My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 161 Join The Fun

"Anna, you don't need to hide it from us. We're well aware that you're also longing for darling's affection, just admit it," Grace said, her expression serious.

Anna's face turned beet red upon hearing Grace's words, as if her deepest secret had been exposed to the world.

'How did she figure out that I've been having the same thoughts?' Anna lamented internally.

"What? No way! I don't entertain such inappropriate thoughts like you do, Grace. Don't compare yourself to me; I'm not as indecent as you," Anna retorted, refusing to acknowledge her own feelings.

Despite Anna's outward denial, deep inside, her excitement was on par with Grace's, her body yearning for Yuan's affection as well.

"Is that right? Well, we'll see once we're in the bedroom, won't we?" Grace said knowingly, her gaze shifting to her daughter, Lily.

"Absolutely! I'm rather looking forward to it," Lily agreed with a nod.

"You..." Anna muttered in disbelief, feeling caught off guard by Lily's support.

Upon overhearing their conversation, the Monroe family members' faces slightly reddened as they understood the implication of the discussion.

'My, my, the exuberance of youth... fufufu~' Madam Layla thought, observing Yuan and his wives with an amused smile.

James was left dumbfounded. Even though he was inexperienced with women, he could clearly grasp the gist of Yuan and his wives' conversation.

'This guy... is he really going to be intimate with all of them together? Damn it! Talk about luck!' James lamented internally.

At this point, James couldn't help but curse his misfortune for not having a girlfriend. He also longed to experience the intimate connection with a woman, but alas, he lacked the opportunity.

Julie, her cheeks flushed, sneaked occasional glances at Yuan, her mind filled with thoughts of what might occur between him and his wives in the bedroom. Ava too blushed, her imagination running wild about what could unfold behind those closed doors.

'When will I get to be with him like that? I can't wait for that moment...' Julie thought, her face reddening considerably.

'Is Yuan really going to do that with all of them? Or are our ears playing tricks on us?' Ava pondered in disbelief.

Madam Layla quickly read the atmosphere and spoke to her children, "It's getting quite late. Time to rest. Tomorrow is a significant day, and we must prepare for the Turner family's visit. Who knows what kind of commotion they might cause at our doorstep."

"Sigh, those Turner folks are truly unbearable..." James grumbled under his breath before leaving the scene.

"We should also head to our rooms," Ava said to her sister Julie.

"Agreed, let's go together," Julie concurred, and the two sisters left the room.

"I'm quite tired as well. I'll be off to my room," Rose began to leave, but her mother's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Where do you think you're going, Rose? Don't you want to be a part of the conversation?"

Hearing this, Rose was taken aback, her steps coming to a sudden halt as she spun around, her cheeks aflame. 

Yuan and his wives also turned, their expressions a mixture of puzzlement and curiosity.

"M-Mother... W-What are you talking about? I don't understand..." Rose stammered, her voice a blend of embarrassment and confusion.

Rose found herself struck speechless. How could her own mother suggest her participating in such an intimate act as coupling with Yuan and his wives? The very idea seemed absurd and irrational.

Madam Layla's lips curled into a knowing smile as she addressed her daughter, her gaze unwavering. "You know very well what I'm referring to, my dear Rose. Don't pretend to be innocent after what transpired between you and Yuan before our very eyes."

'Is she serious?' Rose's inner thoughts raced in disbelief as she struggled to comprehend her mother's words.

"Mother, you must be joking, right?" Rose's voice trembled, a mixture of hope and disbelief coloring her words. The notion of her mother's suggestion was simply too absurd to entertain.

Madam Layla's expression remained steadfast, her words clear. "No joke, my love. I speak the truth. You should take this opportunity to get to know them better. There's no better chance than now."

'She can't be serious...' Rose's inner musings grappled with the idea.

"Mother, you're surely jesting?" Rose's tone bordered on imploring, grappling to reconcile her mother's words with reality. The idea of her mother asking her to partake in such a personal act was too far-fetched to consider.

"What?! No! I'm not jesting, Rose. You should join them. It's a chance to deepen your connection with them, and now is the perfect time. Seize the opportunity." Madam Layla's words came with a hint of mischief as she whispered into Rose's ear, deepening her blush.

'What?! She's actually suggesting... Oh no, this is mortifying!' Rose's inner turmoil reached a peak, her face burning with embarrassment.

"Hehehe~" Yuan and his wives exchanged amused glances, their heightened senses picking up every nuance of the conversation between mother and daughter.

'If only I could vanish right now...' Rose's inner self cringed, feeling completely exposed under their perceptive gazes.

A warm smile graced Grace's typically composed features as she stepped closer to Rose, her fingers brushing against the young woman's cheek. Her voice held an assuring note as she spoke, "Aren't you soon to become our darling's wife? What's holding you back now? If you're concerned about us, know that you're more than welcome. You should join us to strengthen our bond."

Rose felt a wash of relief at Grace's understanding. Her heart warmed at the realization that her future sisters-in-law were not the distant figures she had imagined.

'Sister Grace is right. I'm becoming part of this family. There's no reason to hold back,' Rose resolved, her former embarrassment giving way to newfound determination. 'And if my sisters can do this, then I can too.'

Anna's voice cut through her thoughts, urging them forward. "Darling, what are you waiting for? It's clear she wants to join."

"Very well..." Yuan nodded, stepping toward Rose. He embraced her from behind, gently pulling her out of her contemplations.

Her heart quickened at his nearness. "What are you doing?" she murmured, a mixture of shyness and surprise tinting her words.

"Rose, would you be willing to join us tonight?" Yuan's voice, tender as a whisper, brushed against her ear.

Rose hesitated, her blush deepening. "I'm not sure. Isn't it too soon for us to reach that point?"

He smiled, his eyes brimming with affection. "But we love each other, don't we? It's perfectly natural for us to take this step, especially considering you'll soon be my wife."

A pause hung in the air before Rose finally relented, her voice carrying both shyness and determination. "Alright, I'll join you. But you have to promise me that you won't abandon me and that you'll treat me well."

Yuan's response was swift and sincere. "Of course, my dear. I'll always treat you well, and I'll never leave your side. That's my promise." He sealed his words with a gentle kiss on her soft cheek.

"Un..." Rose nodded shyly, a mix of embarrassment and anticipation shimmering in her gaze.

Before Rose could change her mind, Yuan swiftly swept her up in his arms, holding her in a princess carry. Rose's surprise was evident in her wide eyes as she found herself in such an unexpected position. The notion that Yuan would carry her like this had never crossed her mind before.

"W-What are you doing? Put me down, Yuan..." Rose's voice was tinged with both embarrassment and fluster as she tried to regain her composure within his embrace.

With a gentle smile, Yuan replied, "I'm carrying my lover, of course."

Blushing profusely, Rose buried her face against his chest, instinctively wrapping her arms around his neck to ensure she wouldn't slip from his grasp. The warmth she felt in her heart intensified, and her affection for Yuan deepened. Being carried like a princess was a dream for many, and Rose felt fortunate to have a partner like Yuan.

"Let's not waste any more time. We should head to the bedroom at once," Yuan said softly, carrying Rose in his arms as he made his way toward their shared bedroom.

Following behind them, Anna, Grace, Lily, Emma, and Xi Meili wore content smiles, looking forward to the intimacy they were about to share with Yuan after a considerable time.

Among them, Grace couldn't help but cast a slightly jealous glance at Rose, secretly longing for the same treatment. 

'I wish I were in her place right now,' she thought to herself with a hint of envy.

Lily pouted, her disappointment evident. 'Why doesn't little Yuan carry me like that? I'm jealous!' she mused, gazing at Yuan and Rose.

Anna, sensing their emotions, leaned in and whispered to Grace and Lily in a hushed tone, "There's no need to feel jealous, my dears. We'll all have our moments with Dear in the future. It's a sign of his love for us that he's sharing these intimate moments. Let's not let jealousy cloud our happiness for each other."

Though Anna herself felt a tinge of envy watching Rose, she chose to embrace positivity and quell any negative feelings.

"I wish Hubby would carry me like that too," Xi Meili chimed in, her eyes bright with excitement as she observed Yuan and Rose.

"Hehehe~ Don't worry, Xi Meili. I'm sure Husband will carry you like that someday," Emma reassured her with a reassuring smile.

"Really, Sister Emma?" Xi Meili's curiosity was palpable in her tone.

"Absolutely," Emma affirmed, her smile unwavering.

A short while later, they reached their bedroom door. Rose's heart raced, anticipation mingling with a hint of embarrassment as she realized the implications of stepping inside. The threshold of womanhood lay before her, and just the thought of it made her cheeks burn crimson.

'Entering this room means entering a new chapter of my life. I never thought it would come so soon...' Rose's inner thoughts raced, her heartbeats echoing her nervous excitement.

With a gentle nudge, Yuan pushed open the door while still carrying Rose. He eased her onto the plush, expansive bed within. 

His wives followed, and Grace softly closed and locked the door, ensuring their privacy.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and affection, setting the stage for a night that would forever be etched in their memories.

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