My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 193 Unfamiliar Faces In The Village

Anna noticed Rose's intent gaze and addressed her with a smile. "What is it, Rose? Is there something on our faces that you're staring at us like that?"

Yuan, Grace, Emma, Lily, and Xi Meili turned their attention to Rose, curious about her scrutiny.

Rose quickly shook her head and blushed, her words coming out bashfully. "No, No, there's nothing wrong with your faces, Mother-in-law Anna. I was just surprised that cultivation not only improved my overall strength but it also significantly improved my overall beauty and charm, which is unbelievable to say the least."

Anna exchanged a swift glance with Grace and then turned back to Rose, still smiling. "Well, you're not the only one who was surprised at this change, we were also taken aback, just as you are."

Lily, not one to be left out, chimed in. "Yeah, Mom Anna is right, and I'm the most surprised one among us. My entire hair color has changed from brown to bluish white after I became a cultivator." She swiftly demonstrated, showcasing her transformed locks to Rose.

Rose's eyes widened in astonishment as she observed Lily's unique hair color. Could cultivation really induce such a transformation? It seemed almost unbelievable.

'This is simply unbelievable! Cultivation is much more mysterious and profound than I initially thought. It seems that there are endless possibilities on the path of cultivation...' Rose marveled inwardly, her face still marked with surprise.

Anna, noticing Rose's reaction, gently offered her wisdom. "Huh... Why are you thinking so much about it? It's pointless for you to dwell on it, as you'll only end up more confused than finding your answers."

Rose agreed silently with Anna's advice. 'She's right, it will only give me a headache if I think too much about it.' With that, she decided to let go of her pondering.

Rose smiled at Anna's advice and nodded in agreement. "You're right, Mother-in-law Anna. I'll stop dwelling on such profound knowledge."

Anna returned her nod with a smile. "That's good. Don't overthink it; it can do more harm than good." She then complimented Rose on her rapid progress in cultivation. 

"It seems that you're a true genius in cultivation. You've already reached the fifth level of the Spirit Apprentice realm in just half a day. Your cultivation speed is simply astounding!"

Lily chimed in enthusiastically, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I have to agree. Your cultivation speed is off the charts, almost as fast as when Mom Anna and Grace merge together."

Once again, Rose found herself surprised by Lily's words. Was her progress truly that remarkable?

Emma gently reminded Lily about Rose's special physique, prompting Lily to realize her oversight. Lily playfully stuck out her tongue and giggled, admitting, "Uh... Sorry about that, I almost forgot about it... hehehe~"

Laughter filled the air as everyone shared a light moment. However, Lily's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as they chuckled. 

She couldn't help but direct her frustration at Yuan, accusing him with a playful scolding. "You guys! Stop laughing at me like that, it's making me blush! And Little Yuan, how could you laugh at your big sister like that...?"

Yuan was taken aback, not expecting to be singled out like this. "Why are you putting all the blame on me?"

Lily, maintaining her nonchalant demeanor, explained, "Well, you deserve it, that's why..." She tried to hide her own rosy cheeks.

Yuan was left momentarily speechless, unsure of how to respond. He could only sigh in mild exasperation at the playful banter.

As Grace whispered something in Yuan's ear, his eyes lit up with mischief. He then approached Lily, a playful smile dancing on his face. 

Lily sensed that Yuan was up to something and questioned him with an awkward expression, "W-What are you trying to do? Your smile looks creepy, I know you're up to something..."

Without saying a word, Yuan gently wrapped his arms around Lily's slender waist and pulled her closer, maintaining his playful grin. This drew frowns from Anna, Emma, Xi Meili, and Rose.

Anna, concerned, turned to Grace and asked in a low voice, "Tell me, Grace, what did you tell dear to do to Lily?"

Grace wore a mischievous smile and confessed, "Nothing much. I only told him to coax my angry daughter to calm her down... fufufufu~"

Anna found it hard to believe Grace's explanation, knowing her playful nature.

Meanwhile, Lily was taken by surprise as Yuan enveloped her in his arms and locked eyes with her, that playful smile still on his lips. For a moment, her anger seemed to vanish, replaced by a strange sort of enchantment.

Yuan, still smiling, brought his face closer to hers, their warm breaths mingling. Time seemed to stand still.

He then gazed at her moist, pink lips, and with a confident smile, he pressed his lips against hers, engaging in a passionate kiss that seemed to stretch on for a moment.

Observing the intimate moment, Yuan's wives couldn't help but shake their heads and share a small chuckle.

As for Rose, she experienced a mix of emotions at witnessing Yuan and Lily's passionate kiss. However, she quickly dispelled any complex feelings, reminding herself that everyone present here was Yuan's beloved.

At this moment, Anna turned to Grace, eyeing her with a knowing look. She remarked, "So this is what you told him to do, huh? It's just so like you, Grace."

"Hehehe~ You know me too well, Anna..." Grace giggled mischievously, then shifted her gaze back to Yuan and Lily.

A few minutes later, Yuan and Lily reluctantly broke their passionate kiss, both slightly breathless. 

After catching their breath, Yuan looked at Lily with a warm smile and confessed, "I love you, Lily."

Lily's heart melted at his words, and she responded with a cheerful smile, "I love you too, Yuan..."

Meanwhile, in the study room of the Monore Manor, Madam Layla sat at a large table covered in important documents pertaining to the village's future development.

After the Lord of the Mountain's attack, Madam Layla recognized the urgent need for a more robust defense against powerful monsters. The current defenses proved insufficient, and she was determined to safeguard the villagers from future threats.

This enhanced defense would not only lower the mortality rate during monster assaults but also provide protection against thieves and bandits. Many villages had been razed due to inadequate defenses, resulting in the tragic loss of entire communities.

Given the village's rapid development, it was only a matter of time before it gained town or even city status, creating a bustling economic hub.

Consequently, Madam Layla was overseeing the construction of a substantial defensive wall covering not only the residential area but also the farmland. 

This would allow farmers to work without fear for their lives and protect the crops from creatures like wild boars.

"Sigh! This workload is too much for one person to handle. My wrist aches from all this document signing..." Madam Layla sighed, frustrated by the seemingly endless paperwork. 

The more she signed, the more it seemed to pile up.

She couldn't help but wonder how Rose managed all the village affairs. The thought lingered in her mind.

As Madam Layla gazed lazily at the mountain of documents awaiting her signature, she heard approaching footsteps outside the room. She frowned at the door, anticipating an interruption. Shortly after, the door creaked open, revealing her son, James.

Upon James' arrival in the study room, Madam Layla inquired with a lackadaisical tone, "So, how did your inspection of the construction site go? Is everything proceeding smoothly?"

James responded with pride in his voice, "It went even smoother than expected. The workers are highly reliable and committed to their tasks. I didn't notice anyone slacking off or neglecting their duties. The progress is exceeding our initial estimates. If this pace continues, I'm confident the wall will be completed in four months' time. Of course, weather conditions will also be a factor."

"I see..." Madam Layla nodded in acknowledgment, absorbing James' detailed report on the construction site. She added, "Are there any labor shortages? We can recruit some villagers for the job, especially those currently without work. It would expedite the process."

"Hmm... Allowing villagers to contribute to the construction of the defensive wall shouldn't be an issue. It will significantly accelerate the completion time, ultimately enhancing the safety of the villagers," James stated after a brief moment of consideration.

Madam Layla affirmed, "Then it's settled. I'll entrust you with overseeing the recruitment process for the construction."

Upon hearing his mother's words, James wore an indifferent smile, though he was somewhat reluctant to accept the responsibility.

"What? Are you hesitant about taking on this task?" Madam Layla's brow furrowed as she questioned him.

Feeling a nervous sweat form on his back, James summoned a forced smile and assured, "No, of course not. I'll handle the recruitment process, Mother, no need to worry."

"Good. Be diligent in your work. Remember, you'll be taking over the village once I retire," Madam Layla reminded him with a sense of finality.

"I understand, Mom," James nodded with a hint of weariness. He continued, "However, Mom, I heard something unusual today at the construction site, and the locals have been discussing it too."

Madam Layla frowned, her gaze fixed on James. "What unusual thing did you hear?"

"People are talking about some strange activity within the village, and there are unfamiliar faces inquiring about the individuals who defeated the horde of monsters and the Lord of the Mountain," James explained.

Madam Layla's thoughts raced. *Unknown faces inquiring about Yuan and his wives? Who could they be?*

"Did anyone mention who they are?"

"No, I asked some of the villagers, but they claimed to have never seen these people before in the village. It's quite strange..."

Madam Layla's expression grew serious. "This situation is indeed peculiar. We should heighten security measures across the entire village. I won't risk the lives of my people. We have no way of knowing if these newcomers are friends or foes."

James added, "Oh, one more thing. I overheard a rumor that someone of 'significance' is on their way to our village. I suspect they might be here for Brother-in-law Yuan and his wives. It's purely speculation, but who can say for certain..."

Madam Layla nodded thoughtfully. "That's a distinct possibility, considering the deeds they've accomplished in our village. It's bound to attract unwanted attention..."

'Who could this 'significant' individual be, coming to our village? Is it a positive sign or a harbinger of trouble?' Madam Layla pondered inwardly, her thoughts adrift.

Meanwhile, a luxurious carriage sped along, pulled by four horses, surrounded by a few mounted soldiers providing protection. Inside the carriage, Lord Joseph Baker wore a restless expression, growing weary of sitting in the same position for hours.

He turned towards Lord Ivan and inquired, "Lord Ivan, we've been traveling continuously for half a day now. How much farther until we reach Pinebrook village?"

Detecting the hint of discontent in Lord Joseph's voice, Lord Ivan opened the window to observe the surroundings and replied, 

"We're on the brink of reaching Pinebrook village. See for yourself; it's clearly visible from here."

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