My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 666

Chapter 666: Tyler’s Woes

Tyler had to sit me down for this one, our asses down and blocking the first few steps of the stairway, and there, he began to open up to me over a cold one despite the fact I don’t drink, a detail he couldn’t seem to fathom, shoving a beer in my hand regardless.

While everyone else was having fun talking, bonding, and just generally being jolly, and the person who I unequivocally thought would be the absolute frantic beating heart of a party turned out to be the only sole person here that was feeling dour.

As the host, I pretty much had the moral obligation to ensure everyone has a good time. By force too, if I had to... so for a good while there, I did good playing the part of a cup holder while he chugged away his sorrows until he reached the bottom of a can and then some.

To summarize a long story short, Tyler couldn’t get a hold of Amelia anymore.

They went on a total of two good dates before she suddenly up and turned into a total ghost on him. A promising relationship fizzling out just as it was well on its way to blossom.

And since we were quite hung up on the subject of Amelia anyway, it had me reflecting on the fact that I too have not caught a single glimpse of her ever since I left for home back then.

Like I know she didn’t just phase out of existence, I know she’s probably lurking in the unseen, otherwise, Adalia would have said something about it. But you’d think after all this time, I might see her around every now and again.


In any case, it’s a little curious now that I put some thought into it...

“What’d you even do on those two dates you had anyway?” I asked, passing back to him the now lukewarm can of beer to which he unwittingly took back in the midst of his woes.

He cracked it open, gulped it halfway, and let out the saddest burp I think I’ve ever heard. I didn’t even know burps could sound sad.

“Well it was a total mystery game on the first one, I’ll tell you that much,” He said. “Spent half the time racking my fuckin brain wondering if she liked this or liked that, and she wasn’t droppin’ any hints anytime soon. We walked ’round the mall a bit, almost bailed on me at one point, but I got some earrings that convinced her to stay... then I convinced her to try a makeover at a beauty salon, and then I saw... I met up with... and then...”

And then he took another swig, apparently... losing his train of thought. Tyler stared down at the aluminum glint of his drink, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb across the metal ridge.

“Beautiful gal, ya know? Amelia...” He spoke, finding his words again. “Them makeover peeps are artists, I swear. She scolded me for staring at her too much too, but can you even blame me, man?”

Honestly, I had to agree with him there, but for all the wrong reasons. That day when I saw Amelia with a bright flush to her cheeks, and a heavy tint to her brows, to me, felt as if someone had put one of those little chihuahua clothes on a goddamn feral tiger.

And for Tyler of all people to somehow be the one to tame that tiger enough to put those clothes on her, well it certainly says something... I dunno what exactly... but it’s something.

“Dropped her back here shortly after that, but ‘fore I asked if she’d be cool with another hanging out sesh soon. Blew my fucking mind to hear her ask herself if I was good for tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I can imagine,” I said, watching all the while as a flitting, skirting violet figure weaved through the crowd to reach a brimming tray of muffins unguarded. “So, what’d you guys do on the second one?”

As it turns out, not much. He put on his usual charm, she maintained her usual callousness and they went on their merry way across town seeing the sights. Not exactly the most riveting of outings.

“Said walking was a pain in the ass, so we just drove,” Tyler explained. “I drove and drove, talking and joking enough for the both of us, while she just listened. Or at least I hope she was and wasn’t just tuning me out ’cause I was being an annoying shithead or some shit. I offered dinner, she declined. The entire time, she just looked like she was busy with something else. No idea what though.”

Well, I did. More than just a wild guess too. The night of their road-bound cruise was also the same night I reached home together with Ash, Sammy, and as well as Adalia in tow.

More than enough reason for someone like Amelia to be a whole lot moodier than usual. The fact that Tyler survived unscathed in such a volatile environment was more a miracle than me disabling that intruder alarm of a barrier that Mom had set up.

“And then?” I urged him.

“After a while, she told me to drop her off at some random street corner,” He said. “Didn’t care for my gentlemanly ways of driving her all the way, she just wanted out, so out she went. But before she did, I asked her if she wanted to hang out soon again.”


“Then that’s it, dude,” He shrugged. “Said she’ll come find me if she feels like it, and since then,” he shook the last of his drink into his mouth, before crinkling into a ball of repressed emotions. “I haven’t seen her.”

Damn, what a story. I can see why it got him down in the dumps. I can only imagine the assumptions and conclusions he’s been making as the days went on without a single sign of activity.

But there’s just no other way to put it – he’s been ghosted.

As for advice... well, I only got one.

“Well, y’know...” I began, slowly whirling my gaze around to the silent figure huddled at the furthest end of the longest couch just watching with mild intrigue as the world went on around her. “The big sister’s right over there, so if you really wanna know of Amelia’s whereabouts...”

“That’s the thing, Big Man,” He interjected, sighing sadly, and then burping even sadder right after. “I tried, I asked, like the first chance I had when I got here, I did. Thought maybe she could text Amelia to come visit the party, you know?”

I glanced back at him, and he didn’t have to say anymore, his gaze itself gave away the plot twist to the whole story.

“Amelia ain’t coming, huh?” I said, frowning along with him.

“Worse than that...” Tyler muttered. “Loving little big sister over there doesn’t want her in the party.”


Now I really wasn’t expecting that. Amelia choosing to abstain, that I can understand. But Adalia making that choice for her, not even giving her that choice, not wanting her here...

Curiouser and curiouser.

“Yeah, I know right?” He said, snorting in disbelief. “So that’s why, you know?”

“No, I don’t know,” I furrowed my brow.” “Why? What am I supposed to know?”

“That I’m coming to you on this, duh! Earth to Big Man, she’s your girlfriend, ain’t she? One-hundred million percent she’ll listen to you!”

“Oh, okay, I think I know where this is about to go...”

“Yes, and I’ll owe you my fucking life if you do this one thing for me, bro, swear to God!” He said quickly and urgently. “If you could... if you could just ask her for me, you know – convince her, use your sweet words. I might... I might actually get to see Amelia again.”

Oh, this man... this guy... his eyes, man, his stare. I don’t think he could fall any harder for this one girl even if he tried. I don’t know just what exactly it is he sees in her that’s got him tripping this bad.

But as they say, beauty’s in the eye of the beholder ain’t it? And Amelia definitely was the only thing in his eye.

“So what do you say, huh?” Tyler asked. “Mind helping a bro in need here?”

And besides, I’m the host, aren’t I? Legally, contractually, morally, and all that nonsense...

Happiness for all.

Whatever it takes.

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