine. Li Mo nodded his consent.

Ye Li had no objection. The three retreated and detoured the snakeys turf.

As they ventured deeper still, the vipers only grew in number, but with Li Mos unheard of status, not even a level 35 viper could take his hits.

Five hours and a level up later, Li Mos level ten gift had netted him 30 more stat points.

At the back of Viper Mountains were bloody mountains filled with skeletons. Here, a scarlet snake two meters long roamed the area, protecting the only way up.

Li Mo approached without using Flurry. It was his standard tactic. Get in close, asses the danger, then use Flurry to flee.

Enraged, the scarlet snake commander darted for Li Mo. It was level 35 but far stronger and faster than a common viper. It was also skilled in spiting venom thirty meters around it.

The scarlet snakes venom covered too large an area, making it impossible to dodge. But Li Mo was fearless with Ji around. Not even a ten times stronger poison would work.


The scarlet snake bit Li Mo, but only a trickle dropped from his health bar. Li Mos sword, however, cut far deeper in its health pool. 

Ji cried, Just who is the boss here? Whos the adventurer? If I hadnt seen it with my own eyes, I wouldnt believe it

Ye Li fell silent. She was geared and her level rose, but was crystal clear on what would happed if she went in there. Despite a warrior, shed be done in by four bites, not to mention the bleeding.

The scarlet snake couldnt do anything to Li Mo, who just stood there and merely hacked at it.

Three minutes later, the scarlet snake was a done deal.


Another explosion of loot


[A mysterious power has given you Venom Kiss.]

[Do you wish to learn Venom Kiss?]


Li Mo had no hesitation.

[Congratulations on learning Venom Kiss.]

[Venom Kiss(passive): normal attacks have a 5% of poisoning the target. Attacking a poisoned target four times will cause the poison to erupt.]

Li Mo ran to a viper to give it a test run.

He was let down. His stats were too inflated for the vipers to last more than three hits. He fought and fought, but not once did Venom Kiss activated. Although he did get 3 more stat points. 

Ye Li went to inspect the loot, finding it just as rich as with the boa.

There were two blue and two golden gears. Then there were the Scarlet Snake Sets three items that increased attack power by 10% and a skillbook. 

[Poison: assassin skill. Coat your weapon in poison, making your attacks have a 100% of poisoning the target. Duration: 20 seconds. Cooldown: 1 minute.]

A perfect match.

Li Mo learned it on the spot.

With the Poison skill matching his Venom Kiss, it would be the ultimate synergy. 

He also put on Scarlet Snake Sets three gears, since he needed attack power the most right now.

Looking at the highest point on Viper Mountains, he could faintly see the crown of a huge snake. It was none other than the strongest viper here, the boss chain kingsnake.

With the scarlet snake commander dealt with, he could now challenge the boss. 

The trio didnt even stop to rest as they rushed up towards the chain kingsnake.

Li Mo used Poison and his weapon turned green. He charged the chain kingsnake and poisoned it.

Li Mo perked up at this.

Only allowed on

The boss had a high resistance to abnormal status effects but Poison had a sure hit chance, although it only lasted a second. 

That was clearly different from being immune. With Li Mo knowing Venom Kiss, it only took effect as long as the target was poisoned.

Fist hit, second, third


Chain kingsnake attacked Li Mo, but he didnt dodge. He hacked instead as his fourth strike.


A purple explosion struck the chain kingsnake, sapping a third of its health. Such power shocked his companions. 

Chain kingsnakes attack was strong, damaging Li Mo, but compared to that eruption, its attack was nothing.

Li Mo used Flurry.

Fist hit, second, third


Fist hit, second, third



The Poisons effect hadnt finished and Li Mo used Venom Kiss four times now, killing the chain kingsnake swiftly

Yang demon ancestor above

Heavens above

Ji and Ye Li shouted their shock.

Chain kingsnake was the final boss of Viper Mountains. It was a level 40 monster with ten times the stat the scarlet snake commander had. Yet it couldnt last 20 seconds?

Is this a joke?

Loot littered the ground. A dozen at first glance. Just like the commanders, chain kingsnake offered a great haul

Two blue and two golden gears, four golden Chain King Set items. Equipping them will increase ones magic damage by 20%.

Theres also the Revivify skillbook. Class restriction, light priest!

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