My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 667

Chapter 667: A Spiraling Plan

Convince Adalia to consider asking her sister to come join in this debauchery that is human festivities-as Amelia herself would have undoubtedly put it.

Sounds easy enough, I suppose.

Still, playing wingman, huh? Not exactly how I foresaw this evening going, but I suppose it’s also true I possess the foresight of your average toddler fiddling with an electrical socket, so anything goes really. At this point... I’m just rolling with the punches.

“Leave it to me,” I declared confidently to the beaten and downtrodden Tyler, who was at a second away from falling to his knees and smooching my feet, professing his undying gratitude to me if I hadn’t kept him at back with a gentle but firm, “No promises anything will happen though.”

But that did nothing to dishearten him in any way.

“It’s you we talkin’ bout, Big Man, you for real?” He smiled, grabbing a hard, confident hold on my shoulder. “I have all the faith of the fuckin’ Pope right here.”

So with that vote of confidence thrown my way, I headed forward across the room, passing by Nick who had isolated himself against a wall and in the middle of an engaging call with someone, Hayley who had let her cafe-owner instinct take over, going all around the place with a tray in hand. I crashed into Sammy while she was scurrying after Mr. Black and she had the gall to tell me to keep my eyes open as if I was the one skidding corners as if I was in a rally.


“In her defense, it’s not like you particularly stand out amongst the crowd, you know?” Amanda said, watching the whole thing from nearby and finding it simply nothing but amusing, “You might as well be completely invisible with all the presence you hold.”

“Yes, all my fault. Lemme just go and apologize to her right now for being so flat and boring, not even the Hubble telescope can see me coming.”

“Aww, don’t go all pouty on me now, my handsome invisible man,” She said, raising a hand to fix my hair. “I saw you, didn’t I?”

With a parting smile, she left me be to instead join Tyler’s friends in a vlog they were currently filming, whirling back once briefly to say, “By the way, Leon texted me. He’ll be running late but he’ll be here soon.”

I nodded. “Super.”

“He also asked if he could bring more people along,” She paused, smirking again. “I told him to feel free.”

I sighed, no longer even the slightest surprised. “Of course you did.”

“The more the merrier, right?” Amanda waved her hand, turning back around. “All for the plan, after all.”

Finally, with all distractions cleared, I now had a direct route to Adalia who has yet to move a single inch from the couch all this while. Sometimes I wonder how she could stay focused on being unfocused like that.

I heard the playlist in the background finish its last song, but alas, there was no rest for the wicked. The peace and silence only lasted a couple seconds before someone came chiming to the rescue with a brand new set of tunes.

Real festive tunes this time.

Then from out of nowhere, timing happened. Moments away from reaching, from succeeding, boom-another distraction holding me back once more. Literally.

A tugging, pulling feeling at the back of my shirt preventing me from taking a single step further. Like I was a dog getting a little too ambitious for the length of his leash.

I quickly whirled around, and even as my eyes blurred the world with the speed, I immediately caught that sharp glint of gold staring back wide and unblinking.

Yeah, speaking of invisible presences...

“Yes, what, need something?” I asked, too focus on my objective to spare any more than a glance at her. “Make it really obvious for me, I’m kinda busy right now.”

Sera didn’t appreciate my lack of regard, expressing her discontent with a low groan. Nevertheless, she jumped right into the charade game and extended her arm out toward me with a jumble of small artifacts rolling around the violet-veiled palm of her hand.

As things were, it couldn’t have gotten any more obvious than that.

“The tree, right. The tree...” I gestured back at her, giving her the all-go. “You don’t need my permission to start. It wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for you, anyway. Go on, pick a branch, have fun. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll just...”

Her growl grew harsher the moment I attempted to pull away, tugging even together again. Wasn’t as obvious as a guess this time around. Still, I did my best.

“Uhh, you want me... to do it... with you or...?” I asked, almost half-certain I’d hear her groan immediately in revulsion.

Now imagine the look on my face when even after a significant window of time, she didn’t.

“Seriously?” I asked, utterly bemused to which her persisting silence only served to exacerbate. “Well, um, good, great, absolutely, but later, alright? In a bit. Right now first, I just gotta...”

And there she goes right back to growling at me. My god, this girl’s choosy.

Then again, I suppose she has been waiting for quite a while now-and with this atmosphere, this crowd? I guess I should be impressed that she even held out for this long, shouldn’t I?

Would rather not brush her off, especially when she’s the one cordially inviting me to join her, but at the same, there’s the matter with Tyler, so what do I...?

Ah, screw it. The more the merrier, right?

“Hey, Adalia!” I called out over the blaring jingle of Merry Christmas. “Join us, we’re decorating the tree now! You up for it?”

Yes, I can see it now. The three of us hanging up baubles and wrapping around the lights, then I’d lean my reindeer over to Adalia asked, get as close as I can, and then I’ll ask –

“Ooo, we starting it now?” Sammy suddenly appeared from up behind another cough, the widest, keenest smile etched upon her face. “Ah, finally! Was wondering when we get down to business!”

Mr. Black was squirming around in her hands, squirming, wriggling, completely trapped... and really same, Mr. Black, same...

“No, wait, I didn’t mean-”

“A chance of pace for a bit, hm?” Hayley turned her gaze my way, and set her tray down to the side. “Fun. Very fun. I’ll go get Nick. He can be our ladder.”

“Straight to the main event already, Big Man?!” hollered Tyler from the distance, sneaking in a thumbs-up and completely misinterpreting my intentions. “Hey, make it a contest, won’t ya? Split into two, the team that filled their spot on the tree in thirty minutes while also making it the best-looking spot gets a thousand in cash! I’ll sponsor! Make for a good vid definitely.”

“Interesting,” Amanda remarked, intrigued. “Sounds rather easy though, doesn’t it? It’s just a matter of speed.”

“And mercilessness, my dear lady girl,” interjected Tyler, springing to his feet at once. “Did say it’s also gotta be the best-looking spot, right? What happens if one side gets all the luck rifling around the decoration boxes? This ain’t just a speed game, but a defense game too! See a reindeer that caught your fancy on another team’s side? All yours! Provided you’re able to swipe it from them, that is! Waddaya say? Everyone all in on this?!”

Okay, this is seriously spiraling out of my control so quickly and so badly. But I couldn’t stop it. No, it was much too late. Can’t reverse this. Look around, see the enthusiasm shimmering in everyone’s eyes, all the murmurs of agreement in unison, I’m beaten one to everyone.

Hell, even Sera looked somewhat interested in getting involved. How even, this silent recluse?! Seriously?!

“One question,” rumbled the deep voice of Nick emerging out from his quiet space, the only other person here at all reluctant. “Who decides the team?”

“Glad you ask, Nick the Gallant Giant Man,” Tyler said, huffing his chest. “Obviously, since I made the game, I’ll make the teams! Just leave it all to me, aight? No problems with that anyone?”

Another round of agreements began to resound, and that was when I sniffed out his true intentions here. No doubt he was planning to saddle me up with Adalia, give us our own little spot for thirty minutes which I can use to talk her up in such a merry, energetic atmosphere.

Brilliant plan. Flawless made. Except only... at the mention of team-splitting... I could feel the fabric of my shirt being stretched to its limits... and in the corner of my eyes... it was like the glow of the sun itself was staring right at me, and I was definitely feeling the burn, alright.

Seriously, since when did she start being this clingy and why choose now of all times to start acting on it?

“Alright, first team!” Tyler declared, wagging his finger around in search of his choices. “Lil’ sis Sammy, you’re with Ken over there! Bill, you’re with Mitch. And Dave get your ass over my side. You’re my lucky charm on this!”

There was a shuffle of feet and everybody drew up beside their assigned partners. Sammy in particular, had her blue eyes gleaming something fierce. A thousand bucks ain’t nothing to scoff at, after all.

Tyler darted his eyes left and right, and found his next pair of contestants. “Amanda and Nick, you two are partners in crime now! Let’s go!”

“What, you serious?!” Amanda exclaimed, shoulders slumping in disbelief. “But...? Wha...?” before pursing her lips shut with an audible groan of disappointment. “Fine...”

Nick on the other had somehow inexplicably lost all signs of reluctance. Once Amanda had waddled her way over next to him, he did a full 180 on his attitude.

“Now then...” I saw Tyler’s eyes take a quick glance, and at the same time, Sera pulled down at me even tighter. “Big Man, I suppose you can go saddle up with Adal-”

She made a noise again... a plea...

Ugh, fuck it.

“I’ll take Sera, actually!” I piped up, not even sure what the hell I was doing anymore. “Uh, yeah, um... she’s my lucky charm too and all that,” I limply explained. “Would rather I have her, y’know?”

Tyler was taken aback, but I met his eyes, and though evidently confused, looked at me back with trust, and recovered quickly. “R-Right then, sure! Cool Host is the host! Can’t overrule the Big Man himself! Aight, Sera stick with him like glue, you hear? Okay then, lastly, Hayley you’re with Adalia! Let’s go!”

Amanda was visibly miffed at this turn of events, staring at me with a look I could only describe as ‘painful’. Had my choice to pick, and I chose another. Understandably, she wasn’t exactly giddy with excitement at my decision... sulking over there right next to the gallant giant standing at attention.

Sorry, Amanda. Another time, I promise.

It took a while to notice it, but Sera had finally stopped tugging, dropping her hands, and leaving visible creases on my shirt where her fingers had latched onto... standing next to me just silent, just staring... alright then.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the vampire savant herself!” Hayley cheered, dropping herself beside the unmoving Adalia on the couch. “Hey, question-should a Matriarch choose to breed, how exactly do they go about choosing their desired mate?”

“A... marking...” Adalia nonchalantly answered. “The chosen... mate... branded with... a marking... a bite...”

“Very good!” Hayley nodded at her. “And where exactly must they bite?”

She blinked blankly. “...Neck...”

“Five points to the Team Wisdom once again!” Hayley said, beaming with approval. “Wow, you really do know your stuff, huh?”

“Alright!” Tyler blared loudly, diverting all attention back to himself. “Everybody’s partnered up, everybody knows the rules and the stakes! Y’all ready?”

Nods and affirmations came rippling from all around, and really I just can’t believe this was even happening still. From playing wingman to playing a game of interior decorating. Hit the nail on my head with my sense of foresight, alright.

Easy enough, my ass...

“Alright, that’s what I like to hear!” Tyler cheered. “‘Kay everyone, go pick and choose your good-feeling positions. Let’s go get this shit started!”

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