My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 192 Beauty's Secret

A slight golden glow enveloped Rose's body, emitting a warmth akin to the sun, though she remained unaware of it.

Yuan, observing the golden radiance, pondered inwardly, 'Has she successfully awakened her special physique, the 'Solar Radiant Body,' and attained the first level of the Spirit Apprentice realm?'

He gazed at Rose, his expression a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. There was something distinctly unusual about her current state.

'I should inspect her unique constitution with my divine sense to be certain she's alright.'

With a touch of concern, Yuan decided to scrutinize Rose's condition with his divine sense, hoping to ensure everything was in order.

Through his heightened senses, Yuan discerned that Rose had indeed become a cultivator, achieving the first level of the Spirit Apprentice realm. What's more, she had successfully awakened her special physique.

A relieved sigh escaped him. 'Thank goodness she's perfectly fine. I was rather worried...'

Nora's voice unexpectedly resounded in his mind, [Now that she has awakened her special physique, her cultivation speed will significantly increase. Her comprehension ability and meridians will also become much stronger than before. You're truly fortunate, host, to have such a talented wife.]

"Nora, you've started talking again. I thought you'd be silent like before. By the way, why has the system stopped assigning missions? It's been a while since I received a new one. Even when I faced that earth golem summoned by Lord Harrison, no mission was generated. I'm quite perplexed," Yuan expressed his curiosity.

Nora's response was unexpectedly mechanical, [Please forgive me, host, but I do not have the authority to disclose this information.]

'Unusual... This doesn't sound like Nora at all. What could she mean by this?' Yuan found himself puzzled.

"Is there a specific reason why you can't tell me?" He pressed for an explanation.

[I do not have the authority to access this information. There is a restriction placed on the system.], Nora explained before falling silent once more.

'Restriction? This seems like some kind of classified information that Nora can't share with me. Quite peculiar,' Yuan mused.

'Sigh. There's no point dwelling on it. I have no other means to find out, after all.' Yuan decided to let the matter rest, realizing that further speculation would yield no answers.

Meanwhile, the golden luminescence around Rose gradually faded. She examined her hands, sensing a newfound vitality coursing through her body.

'T-This... It feels like my body is overflowing with energy. I could probably travel for hundreds of miles without a break. It's almost unbelievable!' Rose marveled inwardly, seeming almost incredulous.

She turned her gaze toward Yuan and his wives, her expression a mixture of surprise and a mysterious smile playing on her lips.

"Congratulations, Rose. You're now one of us—the seventh cultivator of this world," Yuan announced, a proud smile gracing his features.

Rose's lips stretched into a beautiful and excited smile upon hearing Yuan's words, confirming her newfound status as a cultivator, just like him and his wives.

"Congratulations, Rose..." Yuan's wives also chimed in, offering their congratulations.

"Thanks..." Rose responded, her tone tinged with shyness, though she remained in her lotus position.

A minute later, Yuan inquired, "Rose, are you experiencing any discomfort or anything unusual now that you've reached the First Level of the Spirit Apprentice realm?"

Rose quickly replied, her excitement evident, "Well, I don't feel any discomfort or anything. In fact, I feel quite comfortable now."

"I see... That's very good." Yuan nodded with a smile. "Since you're feeling perfectly fine, how about you continue to cultivate? You have plenty of free time now."

Before Rose could finish her thought, Anna interjected, urging, "Yes, Rose. You should continue cultivating. We'll be leaving for the capital in 3 or 4 days, and you might not have much time for it once we resume our journey."

Rose, reminded by Anna's words, recalled that Yuan and his wives had only extended their stay in the village for a week, and they would soon continue their journey to the capital. As Yuan's wives, she and her sisters would naturally accompany him.

"I understand... Then I'll cultivate for a few more hours," Rose resolved.

She closed her eyes once more, activating her cultivation technique, and began absorbing the spiritual energy around her. This time, Yuan and his wives noticed a difference in Rose's approach. She was absorbing the energy at a much faster pace than before.

'As expected of the Solar Radiant Body. Her cultivation speed has increased significantly after fully awakening it. My Rose is indeed a rare talent,' Yuan marveled inwardly, seemingly in a daze.

After a while, Rose suddenly absorbed a substantial amount of spiritual energy, causing Yuan and his wives to furrow their brows in concern. Shortly after, the air around her seemed to tremble, and a warm aura enveloped the area—a clear sign that she had made a breakthrough, ascending to the second level of the Spirit Apprentice realm.

"Amazing! Her absorption speed of spiritual energy increased significantly compared to before. How is this possible?" Lily murmured in astonishment.

"Well, it's probably due to her special physique..." Yuan quickly explained to Lily, observing her puzzled expression.

Lily nodded in realization. "I see... That explains why her cultivation speed suddenly accelerated."

Anna and Grace exchanged a pleased glance, swelling with pride for having such a gifted daughter-in-law in their midst.

However, Rose remained immersed in her cultivation, her eyes closed, as she continued to absorb the spiritual energy enveloping her.

Yuan turned to his wives, sharing his concern about their current strength. "How about we join Rose in cultivation? After the encounter with Lord Harrison, I've come to realize that I'm not yet prepared to face high-ranking mages from the kingdom or the Empire."

He continued, emphasizing the need for readiness. "The golem summoned by Lord Harrison could have gravely injured me had it been faster. I was fortunate to evade its attacks. We must be better prepared for what lies ahead."

Anna, Grace, and Lily wore grave expressions. They understood the gravity of the situation better than Yuan or Emma, having encountered much stronger mages in their past.

Grace agreed with determination. "Indeed, Darling is correct. We must increase our strength to face the potential dangers in the future. There are mages capable of devastating entire kingdoms with a mere gesture. Our current strength isn't sufficient."

Anna added sagely, "Our concerns extend beyond just high-ranking mages. There are enigmatic organizations seeking powers beyond human capability. Given the mystery and depth of our abilities, we may become targets."

As former nobles, Anna and Grace possessed extensive knowledge of the challenges they might face. Their unique powers attracted attention, some of it unwanted.

Lily cut in, urging action. "Are we going to talk or cultivate? Let's not waste time."

Yuan, concurring with Lily, emphasized the importance of focusing on their cultivation. "Lily has a point. Worrying won't help. Let's concentrate on strengthening ourselves."

The consensus was unanimous. Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili all nodded in agreement.

"Alright, let's begin our cultivation," Yuan announced, settling into a lotus position beside Rose, who remained deeply engrossed in her practice.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan activated his cultivation skill to absorb the surrounding Qi.

«Empyreal Consumption skill has been activated!»





After an extended period of absorbing the spiritual energy, Yuan sensed that he was on the verge of a breakthrough to the next level of the Spirit Master realm.


<You've absorbed enough Qi for a breakthrough!>

<You've reached the fifth level of the Spirit Master realm!>

<All stats +2000>


A cool, refreshing sensation coursed through Yuan as he achieved the fifth level, a tangible surge in his strength.

Refusing to stop there, he continued absorbing Qi.





<You've absorbed enough Qi for a breakthrough!>

<You've reached the sixth level of the Spirit Master Realm!>




<You've absorbed enough Qi for a breakthrough!>

<You've reached the seventh level of the Spirit Master realm!>

<All stats +4000>

<Qi Experience: 156/800000>

After some time, Yuan ascended to the seventh level. He could feel his body pulsating with newfound energy and strength.

'My strength has increased significantly since reaching the Seventh level of the Spirit Master realm... This is incredible!' Yuan marveled inwardly, astonishment in his eyes. 

He sensed he could dispatch an opponent like the earth golem with just a couple of moves, relying solely on his physical prowess and Qi.

After observing his wives' focused cultivation, Yuan was pleased to see their dedication. He marveled at their progress, sensing that they were also on the brink of breakthroughs.

A smile graced his lips as he stood up, sensing the newfound lightness in his body—a clear sign of his increased strength.

As minutes passed, his wives began to open their eyes one by one, signaling their successful breakthroughs. 

Yuan was astounded to find Rose had swiftly reached the fifth level of the Spirit Apprentice realm, a pace faster than he'd anticipated.

'This remarkable progress must be attributed to her special body, which enhances cultivation speed under sunlight,' Yuan surmised internally.

Turning his attention to Anna and Grace, he noted their achievements. They had both advanced to the peak of the fourth level of the Spirit Master realm and were on the cusp of reaching the fifth level.

Next, he observed Emma, who had ascended to the middle stage of the third level. Lily had achieved the peak of the third level, demonstrating her exceptional progress.

Finally, Yuan's gaze settled on Xi Meili, his endearing wife. After an extended period of cultivation, she had attained the peak of the eighth level of the Spirit Master realm, a two-level surge in her cultivation.

Rose marveled at the newfound strength coursing through her. She felt lighter and remarkably refreshed, and her skin had acquired a smoothness she hadn't experienced before. The sight of Yuan's wives, radiant like goddesses, left Rose in awe.

'So, this is the secret behind their beauty. It's no wonder they exude an almost divine aura,' Rose mused inwardly as she admired Yuan's wives.

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